Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6971: :scale

"Lingzhao, let's take Xiaotian to the city lord's mansion for a guest first. As for whether we can go to the right way, let's ask about the situation first. Maybe even Xiaotian won't be able to go. Then you will too. Don't you want to go the right way?" Mrs. Wo Shuang came to save the country.

Lingzhao felt right after hearing it, and could only say: "Okay, then go and see what it says over there."

I breathed a sigh of relief and entered the City Lord's Mansion. After all, there was a way to keep the little girl behind, so we followed Mrs. Wo Shuang to the City Lord's Mansion.

Apart from other things, this city is big enough, and Fengxiancheng is also based on the layout of Fengxiancheng, so there is always so three-point similarity, so it has embarked on the avenue of prosperity.

When passing by the riverside, some female fairies who were soliciting guests inevitably threw their eyebrows, and the fireworks were not much less than in the world; there were two beautiful women leading the way. On the way, besides bowing our heads, we each brought a hat to cover our eyes.

Finally, a huge vermilion pavilion was built along the mountain in front of it, soaring all the way up, until halfway up the mountain, there is no end in sight, because there will be clouds when you go up again, and there must be still on the clouds if you want to come, and the middle of the mountain is unknown. There are so many steps of stone stairs, all the way up to the sky, and the surrounding vermilion pavilions have countless rooms. I don't know if it is the cave or the disciples, but the scale is shocking.

Several disciples who guarded the stone ladder saw the three of us approaching, and immediately became vigilant, reaching out to stop us from continuing to approach, until Mrs. Wo Shuang lifted the veil and took out a jade-colored identity card from her sleeve, and the disciples finally All brought their respect and signaled that we could go up the stairs.

The corridor is so high, we don’t know how long it takes to fly, we can’t see the bustling below in a short time, and the floors above the clouds begin to decrease, but the degree of luxury is becoming more and more amazing. It can be said that the roof eaves have started to change from red to gold. Slowly change, until the sun is in the sky when you raise your head, it looks like the entire Fengxian city is like a watershed between the mortal world and the world of Xianjia, and it is truly known as Fengxian.

"It's magnificent, you can live on the top, the viewing angle is invincible, you don't know if it's hot or not?" I laughed.

"Although I don't want to refute it, it's actually not hot, because I live too high and sometimes I won't look down." Lingzhao seemed to say with resentment.

"Well, Lingzhao, you will save your mother's worry, you can't say this after you go up." Wo Shuang hurriedly booed.

When we arrived here, another disciple acted as a patrol to stop us from going up, but because Wo Shuang took out the token again, the disciples came out to lead the way, and respectfully led us towards the upper hall area.

As far as the ultimate platform, the huge gate and the surrounding palaces finally came to an end. This is the Fengxian Temple. At this time, when you look to the sky, it is already blue and black, and it is farther away. Looking down, it is the end of the sight of the tiny world.

I suspect that there is probably no sect in Yunmozhou that can be built on such a high place, and the sky is obviously the magic energy of Tongtian Mountain, so the aura here is abnormally suffocating.

But when we entered the palace, aura suddenly rushed to our face. Looking at these magnificent palaces, I found that there were vents in the ground, and there was aura rushing up from these vents. It seems that the Wo Shuang family may not be because I like the immortal spirit here to live here, but to overlook the common people.

Although Tianlu Dao and Fengpu City are extremely powerful in the twelve major sects, from the perspective of Fengpu City Management, this huge Fengxian City deserves to be the strongest in Yunmozhou, because whoever has more resources is considered the boss.

"The city lord and his wife are already waiting for you in the vice hall, please follow me along." said the disciple who led the way.

We followed the disciple of the spiritual realm all the way, and finally stopped in a very well-furnished place. Although this small hall is not big, it is also exquisite. We walked into it. A middle-aged man and a woman were talking. , I stopped after seeing us.

Although the woman is nearly middle-aged, she still has her style and appearance. Even though her face is expressionless, she is quite graceful in the graceful and luxurious room, which makes people want to see more.

Needless to say, the male immortal, dressed in red and yellow casual clothes, looks very rich, and at the same time he looks so cold, there is a dazzling light in his eyes, there is no doubt that he is the city lord of Fengxian City, Wo Sheng.

Wo Sheng glanced at his daughter, then looked at Lingzhao and me, and finally set his eyes on me: "This is the Dongren Valley Master Luo Mugu known as the Pill Demon?"

I secretly said that the city lord of Wo Sheng didn't pay much attention to his family at all. Normally, he would pay attention to his family first, and then come to me for questioning. Now this Hirai Bupa asked me, it can be seen that he is usually cold-blooded.

"City Lord Wosheng, Lord Bengu is Dong Ren." I replied lightly.

Wo Sheng nodded and slowly said: "It is said that you killed City Lord Bi Gao with your own power just for a mutated Feng Ning fruit? Is this really the case?"

"There is such a thing." I watched him raise his head slightly with an expression of accountability, and his eyes suddenly narrowed. At this time, both Wo Shuang and Lingzhao were so scared that they did not dare to breathe, and the whole scene was cold. Such as putting people in the ice and snow.

"Don't you know that doing this will cause a dispute between good and evil, and break the original balance? Just for Bo Yi's woman's joy?" Wo Sheng's face became gloomy. After all, he was very unhappy when he saw me fighting like this. His mentality instantly reached the brink of explosion.

Lingzhao turned blue with fright, and couldn't help but grabbed my hand nearby. I condensed my eyebrows and smiled and said, "What? Killed all, I don't know what City Lord Wo Sheng has to advise?"

"You dare to be so presumptuous!? Did you start Yun Mozhou in your house!" Wo Sheng scolded.

"Hehe, even if it's not my house or yours, I can do it, you can do it, how? Why can you scold me for what I did, and if you scold me, I can't be presumptuous? "I asked with a sneer.

"You're looking for death!" After Wo Sheng finished speaking, he wanted to act on me immediately. I saw him without any fear. The chaotic thunder was already condensed in his hand. As long as he dared to cross the thunder pond for a half step, I would destroy him.

"Wo Sheng! Stop!" At this moment, the woman next to Wo Sheng grabbed his hand and finally stopped the plane instantly.

I smiled sullenly and said: "City Lord Wo Sheng, please put away your arrogance. You are not the only one in Yun Mozhou, Feng Xianzhou, and I don't care what you have with Mu Xianzhou. If you respect me, I will pay you back ten feet, and vice versa."

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