Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6969: : Avoid the devil

Tianludao’s clothes are all pure white, with sword shadows embossed on them, and the hem is also slender. When flying with the sword, each one looks like a pure white swallow, so both men and women are very prestigious. .

Seeing that the cultivation base we showed was not high, the nine immortals immediately surrounded him. Among them, the great elder didn't know that he was going to die immediately, but he still had an expression of deciding us.

"The man looks at his dress, he should be Luo Mugu's disciple, it's good to kill it, the two women look unusual, so try to catch them alive!"

"Elder Heif, you look at the mirror under their feet a bit weird!"

"Huh! The evil door said crookedly, it looks like some kind of obscene thing, first take it down and talk about it!"

Mrs. Wo Shuang’s smile converged as the other party came around, and the cultivation base suddenly revealed its arrogance, and when she stood up, the mirror suddenly revealed bursts of copper-colored light. .

"Mother, are Brother Tian and I also helping?" Lingzhao asked hurriedly.

"No, let's see how I use the Chunxin Dance Mirror to knock them out!" Mrs. Wo Shuang said, immediately bypassing where we were sitting, and stepping on the scope of the mirror. The next moment, the mirror turned steadily. The light of Dao quickly flew out of the mirror, chasing after these immortal houses of Tianlu Dao!


Bang bang bang!

These rays of light carried a weird fire attribute, and the Xianjia who was hit suddenly caught fire, screaming, but before they extinguished the fire, it was already burned into dust.

I took a breath of air. It seems that Mrs. Woshuang is actually a fairy family with fire attributes, and these flames seem to be more ruthless than those in the Nuling Palace. No wonder Lingzhao was born with two kinds of mutant spirit roots, thunder and fire. Half of it was inherited from her mother's womb.

The rest of the flames rushed towards the remaining immortals, and the opponent couldn't even make a move with Feijian, let alone a sword formation or something.

Regarding the one-sided slaughter, Mrs. Wo Shuang is not at all ambiguous, and there is no reason for the two ways of right and evil. As long as they encounter it, it means that it is indispensable to die and die.

It’s impossible for the other party to escape. Mrs. Wo Shuang danced on the mirror, and the attack seemed to collide with drums. The flames continued to fly out from under the mirror, and the attacks became more dense and terrifying. The other immortals took refuge. All of them are difficult, let alone more than a dozen or even dozens of them.

So not long after, Elder Tianludao, who was still very arrogant just now, was stuck by a group of fire, and instantly burned into a fireball. Originally, Ling had planned to escape, but too much flame was simply wishful thinking.

"Keep alive!" I said hurriedly.

"Okay." After Mrs. Wo Shuang said, she immediately danced with long sleeves, and soon the flames that chased the last few immortal houses exploded instantly, and almost all of them were blown up, and some hands, feet and bodies were blown to pieces. , Some broken limbs and wreckage, flesh and blood and bones splashed into the sky, but after all, there were one or two who were blown over and passed out on the ground.

It seemed that it was clear who fainted and who died. Soon the mirror stopped next to a young man. Mrs. Wo Shuang picked up the opponent. With a little effort, the opponent's neck became deformed, and the opponent was frightened. Woke up, squeaky, but could not speak.

"You can't run away. If you make a slight movement, I'll roast you slowly, do you understand?" Madam Woshuang smiled and said scary words.

The young man turned out to be a dead end, but now he naturally has no reluctance except nodding his head. After being put down, he knelt on the ground pale in fright.

"How is the battle between Tianludao and Fengpucheng?" I asked immediately.

The other party looked at Mrs. Wo Shuang, saw Wo Shuang smile, and quickly answered my question: "Daxian! As soon as the moat was opened, we couldn't get in at all, and under the protection of the sacred tree, we repelled us. After repeated attacks, we are only eligible to participate in the battle this time with immortal families above the Dan Dao realm, but three to four thousand people...the other party is fully prepared, and it is difficult to conquer..."

"Oh? Only three or four thousand people came? Why?" I asked curiously, knowing that there are a lot of people in Windwind City.

"The casualties of ordinary disciples will intensify, so most of those who go there are elites like us..." the other party said in fright.

I shook my head and said, "I don't think you are over here, but you might have another idea? Did the main force go to Luomu Valley?"

After listening to my words, the other party shook his head quickly with a rattle, and said with a look of surprise and fear: "No! We are struggling to deal with Fengpucheng, how can we attack Luomugu?"

"Hehe, it seems that the real purpose is that I have fallen into the woods. Your presence here has proved this. I just asked you for nothing. Okay, now I want to send you to the sky. If you blame it, I will blame you for lying. After speaking coldly, I took out the Thunder Marrow Sword that was worthy of Dao Yu, and put it on the opponent's forehead.

Facing the thunder and thunder, the other party hurriedly shouted: "Slow! Wait a minute! I'm just a low-level disciple, I don't know if I will attack Luo Mugu! I'm just being ordered to move toward this Rage Spirit Palace!"

"Since you are so useless, what's the use of me keeping you? It's better to send you to Tongtian. Or, what else do you have that others have not noticed? For example, who should have come and not come? "I said.

The other party was suddenly distracted thinking about the situation of the intelligence network. After a while, he suddenly said loudly: "Our Dao Venerable! Dao Venerable did not come to attack Fengpu City! Yes! It is our Dao Venerable who did not come!"

"Oh? No wonder you haven't been able to break the sacred tree, then you are going to talk about it, besides that, which power of Lu Dao could have come this day, but did not come in the end?" I guided again.

The other party thought for a while, and suddenly burst into tears: "Daxian...Woo, I'm just an immortal family in the Alchemy Realm, I can't remember who else hasn't come...but it's not surprising that I went to attack Lumugu. Ah...After all, during this period of time, Luomugu has searched a lot of medicine fields of our righteous camp, and there are many spirit crystals. In fact, even our disciples know that there is a secret treasure pill furnace in Luomugu, which is still alive... Everyone wants to fight for it, right...Once we have this pill furnace, the medicine emperor of our Tianludao will be able to use the pill furnace to produce the elixir, and refine the Yangshen Pill that is the same as Luomugu. I heard that there is this pill furnace, and the emperor said that this time he can also refine a demon pill that resists some of the devil qi in the Tianshan Mountains!"

"There is actually a medicine emperor, is that your God Ludao?" I asked curiously, how could I miss this prescription because the other party was able to refine the Magic Elimination Pill?

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