Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6952: :shake

"Hehe, it seems that it is not easy for everyone to find a daughter-in-law. First talk about the Tao, then come to the fight. Now you are rich, you have to go through three stages and three generals before you can return with a beautiful woman." I smiled and glanced at Lingzhao. , Lingzhao smiled and gave me a white look. It was a little provocative, but it was also charming. Anyone who looks at it will want her to give her a few more glances. Of course, if you want to be rich, you have to see how much property the other party has. , So I looked inside the hall, and smiled: "Since it is Bifu, it is also necessary to show the treasure. If the wealth is not revealed, please ask Dao Yu Daoyou to place the treasure in the hall. How about we watch it outside?"

When Daoyu heard me say this, he smiled and said, "Of course it's okay. I'm afraid that if I only get here, I'm afraid that night will turn into day."

I secretly said that this kid is really confident enough, is there anything wrong with it? My heart suddenly became weak.

Daoyu quickly took a few steps forward and untied his clothes. As expected, there were eight or nine storage bags hung on the lining. I took a breath of air, and the other fairy houses were a little gloating.

"Compared with Dao's family? It's simply overpowering."

"Tao Family Forbi Zongmen, this is not a joke."

"There are two ways of right and evil. Although the Dao family is not the richest, they are definitely within ten fingers!"

"If it's about wealth, how do you compare with a family?"

Instigated by a group of immortal families, Daoyu became excited all over. In the empty hall, the storage bags poured out. There was either a medicine or a secret book inside, and the spar was piled up even more. It seems that the treasures are also a basket of baskets and baskets of vegetables. I thought that Daoyu had a literary expression and was a little milky dog, but now it seems that none of the guys who are pursuing spiritual photos are not bulldogs and milky dogs. Fierce and fierce.

"These treasures are all the dividends I have earned from my family over the years. With so much money, it must be no problem to raise the spiritual care to the spiritual Dzogchen. Even if it is not enough, I can ask for some from the elders of the family or sell it. Shops or cave houses can collect more money, how? Now know who is more qualified, right?" Dao Yu looked at me excitedly, and glanced at Lingzhao secretly.

However, the strange thing is that he thought that Lingzhao would see these treasures with his eyes glowing, and he must have an instant favoritism for him, but now it seems that Lingzhao has no expression on his face, even a little lazy breathe out, what is this operation?

Is it possible that these goods are not enough?

I pointed at these treasures and got a rough estimate by the way, and said, "Sure enough, it is a rich and enemy country. According to you, there should be the ability to use ten times more than these treasures, right?"

"When... of course! Even if it's a smashing home, I can still get ten times the amount! How is it? Great, right?" When Daoyu said this, his tone was already very vague, and he could tell Usually he is not good at lying.

"Then count it ten times as your true strength, don't you have any comments?" I asked again.

"No, no opinion, I already have this ability, don't you believe it? Don't you believe it? Ask Brother Ling'an! Otherwise... Or you can ask the other brothers to know! I must have so many. Money!" Daoyu said loudly, even bringing other people together to support the scene.

Seeing these jewels, everyone actually fell silent. They all felt frustrated, or felt that they had never seen so much money in their lives. Anyway, everyone felt that Daoyu should be stable this time.

So this time, many of the original competitors instantly dispelled their desire to compete, and the rest is left to stand up for their own people. This Dao family is so wealthy. If you help him embrace the beauty, then his own business will be in the future. Don't worry, so the next group of people immediately took care of Dao Yu's integrity.

"Yes, yes! We can be sure that the Dao family's wealth is more than this, of course it starts at ten times!"

"Yes, there are two shops in the Dao family, and of course you can afford to raise Junior Sister Lingzhao."

"Comparing the rich with the Dao family, aren't you panicking and panicking your way?"

"That's right, I can assure you that the Dao Family Industry will definitely be ten times this!"

Ling'an was already a little bit confused about his sister's expression. Seeing Lingzhao holding his hands on the sidelines, he inevitably felt embarrassed, and said, "The Dao family is rich in wealth, hey, or brother will help you..."

"No need." Lingzhao waved his hand decisively.

"Ah? What do you mean? This is the Dao family?" Ling'an felt that his sister had abandoned herself, but he couldn't let it go.

Seeing his eldest brother's troubles, Lingzhao chuckled and said, "No, it's because even if we pack and sell our evil sects, I'm afraid that there is no money for my brother!"

"What!?" Ling'an was shocked, and the whole person was stunned, and this thorough words undoubtedly slapped everyone, including Daoyu, immediately jumped up and gritted his teeth and said: "Impossible! We! The Dao family is so rich that they dare not talk like that. Lingzhao, if they pack a few sects and sell them, they are not richer than him. It is not credible to talk nonsense! If he is really rich, how could Daoyu have never heard of this? No., my Dao family has dealt with all the wealthy sects, and I have never encountered his existence!"

"Huh, what you said is right. Your Dao family has dealt with all the wealthy sects, but do you know who made Tiantian Dan and Yang Shen Dan? Brother Tian is an expert in alchemy and is available on the market. Both the Yangshen Pill and the Sunshen Pill came from his hands. Now what is the most valuable of the two ways of righteousness and evil, don't you know? Just during this time, I have eaten I don’t know how many Tianshen Pills and Yangshen Pills. I know whether Brother Tian has money or not, but I have never seen anyone who says he is rich, but you are all rich and powerful!" Lingzhao snorted, his tone of disdain.

At this time, not only Ling An’s face was shocked, but everyone else was struck by thunder, and the brain circuit collapsed directly, including this Dao Yu. Suddenly, he didn’t expect these two magical medicines to come out of his own hands, so he was hysterical. Yelled: "I don't believe it! I don't believe it! How could it be possible! Both Yangshen Pill and Patching Pill should be from the secrets of Old Luomu Valley!"

He didn’t even bother to refute Lingzhao’s answer. I also knew that Lingzhao couldn’t hide it anymore after it was broken, so with a shake of my hand, a pile of boxes appeared in the other corner of the hall, and when the boxes were opened one by one. , A lot of Patching Heaven Pills and Yangshen Pills appeared in front of everyone, and the fragrance of the medicine was overflowing for a while, and people couldn't help but believe it.

And with my current strength, even if Yun Mozhou’s most powerful immortal family comes, I am not afraid, so I am used to going out and bringing all my belongings with me. This wealth is enough to shake Yun Mozhou’s immortal world.

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