Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6925: :try to figure out

"Enlighten the wind city well, what are you doing here?" I had a clever idea, and I immediately understood and put on a pose. As a result, this question really made the woman's face uncertain, and even this time she didn't even answer. Thunder generally appeared in front of me, grabbing at my Fengxian with his hand!

At the same time as I started walking, Hanpakuzhang immediately slapped out, and only heard a bang. The woman was immediately retreated by me, or the whole body was under the protection of Windwalking, but the poison gas was at this moment. Did not have much influence on her.

This time it’s my turn to change my face. Hanpaku’s palm was originally intended to break through the enemy’s body qi and sneak into the opponent’s body to seal the pulse, but now it has little effect on her, which is beyond my expectation. .

The woman was actually equally surprised. My attack should have had an effect on her, but I never understood that she could move.

"It's actually a mutant spirit root, or a rare poison attribute. You are a disciple of Xingchangtang!" The woman said coldly, but then she denies herself with her eyebrows: "No, Xingchangtang will not have a pill realm. Disciple, I must have not yet arrived in Yunmozhou at this time, you are the immortal family of Yunmozhou!"

I smiled coldly and said: "If you explain your identity first, I can't tell you what my name is, for example, why are you in this underground city prison? This Fengxiandu is not your meeting gift for Bi Gao. Right? You, an immortal family of Wufeng City, hiding in Yunmozhou, shouldn't you be allowed? Because if you had a special permission, you wouldn't hide here, am I right?"

The woman condensed her eyebrows in disgust. My guess is basically based on the situation of the sacrifice of the blood crossing. The Mu Xianzhou delegation is all going back. It seems that what is left is simply unheard of, but from the capture After Feng Xiandu began, I didn’t think so much. The treasure of Mu Xianzhou was lost here, it was an existence that broke the balance. The Xian family who wanted to come to Mu Xianzhou would never allow such a balance to be broken, and now Wind Soul City probably broke this balance, so it gained the power to crush other sects.

So I saw that she did not speak, and immediately added: "With the reward of Fengxiandu for Bi Gao, you are well sheltered by him and hid here, but in Fengpucheng, it is really not good to be coquettish. Now It seems to be the first school of the evil way. If this incident is leaked out, I don't know what will happen? I really want to know."

The woman's face was pale, and she quickly gathered the thunder, pointed her finger towards me, with a crackle, thunder and lightning pounced on me like a net!

Seeing the sharp thunder and lightning, I was so scared that I backed away quickly. At the same time, a stone wall was blocked directly in front. The thunder and lightning hit the wall. Not only did it explode and vibrated, it even had wind properties. The whole earth wall was shattered!

I was amazed that this guy's power was so terrifying. Of course, I didn't stop attacking and attacking her inner weak defenses: "After this day is calculated, it will not be long before the sacrifice to the immortal and the blood crossing? I will be afraid of Fengpucheng and you at that time. , You have to bear the blame that other different sects can’t bear? Haha, the sects under their jurisdiction have been squeezed by you Fengfeng City and Fengpu City, and now they have been scraped and eaten. At that time, the disciples with spiritual consummation could not make it up, and other sects gradually lost their foundation in Muxianzhou. Who would dare to sit back and watch this kind of shaken fundamental thing? By then, it would be cool to cheat for a while, and the crematorium will eventually be."

The woman replied in a word, and tried her best to start competing for her Wind Immortal Crossing, and even various attacks of wind and thunder attributes followed one after another, one trick after another, one trick was more ruthless than one trick. It can be seen that I have just said broken. It took her and Fengpucheng's careful thoughts.

For Mu Xianzhou, offering sacrifice to the immortal blood crossing is a fair and just thing. After all, Yun Mozhou is the best training ground for replenishing disciples. It is possible to continuously replenish disciples here. Yes, the loss can also be made up. Although Mu Xianzhou certainly has his own disciple replenishment mechanism, if it can be completely replenished, what are they doing when each Jiazi reaches the time to sacrifice the blood of the immortal?

So in my guess, this Yunmozhou is definitely a sheepfold that focuses on cultivation, so every sect must be fair and just is the bottom line. Of course, it is impossible for every sect to have the same number of sacrifices to Sendai every time. After all, there is always a gap in strength, and it seems that one or two can be understood.

But now if Wufengcheng did this wishful thinking, the problem would be highlighted. When there are many disciples in Wufengcheng, and the other Muxianzhou sect disciples have received less land, the gap will be obvious.

So I can conclude that this woman may stay here with more than one Jiazi, or even two Jiazi, or it is possible to come from rotation. After all, Fengpucheng has this experience, and it is indeed destroyed from Luomu Valley. When it started to rise, how can this not make me doubt?

At that time, Lumugu was one of the best evil sects, how could it be destroyed? I'm afraid this matter has to be said.

The more anxious the other party became, the more proud I became. Although I still want to save people, I don't want this woman to be more violent. I am really not sure to defeat her immediately. She is even more difficult than Bi Gao!

"Speaking of which, a hundred years ago, the valley owner of Luomu Valley didn't know where he got a secret treasure. This secret treasure was probably just like an egg. Of course it had no effect at the beginning, because its greatest effect was Luo Mugu leads to the abyss of destruction, do you know this if you don't know?" I asked with a smile.

The woman's expression did not change the slightest, but the offensive was even stronger, but I was able to withstand Bi Gao's attack and would not easily let the opponent's thunder whip to death. Of course, being beaten was inevitable.


When I was accidental, I immediately flew out. I hurriedly got up. The Yangshen Pill in my body immediately replenished my spiritual power. When the woman rushed over to grab the spear, she took the lead in swinging the sharp spear, inspiring the power of wind and thunder. In an instant, this gun exploded with poisonous green thunder and lightning and a strange poisonous gas storm, forcing the woman to retreat, and then waved her sleeves and rolled up the typhoon to blow away the poisonous gas and thunderstorm!

Of course I wouldn’t believe that this matter has nothing to do with Windwind City. If it weren’t for Windwind City, there would be no reason for it to become stronger. Now there are disciples of various spiritual root attributes in the entire Windwind City. It is like a melting pot, which can be seen in the decline of Luomu Valley. After that, he began to recruit disciples vigorously.

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