Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6947: : Uncle

"Hey, it seems that we are watching thunder, but others are watching us. There are people who really watch everything." I laughed.

Yaxing was disturbed. Of course, Lingzhao was very upset. He snorted coldly, "Let's watch if they like to watch. Let's go back to the house and rest and see what they see!"

I was taken aback, and said, "So take the initiative?"

I didn't think there was anything wrong with this, but when I asked me this, Lingzhao blushed to the base of his neck, and I don't know if something unspeakable has appeared in his heart.

She opened the bow without turning her head back. Since she let it down, she can't stay and watch the thunder anymore. Besides, she is exposed to everyone's sight now, which is not what she wants, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Do you want to rest? Anyway, I want to go back, if you want to watch the thunder... then continue."

"Haha, of course I have to go back to rest." I deliberately increased my voice, and then followed her to the door of the cave.

As a result, as soon as it fell, several immortals flew towards us. Among them was Moyu. Of course, besides him, several other brothers followed.

"Lingzhao!" Moyu was the first to speak out to stop Lingzhao from entering the cave now, and the other elder brothers also have spiritual realms, but they are obviously not as active as Moyu, or they have to look at the situation first. .

And this time, Moyu brought a handsome young man with a long eyebrow star. At a glance, I recognized that this man was supposed to be the son of Lingwu, that is, Lingzhao’s own brother, Lingan. After all, their family’s Genes are indeed very powerful, either pretty or almost fairies, or exceptionally handsome.

Mo Yu has found strong support, and I secretly said that this time it might not be as simple as I thought.

The other groups of young talents wanted to talk too much, but Moyu seemed to be more competitive. If he couldn't do it, they might dare to go up again.

"Why? It's so late, I'm going back to the room with Brother Tian to rest, what do you want to do here?" Lingzhao couldn't help asking.

"Lingzhao, how can you sleep with someone like him? What does this look like? Yes, I know you're still angry, but you can't punish yourself like that, and even punish me with me?" Moyu Anxiously.

"Hehe, it's really funny, when did I punish myself? Our marriage was approved by our parents, why can't we sleep together?" Lingzhao took my hand with a disgusted expression.

Moyu was immediately anxious, and said quickly: "Just can't! He is just a junior in the pill realm, and he is not worthy of you..."

"Brother Moyu, please don't call Tiange from the younger generation of the alchemy realm! He is the alchemy realm, then I am not? I and he are both in the alchemy realm. Wouldn't we be more collectively called? "Lingzhao retorted.

This Moyu's emotional intelligence is really not good, so he almost jumped up to refute Lingzhao, and at this time, Ling'an's hand patted him on the shoulder, and he was suppressed, in a posture of brothers helping each other.

It can be seen that the brothers Ling'an and Moyu have a good relationship, otherwise they would not be so helpful. After he stood up, he smiled and asked Lingzhao: "Lingzhao, is this matter a bit rushed? Do you know the time? Longer, let alone the time when Moyu and you met. You and your brother Moyu have known each other for many years. You know that he can't speak his heart easily, so he is a very shy person, you Ah, don't press him on this point either."

"Brother, when did I suppress him? If you don't believe me, just ask my mother. You come so many people, it should be you who suppressed me and Brother Tian! And Tiange and I obviously got the acquiescence of my parents to eat and live together. Together, do I still need to talk to you about this kind of thing?" Lingzhao is also a little hairy, and this kind of shameful thing actually made her say it bluntly. It's too shameful, and she won't have to see you tomorrow. People.

"Lingzhao, you can't say that. After all, the decision of my parents has not been made public, so that the disciples of the sect are all clear. If we are informed of this, will we come again? Of course we will not come, right? Explain that this matter is definitely not as simple as you think." Ling'an took a look at me, and then smiled: "Moreover, although this little brother is very energetic, it seems that the conditions are really good in all aspects, but whether he is like him. Face, the eldest brother also has to screen you out, don’t you? The eldest brother watches you grow up and protects you, how can you just let you find someone who is unknown and get married? If life is unhappy in the future, eldest brother here How safe is it for a lifetime?"

I secretly said that the Ling'an EQ is enough to kill ten Moyu in seconds, and indeed none of the children of these sect leaders are weak.

After Ling took care of it, it was probably a bit embarrassing, and said: "Brother, I know you are for my good, but Brother Tian is indeed very good. You don't need to doubt him. I have gone through life and death with him. He is right. I will never leave! So I am willing to be with him!"

"Oh? I haven't heard of this kind of thing. If you don't use your eldest brother tonight, how about drinking a little wine and talking about it? Anyway, I heard that you are going to attack Gu Ling, Rubbing the Secret Realm of Sealing Demon, even two or three days is not enough, and if you get what you want, there is still a lot of time to spend together day and night, shouldn’t you care about this night? So that big brother can understand this heaven Brother, maybe the eldest brother would accept him happily, right?" Ling'an's harmonious smile on his face can be regarded as a model of a good brother, and the spiritual photos are kept a step before he speaks, making the other person unable to refuse. This is simply a powerful character.

Of course, Lingzhao was extremely unhappy in her heart, but she couldn't figure out how she refused it. If this directly dragged me in to sleep, it would have made her look too hungry, and it would be weird to be afraid of making a joke.

So Lingzhao hesitated, and could only ask me for help, and whispered: "Brother Tian, ​​what should I do? How about I go with you? Just go down? You probably haven't seen my brother yet, he usually Treat me well..."

"Okay, it is necessary to leave the family relationship, this is normal, don't worry about it." I laughed, and went to someone else's sect to abduct the first beauty of the evil sect. Who can stand this in his heart? Indispensable to have a Hongmen banquet to entertain you, whether you can break through depends on whether you have this ability.

When I heard that I readily agreed, Ling'an couldn't help but look at me high. Maybe he didn't feel confident about taking me away from his sister, but the other disciples didn't know the uncle's worries. , And said that I was about to be sanctioned by them, and all of them were happy.

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