Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6897: :protection

"Hehe, just kidding, the palace lord pill is too sensitive. Besides, you can't do it when you want to come to the palace lord pill, right? I am also the valley lord of the valley who has resources that are beneficial to you. If you and I have been guilty, and this Yang Shen Dan and Tian Mian Dan are not afraid that only the fire attribute of the fire spirit root will be cut off?" I smiled faintly.

At this moment, Hu Dan's entire face was green. Not only him, but even the group of spiritual realms behind him were shocked. They immediately put away the disrespect on their faces. Of course they knew that I deliberately restricted the fire attributes of Yang Shen Dan and fire. As a result of the Linggen Replenishing Heaven Pill, once I do this, the supply of other schools will definitely not be hindered, and their growth will naturally be fast. Only the Nu Ling Palace may gradually become the weakest link because of the cut off. The result will be self-evident by then.

"The owner of the valley is joking, and the owner of this palace is also just making a joke. The owner of the valley must have misunderstood." After Immortal pulled the corner of his clothes behind his back, he woke up after looking at each other. Don't dare to go against me anymore.

"Then it would be best. The position of the palace lord is actually not that important. You get the position of the palace lord. It is nothing more than getting more training resources and being able to place the sacrifice on the Sendai. Then, let the palace Return the position of lord to Fox Xia. I promise to provide you with inexhaustible Yang Shen Dan and Tian Tian Dan, so that you can enter the later stage of the spiritual realm and display your power on the blood crossing of the sacrifice. , What do you think?" I looked at Hu Dan and smiled mysteriously.

At this moment, Hu Dan's eyes widened and looked at me with an incredible expression.

In fact, it is a very cost-effective business to calculate an account. Supplying him with two medicinal pills seems to be unlimited, but in fact, he can't use a few pills and it is saturated. Compared with supplying an entire Nuling Palace, it can be used cheaply. To describe.

And Hu Xia was dumbfounded, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Nowadays, there seems to be no other adjective except to describe me with rich wealth.

Before Hu Dan could agree, the minds of the other immortal families in the spiritual realm were already fluctuating, and anyone who encountered such a thing could hardly sit still.

But because of the majesty of the Nuling Palace, I dare not say it directly. I know very well that these people are filled with righteous indignation on the surface, but in fact they have all thoughts carefully. There is only one opportunity now, so I laughed and said: "Palace Lord Dan also Don’t rush to agree, you can think about it first. As for the elders, elders and clan elders, you don’t need to over-interpret the benefit transaction of this matter. In fact, if the Palace Lord Pill agrees, it will be a great thing for you. , Because once Fox Xia becomes the palace lord, based on the relationship between her and me, will your Sun God Pills fail? Can I still supply less of your Heaven Patching Pills to you? So, well, you should take care of it first Think about it, let’s talk about it tomorrow. Today, I just settled in your Fury Palace, and I’m tired right now, and I’m going to rest.”

"Also... well, you can't rush this matter for a while. My sister has just returned. The Lord Dongren Valley is also tired from the journey. Let's do this today. The Lord of the Palace has already arranged a place to stay, and please go to rest first. We can talk again tomorrow..." Hu Dan looked hesitant to speak. Of course, he knew that it was not the time to agree.

But I didn't arrange it casually, so I said, "You don't need to specially arrange another place for me to stay. I'll live with Huxia. She should have more than one room, right?"

"This..." Hu Dan hesitated, and looked at Fox Xia.

Hu Xia looked at me dumbfounded, but Bai Zang reacted quickly and said, "Yes, I live in the Little Palace Master’s Xibian Pavilion, but Dongbian Pavilion has a room for you to live in."

Fox Xia nodded and agreed.

"Then I will live in Dongbian Pavilion. I don't know if it is big or wide enough to receive guests?" I emphasized the three words'Dongbian Pavilion', which is a very meaningful look. After taking a look at all the immortal families with spiritual realm, I secretly sneered in my heart. Today is definitely going to be a sleepless night. My shot is so bold and casual, how many of the immortal families with spiritual realm can hold back?

"Big enough." Bai Zang answered me quickly.

I didn't bother to continue talking here. After letting Bai Zang lead the way, I walked outside the temple.

Although the original Dongfu of the Little Palace Lord was not big, it was quite a place compared to other immortal houses. The Dongbian Pavilion was also an independent area, and several disciples had already stationed there.

Bai Zang seemed to be unable to believe in these disciples, and sent them all to find his trusted disciples who stayed here. Hu Xia took me aside, looked at me with a weird expression and said, "Dongren! What do you want to do? "

"Of course it is to help you win enough supporters. Maybe you don't even need supporters. Your eldest brother will come over by himself to surrender." I chuckled.

"Ah? Will he really be tempted to surrender by such a huge profit?" Hu Xia looked at me in surprise.

"Hehe, what's impossible? The palace lord is just a name, and cultivation is what the immortal family should do. Do you think that everyone is like you, wanting to be the palace lord? What's the point of being a palace lord? All right? Isn't it fragrant to practice assaulting the blood to cross Mu Xianzhou? Do you have to stay in Yunmozhou where the birds don't shit?" I laughed.

"You said that, it seems really huh... But, the blood crossing of the sacrifice is approaching day by day. If you haven't reached the later stage of the spiritual realm by that time, wouldn't it be useless to use more resources? It is better to be a palace owner? "Hu Xia asked quickly.

"Then you don't understand, people are very greedy. I made such a condition. When he is greedy, he only thinks about what he can, how can he think of other things? And when the palace owner must manage the school, it is bound to be. Wasting countless hours, your elder brother cultivates so fast, even more so than you, do you think he will be the temperament trapped in Yunmozhou?" I asked rhetorically.

Fox Xia is very smart, how could she not think of the joints, so she said, "But I think it's better to be the palace lord..."

"You are not very clever in this idea, or your father has already figured it out, so letting you be the lord of the palace is also to give you more resources and protection, and to ensure that you will get the sect while progressing in an orderly manner. Protection, but your brother is different. Fox Dan’s aptitude is also good. The reason why your dad didn’t choose him to be the palace lord at the beginning, or because he thinks his emotional intelligence is better, so the stage should be bigger. And who knows that your father didn't want him to go to Muxianzhou? Let you stay in Yunmozhou?" I laughed.

Huxia suddenly looked incredible, and hurriedly said, "You mean, my brother and I are in the wrong situation now?"

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