Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6955: : Supervision

I raised my hand and gave her a thud in the next moment: "What do you think? I haven't changed back to my deity yet. I will sleep separately tonight."

"Oh..." Lingzhao was holding her head in pain, and spit out her tongue playfully: "Hmph, I know that Brother Tian is more passive than me."

"This is a matter of principle." I smiled speechlessly, which can give me qualitativeness, but in the same way, I think she is relieved.

But Lingzhao didn’t give up, and said, “Everything sleeps on its own. There is only one bed. If you sleep on the ground, wouldn’t it be too uneasy for you? We...we just sleep in clothes. , It’s like being outside."

"Uh... okay? In case I can't hold back..." I looked at her with a weird look.

Lingzhao glared at me, and said, "No, you can definitely hold it back! This is a matter of your principle!"

"Well, let you say that, then try?" I just feel that this girl has been taken into the pit, and I can't help but laugh at myself.

"Of course!" Lingzhao pulled me down without hesitation. I stared at her, but she closed her eyes hard. I didn't dare to move, and because I didn't sleep well during this period, Lingzhao Not long after Zhao lay down on the bed, there was a slight snoring, and the slight anticipation in his heart, whether it was hope or disappointment, finally came to an end.

Seeing her high nose and red lips revealing white teeth, it would be impossible for me to say that there is no throbbing in my heart. The breath of a young girl almost makes me feel a little bit unable to control it. This shocked my spiritual determination. Of course, there is another weird reason.

Lying next to her and sleeping in her clothes, she fell asleep without knowing it.

Until I woke up under the action of being embraced by the spiritual photos, I watched her a little messy clothes because of her excessive movements, and the humidity of the air here was exploding, and the whiteness of the steam-soaked thin shirt and underwear made me instantly. I couldn't sleep anymore.

"Hmm..." When Ling Zhao whispered in my ears, the nasal sound and the exhaled breath, as well as the delicate face that I didn't notice, kept squeezing into the accommodating gap between my neck, making my heart jump unspeakably. .

Intentionally or unintentionally, the little girl's hand reached directly into my skirt and touched it instinctively on my chest, and I had no choice but to sit on the bed right now.

I secretly said little girl, if you keep touching it like this, I really can't hold it, and this old face can't hold back to become red, let alone the body's instincts have to be awakened.

Fortunately, when I almost couldn't help it, the sky outside the window shone a wisp of white snow, which made me breathe: it was about to dawn.


Just when I was about to take her hand away, a woman’s laughter came from outside the window. When I looked out the window again, I was shocked. At this time, my mother-in-law was looking at her with her eyes turned into a crescent moon. We were lying on the bed with our clothes, and at this moment I had jumped up embarrassingly, and secretly said in my heart that this mother-in-law was too blatant!

"Madam Sect Master... why are you here?" I pretended to be calm, and at this time, Lingzhao opened his eyes because I got up, but in order to judge my position, because I got up and slipped to the palm of my lower body. I couldn't help but grabbed it, this time, I was frightened and bounced!

"Brother Tian...that...what..." Lingzhao couldn't grasp the key point and woke up all of a sudden, but the mother-in-law outside was stunned, and then she couldn't straighten her back with a smile the next moment.

My old face was flushed to the root of my neck, and when I heard my mother’s laughter, Lingzhao realized what had happened. He was embarrassed and angry: "Mother! Why did you ran there without making a sound?" Outside my room! Why are you doing this!?"

"Haha...haha...mother is not afraid of your young couple...the young couple last night...haha...because your father couldn't sleep because of...the patriarch's affairs, so I came to see you early in the morning... …It’s how fun something happened to my mother..." The lady of the suzerain laughed out of breath, and it took a while to get over.

"What! Then can't I say it later!" Lingzhao tidied up her clothes angrily. At this moment, she was blushing, but after all, the shy people didn't dare to say anything else, and vaguely remembered the good things she had done when she just woke up, her face suddenly appeared. Looking at me awkwardly, I don't know what to say.

I immediately led the matter back to the original place and asked: "Mrs. Sect Master, last night the Sect Master said that the old sect had not promised me to borrow the Secret Realm of Conferred Demons, but there is another inside story? Please advise, and I can also make corrections."

"Hehe, there is indeed an inside story. This kid's father has never been reliable. You gave him ten Yangshen pills to go to the old sect. The intention was that everyone should divide it for a better understanding, but I think he still failed. When he came back, he was forced to question him. As a result, he was greedy for all the Yangshen Pills. He only took out some Tiantian Pills and other treasures to clear the Zong Lao Hui. The Zong Lao Hui looked shabby. , Of course, it was refuted for a while, and in the end the ones who didn't promise accounted for most of it." The wife of the suzerain finally told the truth.

"Ah? Dad is greedy for all the Yang Shen Dan?! This...this is too horrible!" Lingzhao's eyes widened.

I secretly said that this is simply a cheating, but with so many Yang Shen Dan, it is inevitable that this old man will see the heart of the hunt. This is my negligence, but now that the ancestors have decided not to seal the secret realm for me, I want to come. It's hard to change the decision, it seems that this matter has to start from another gap.

"This is also my mother's fault. I didn't supervise your father to handle this matter." The lady of the suzerain apologized.

I thought for a while and asked: "Although the Sect Master failed to get what I wanted, since Mrs. Sovereign is here, I think there is a remedy, right? Please madam for advice."

"You are smart, knowing that I am not only here to apologize, but I am not the Sovereign of this old sect after all, and I definitely cannot reopen it for you, but I have a second way for you to choose the Secret Realm of Demon Sealing. It takes a lot of work, I don't know if you would like it?" asked the wife of the sovereign.

"Madam, please tell me." Good things are often boring, and I just need to change one if the road is not clear, so I am not afraid of another challenge.

"To fight the clan elders is to challenge the members of the clan elders who disagree. Of course, the more members who disagree, the more members will be challenged, and the more difficult it is, so no one usually chooses this. There is a way, but I believe in your strength very much. If you want, I can create such conditions for you. As long as you challenge and win more than half of the clergy members, no one will stop this matter." Mrs. Sovereign proposed Tao.

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