Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6949: : Snap your fingers

"No, I can use swordsmanship. I'm still taking advantage." I smiled, and then I picked up an ordinary long sword from my storage bag. There were a lot of fairy houses that fell in my hands, so there was something natural on me. There are magic weapons. Of course, although this long sword is not very good, it is more than enough to deal with this Xinlei.

That Xinlei stood there proudly, and I leaned forward, instantly turning into a sword light and entering the court.

"Sword Step!"

"Does he really even repair swords?"

"Impossible, I must have used other techniques to cover people's eyes and ears!"

"Yes, how can a person do all kinds of magic concurrently?!"

A group of immortals are all speechless, because they can see the shadow of Jian Xiu from my body, but most of them still hold my deceptive thoughts.

"Daoist Xinlei, please." The sword in my hand pulled a sword flower and opened my posture.

The swordsmanship of the Eight Desolations is actually simple and rude, and there are not too many tricks. If the swordsmanship of Zheng Daotian is endless, there are only a few big veins in the Eight Desolations that have a variety of small tricks. So I basically studied it again, and learned all the swordsmanship, martial arts, tricks, supernatural powers, and mental techniques here.

The sword technique of the Eight Desolation World is actually similar to other internal and external methods. There is no close attack method, so it is mostly based on sword energy. The higher the cultivation level, the faster the sword energy is emitted, and the amount is also The more, and the things that affect these two aspects are martial arts, unique skills, and supernatural powers.

"Ten Finger Thunder Harness!" Of course, the opponent didn't seem to let me use martial arts or tricks.

Chi Chi Chi!

Xinlei instantly pointed at me with his fingers, and the next moment the ten thin electric wires followed the fingers, interlaced into a thunder harness net and rushed towards me!

"Finger Sword!" I put my left hand on the sword, and with a wave of the long sword in my right hand, suddenly a row of poisonous sword aura swish toward the opponent!

This row of sword aura seemed to pop out randomly, but in fact a total of fifteen appeared, and all of them directly blasted with the thunder harness, and the remaining sword aura all shot at Xinlei!

Boom boom boom!

After a series of explosions, the ten thunder harnesses were all suppressed by my finger-finger sword, but there were still five that had nothing to suppress them at all, so they all went to Xinlei! This time, Xinlei was so scared that he hurriedly wanted to use Ben Lei to escape, but I knew he was going to escape, so Hua Jian Step immediately chased in the only direction he could escape, and the sword was waiting there early!

Seeing my sword directly resting on his back, Xin Lei was stunned: "How is it possible...how can the sword be able to release so much sword energy...impossible...I don't believe it!"

"That's right! How could it be possible, shouldn't the finger sword be three or four sword energy at best..."

"Yes, obviously..."

"But it was fifteen swords just now! What is going on?"

"Is this... is this still martial arts? This is obviously a trick!"

Including the immortals such as Lingzhao, Ling'an, and Moyu, no one can believe that I can wield so much sword energy just like this.

"Hehe, if you can't do it, it doesn't mean that I can't do it. Do you believe that I also practice kendo this time?" I asked back.

Moyu was speechless for an instant. I said just now that I would admit that I practiced the whole Fa, and it would definitely be impossible to return now, so he immediately looked at Ling'an, who also just woke up from the shock, and immediately smiled bitterly. Said: "Xiaotian, I didn't expect you to be so talented in kendo, but I don’t understand. Every time you swing your sword, you just pop up one or two, or even more than three or four sword auras. What are you doing? Fifteen ways popped up?"

"It's easy. A normal sword repair is a sword aura. After all, in order to ensure that the spirit vein power gathers a sword aura, so in the process of swinging the sword, three or so sword auras are the limit, but I am different. I can eject sword energy with all my five fingers, so every time I eject five sword energy with different attributes, I play three times, that is fifteen sword energy." I don’t bother to hide the method of this move, after all, others want to learn and learn. No, I can't learn it.

But this random remark made everyone speechless. Only Ling'an hurriedly said: "Could it be... Are you a fellow practitioner of the Five Linggens?! How could this be possible... But if not, how can you explain it? One finger pops out a sword energy that is so powerful? You have to know that Xinlei’s thunder harness is already a martial art of the heavenly rank... and it also occupies the convenience of the technique, and your **** sword should be the most common type of **** sword. That's right... The five spiritual roots are cultivated together, it's really..."

"Isn't it possible? Lingzhao is Li Lianglinggen, how could he have so many?"

"Yes, it must be cheating, maybe there is something mysterious about this sword!"

"Check his sword! I think it's the hands and feet on the sword!"

I chuckled and threw the sword to one of the immortals, and then said to everyone: "Sorry, I am a fellow practitioner of Liulinggen, and every time I have five sword auras, it’s just because I only have five fingers. , If there is one more, I don’t mind having eighteen sword auras, or even more multiple sword auras."

Lingzhao looked at me with admiration, and couldn't help but whisper when he came to me, "Tian brother, you are really amazing, I also want to learn this finger sword!"

"Well, I will teach you when I have time. Not only can I derive a variety of multi-attribute exercises, I will teach you all together." I laughed.

"Okay, okay!" Lingzhao smiled so that the eyeliner was bent, and he was very satisfied with my showy.

From the answer I got casually, everyone's complexion changed suddenly. Of course, Moyu was definitely not convinced. He gritted his teeth and said: "What a six-vein spirit root, and he is not ashamed that he can derive multi-attribute exercises, then It seems that you think you are very good, but I don't know if you can walk a few rounds under my spiritual realm? I also want you to know what is the ravine between levels, there are still days beyond the mountains!"

"Oh? You are planning to have a spiritual realm, and you are looking for me to challenge this alchemy realm?" I looked surprised.

"Moyu, what are you doing? Since you know that there is a gap between levels, why use your cultivation base to deceive Xiaotian? If you use the big to bully the small like this, did you say that you are treated equally before?" Ling'an instantly Not happy, it seems that this eldest brother has a good temperament.

At this moment, Moyu seemed to know that he was bullying the small, but he was already riding a tiger. He gritted his teeth and said, "Ling'an, I just don't want him to be too arrogant! I missed myself and others too! So that he could be able to. Don't be so high-profile at all times!"

"Hehe, what kind of high-key and low-key disguise, you just want to make me embarrassed by losing your face, don't be so noble, but don't worry, you will be the one who makes the embarrassment, let it go!" I sneered.

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