Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6942: : Golden Summit

This time I escaped from the dead, and even I couldn’t help feeling that I was reckless before. I brought Xianli to take the risk, and it was almost finished. In order to prevent any accidents, I swallowed the six-attribute Yangshen Pill to supplement the others. Attributes, of course, that useless wooden attribute Yangshen Pill also spat out to me.

I was about to wash away the wet Yang Shen Dan, but Xian Li stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Give it to me quickly."

I smiled awkwardly and said, "Now... it's all my saliva, what do you want?"

"You care about me?" Xian Li grabbed the Yangshen Pill in my hand, then turned back and swallowed the pill into my mouth. I couldn't help but swallowed again, feeling strange in my heart: But it's all What is it with?

When Xian Li turned her head, she seemed to be okay, but she knew how intense her inner activities were. At least I couldn't stand an old man who had lived for hundreds of years, not to mention the little girl who had just begun to love her.

"What are you looking at in a daze? Is it possible that you still want to be a fellow cultivator here? Go back soon!" Xian Li glared at me.

I smiled speechlessly. I could only take out Nai Luoye and return with her to the same road in the direction of Luomugu. After experiencing life and death, the road seemed calm and calm. After a while, we returned to Luomugu.

Everyone saw Xianli's success in the spiritual realm. Of course, she congratulated her, but Xianli wanted to reach Dzogchen, so she entered the medicine field and continued to practice, even pulling me can’t wait. Fellow practitioners, it seems that a great switch has been turned on.

However, I still used various reasons to prevaricate. It was not that I was shy, but because at best, I was only in the alchemy realm, and a fellow practitioner with a spiritual realm, which was tantamount to dragging the opponent.

And then in order to impact the spirit realm, it is indispensable to take a trip to the Star Soul Sect, and Lingzhao has also rushed to the realm of Dzogchen during this period of time. This time to the Star Soul Sect, it must be able to reach the impact of the Soul Soul Realm. The basics, after all, there is no limit to the Tiantian Pill and Yangshen Pill.

Lingzhao is now second only to me in spiritual difficulty, so I have to spend a big journey with me next.

The Star Soul Sect is only a few days away from Luomu Valley. Lingzhao and I have not been together for a day or two during this time. We all know topics of mutual interest, not to mention since we exposed our deity before. Inevitably, the little girl's interest came, and all kinds of weird problems followed one after another.

I didn't hesitate to inform her, including the situation of Chuangshitian. After all, this little girl is still trustworthy. This is the friendship brought about by the experience of life and death.

Unconsciously like this, we came to the Star Soul Sect in the afternoon a few days later, when the sunset appeared.

The Star Soul Sect was also different from other sects. Although this palace was built on a high mountain, it chose a rainy and thunderous place.

Looking at the golden pavilions of the cave mansion scattered all over the hills and plains, I couldn't help but say with emotion: "This golden paint is really hard, I'm afraid the disciple in the door has not taken care of it less, right?"

"Huh? Why? Brother Tian, ​​you think too much, our sect disciples are not so idle! The archways of these cave houses, and even the materials used to make the halls, are all made of lightning gold. "Lingzhao hid his mouth and smiled, seemingly the first time I saw me giving the wrong answer.

"Eh? It's not a layer of paint, but gold iron? Just put it outside, isn't it... Oh, I see, this gold iron building doesn't even have lightning protection facilities. It is intended to be filled with sky thunder and washed. Its rust!” I suddenly realized that somewhere on the mountain sect there was also a thunder-inducing hall called the golden dome. The exterior was magnificent and there was no rust. Just because the thunder struck down on a rainy day, the entire tower was masked. At the top, the bright hall cannot be seen. It seems like a catastrophe, and after the rain has passed and the sky has cleared, the hall immediately regained its magnificent glory, but I heard that after a lightning rod was added, the tower would be dark and autumn. Up.

And here is actually such a golden iron hall and cave mansion everywhere, which shows that this place is definitely a training place that Lei Xiu dreamed of.

Sure enough, before we could fly into the sect, one of the mountains and flat ground was thundered in the distance, and several waves of thunder slammed on one of the small golden-topped halls, suddenly making the whole hall shining brightly and looking very magnificent.

After all, in the minefield in the depths, I looked towards the sky. I thought that the colorful clouds were more abundant, which also meant that the clouds were richer, but I didn’t expect that I didn’t know if I didn’t know it. The clouds are endless, and the dragon is like the sea. This is a good place for clouds and rain, no wonder it can attract so many thunder and lightning.

"If the clouds are pressed down at any time, isn't the humidity here too high?" I smiled bitterly and looked at Lingzhao.

Lingzhao suddenly remembered something, and covered his neckline and said, ‘I almost forgot! I have to wear thicker clothes to prevent moisture. If I wear such thin clothes, it will be vague to others! ’

"Haha, too, after all, we just came from Luomugu, but we didn't change our clothes." I smiled and looked at a forest below, and said: "There are covered trees over there, you can change it there. , I will heal the wind for you."

"Brother Tian, ​​you're condescending, don't you take the opportunity to peek at me?" Lingzhao smiled. After spending a long time with me, he will not be so restrained. Occasionally, he will make some jokes.

I immediately frightened: "I have already hugged, so what if you take a look?"

"You! Hmph, ignore you, honestly tease me." Lingzhao snorted, but flew towards the bushes. He didn't seem to be afraid of me peeping at her. Of course, the woods over there are dense, even if it's me. If you really want to snoop, you have to blow up a gust of wind, and such a deliberate action can't be hated by Lingzhao.

However, I don’t plan to be abrupt with the little beauties. It doesn’t mean that no one is coming to cause trouble. While I was waiting, several figures flew towards me from a dojo in Zongmen. They were afraid that they were going to pass this place. A piece of wood, in order to prevent them from flying to the place where Lingzhao changed their clothes and see what they shouldn't see, I took the lead to stop this road.

Seeing that I was wearing Luo Mugu's clothes, or not knowing my origin, and seeing that I was intentionally stopped, the other party stopped decisively. One of the visitors looked at me up and down, revealing a jealous look: "Things that don't have eyes, can even a small pill realm dare to stop us?"

"Senior Brother Langyun, something is wrong. It seems that someone is hiding in the forest behind him. It seems to be convenient? Haha! An outside door dare to pee on our borrowed land. Let's go and take a look?" Another person suddenly pointed to the forest Mottled place.

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