Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6987: :accept

"This..." I don't think I can stop the little girl's pill, and directly let it rush out of the Yaoyun network with ease, and inevitably have a new perspective on her: "I didn't expect you to have such a hand. Seeing that you were tender and waxy just now, this critical moment is so difficult, what is the principle of this?"

While Mei Yao was proud, he instinctively spit out his tongue, but just remembered that my identity is not so casual, and he immediately became serious. After thinking about it, he said, "That's because I use the innate spiritual veins to operate. I ran this medicine pill, so it has a much stronger cohesive force than usual. That is to say, the strength of the medicine cloud that you control cannot decompose it, so it can shuttle freely under your control."

"What? It's that simple?" I was taken aback, but quickly shook my head and said, "No, if it's so simple, then you can pass the Tongtian Mountain Demon Qi Sea anyway? Why are you doing so much effort?"

Seeing how I reacted so quickly, Mei Yao hurriedly said, "I haven't finished yet! Of course, the powerful decomposition power of the Demon Qi Sea is not so easy to pass, but we only need to increase our innate strength to exceed it. The level is enough. This can be medicine, such as the enhancement from the magic pill, but the most important thing is to practice the innate spiritual practice that specifically resists the devil qi."

"Innate spiritual practice? Do you know how?" I curiously asked.

"I... Of course I will! Otherwise, what did you think I was doing just now?" Mei Yao said quickly.

"You? Okay, then what is the difference between this innate spiritual practice and ordinary exercises?" I just remembered that she was a fairy family with a spiritual realm, after all, she looked relative to other fairy families before. Too weak and small.

"Do you know why we can't squeeze into Muxianzhou with the great perfection, but the Yuanying Realm immortal family of Muxianzhou can fly to us at Yunmozhou when the Tongtian Mountain's devilish energy becomes weak?" Mei Yao asked. .

"Spirit strength?" I said casually.

"You're not stupid." Mei Yao hummed, and then said: "The strength of the spirit body will become stronger with the cultivation base, and become stronger. That's because with the cultivation, the spirit body is getting closer and closer to the two instruments. , And demon energy is the chaotic energy that separates the two instruments and blends them into one, so the strength of the spirit body is crucial to resist the devil energy. If the strongest tacit understanding, the spirit body that can be separated is almost For the infinite, even the immortal family of Ke Dengxian dare not approach these devilish energy easily. Of course, we spend the devilish energy decay once every sixty years, and we only go to the place of Muxianzhou, which is not necessary. The ascendant level of the spirit body strength only needs to exceed and maintain the demon energy that is far greater than that of the area. Therefore, if it can not break through the Nascent Infant Realm, but also exceed the demon energy decomposition level of the current area, then we need to refine the spirit. ."

"Then this refining of the spirit is to refining the spirit, what does it have to do with Xiantian? Why is it called Xiantian spiritual practice?" I asked curiously.

"That's because the innate spiritual veins are most prone to the existence of powerful spirit bodies. Therefore, when I saw the Yangshen Pill before, I immediately discovered that this thing should be some kind of innate spirit... excreted... Yao Pill , Plus the saying that the living pill furnace... everything confirms the fact that you have a living pill furnace in Lumugu, isn't it?" Mei Yao asked through gritted teeth.

"So even if your Heavenly Ludao had Yang Shen Dan, you didn't eat it. Is this the reason?" I curiously asked.

"Yes! And if I touch the living pill furnace, I can refine the Pill for Avoiding Devil, why should I eat that disgusting Yangshen Pill..." Mei Yao couldn't help but glanced at my mouth.

"You mean I ate shit, but you didn't eat it, did you?" I gave a smirk, Mei Yao sneered after hearing it, and then quickly nodded to confirm. I immediately laughed and grabbed her. Then he said: "Okay, then I have changed my mind now, I still want to bully you, I have to get a mouthful!"

"Ah?! No! No! No, no!" Meiyao watched me pouting her mouth and wanted to kiss her. She was so scared that she quickly reached out and blocked me from approaching.

When I used strong force, Mei Yao turned his head to avoid it, and looked disgusted at the same time. Seeing that I was about to kiss her, she immediately made the little girl nauseous, and even had a posture that she was about to throw up.

And before I kissed, she retched, because her abdomen was empty, so she couldn't vomit anything except the clear water, but it also made her tears come out: "You...uuu...uh...you Do you know...I have...clean...clean addiction..."

I quickly patted her behind, but seeing her vomiting water all the time, I used to think she was pretending, and now I feel a little guilty: "When we first met, it is inevitable that the two sides did not understand each other. I'm sorry. Little girl, let's do it, I'll carry you back. It's the only thing I can do to apologize, how about it?"

"Um... can you... can you always... call me a little girl, you don’t look much older than me... right." Mei Yao wanted to retches and refused me to carry her, it seems this The little girl is really obsessed with cleanliness, and she can't accept the slightest uncleanness.

"That’s hard to say. Forget it. If you don’t memorize it, you can still fly? We should almost go to the Water Mist League. I lack water spiritual roots, earth spiritual roots and wind spiritual roots. Only in the Secret Realm of Conferred Demon can be spiritual, so no matter how magical the innate spiritual practice you said, it will only be until I become fully spiritualized, right?" I asked.

"Well, that's right. Only after practicing this innate spiritual practice can it be used with the Elimination Pill, and this major prerequisite must also be cultivated to the lowest spiritual realm. If it is Dzogchen, it will be even better." After Mei Yao interrupted me, I finally recovered, but I kept looking at my mouth, which made me quite angry.

She was the first immortal family to see that Yangshen Dan is a goat **** egg. I really ate a lot. No wonder I ate a handful of them when I was in a stable formation. She looked at me so weird. Even directly petrified.

"Okay, I understand. Just now, you were stunned when I was eating Yang Shen Dan with a handful of handfuls. It turned out that in your eyes, I was eating shit! Now I am talking, isn't it in your eyes? Squirting manure in your mouth?" I joked.

As soon as the joke was uttered, the little girl threw up again with a ‘poof’, tears and nose burst out of her brain, and the embarrassed appearance made me laugh.


This mental cleanliness is not a joke, the little girl is really vomiting endlessly, and it seems that it is impossible for her to accept Xiao Tun's goat shit.

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