Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6989: : Meaty

"I've been here just now. It's been a long time, but you...are you afraid that I won't come back if I go?" Mei Yao asked.

"What are you afraid of, I'm so good to you, are you willing to go?" I laughed.

"It's not good!" Mei Yao directly refuted.

"Even if I'm not good, where can you go? At most, I go back to Tianludao, so I don't need to look elsewhere. Why not just go to Tianludao and ask for someone?" My face With a trace of evil, Mei Yao was so scared that she said "no" directly.

This little girl is very interesting, not to say that she is a pleasing personality, but she always makes people want to tease and bully her.

"Okay, the fish is ready, although there are more, but for us cultivators, this is nothing at all. It is your turn to fry the vegetables. The big fish and the meat are too greasy, and only the vegetables can solve it. "When I finished speaking, I picked up a piece of fried fish and feasted on it.

The little girl watched me eating meat, her throat grunted and swallowed her saliva, but she shook her head and said, "This is the first time I have seen someone cook with my seasoning...They usually think that I am It's a medicine, I always refuse to try it."

"Oh? Why?" I curiously asked.

"Because...because they said they would be poisoned or diarrhea..." Mei Yao said depressed.

"I won't. I'm all poisonous. You have seen it. Don't say that the medicine won't kill me. You may be able to make up for it. You will be blessed in the future. I have found the one who wiped out food for you in your life. People." I teased her.

"Ah...no, no, we don't stand between good and evil, I can't always cook for you, besides, I'm forced to cook for you now, who will cook for you!" Mei Yao immediately retorted.

I laughed and said, "Isn't there a balance between good and evil? Tianludao, do you still want to go back?"

"Of course! Dao Venerable and Xiao Dao Venerable are both good people, and there are many uncles and uncles who are also good people. Those who are not good are only a few!" Mei Yao said quickly.

"I believe this, but sometimes good and bad are just a matter of thought, how can human nature be determined by good and evil? You say I am evil, what am I doing to you now?" I laughed, and Mei Yao suddenly didn't know. Surprisingly, at her age, she will always be confused by appearances, and I continue to say: "Think about it, if you are not the emperor of medicine, you don't have a skill, and you are born with spiritual roots, then they will treat you like you are now? I am afraid that a character like yours will suffer small losses."

Mei Yao was thoughtful, but couldn't help saying: "But...but they treat me very well now, isn't that enough..."

"Then I'm not good to you? Have I ever spoken harshly to you?" I asked.

Mei Yao shook her head again, her face ignorant, she was stunned, I broke off a small piece of fish and said, "Quickly open your mouth."

"Hmm...hmm..." Meiyao opened her mouth and was stuffed with a piece of fish. She probably didn't pay attention for a while. When the fish entered her mouth, she was shocked and hurriedly vomited the meat, but it was full. The full scent and the unique meat scent of fish have been left in her mouth.

Seeing her wanting to instinctively retaliate, but at the end there is no doubtful expression of vomiting, it makes me laugh: "If you pick vegetable vegetables in the wild, you will even pick poisonous weeds if you are not careful, let alone the fairy family in the fairy road. Like a mixture of fish and dragons, even in the right way, there is the same evil way, right? So there is no absolute difference between the good and the evil ways, and although I am not a good person, I am in the evil way, but if you say me If you’re a bad guy, then I won’t agree. I’m always in a place where humanity is glorious, right? You don’t eat meat and only eat vegetarian food. How do you know that meat is not good? Give it a try. Since you can accept such a fragrance, why bother to go first Reject? How do you feel now?"

"I...I don't know..." Although Mei Yao vomited the meat, her lips and teeth had scented. Feeling the smell of meat, the scent alone was enough to make her hungry.

Right now, the vegetables were not fried, and the meat was on the stone platform. I smiled and said, "Close your eyes and imagine that it is just a vegetable dish. Come on, open your mouth."

"I don't... ooh." Meiyao closed her eyes, and when she heard that I was going to feed meat again, she instinctively refused, but indirectly ate another piece of meat.

This time, the rose medicine did not spit out directly, but it was uncomfortable with the fleshy face. It is estimated that it is also tolerating the meaty smell, but the meaty smell is difficult to refuse. As she is in the growing stage, the meat is right. Her appeal is undoubtedly huge, not to mention that this fish is really good, and the melted fish is mouth-watering.

So after a while, Mei Yao tried to chew slowly, and finally accepted a small piece of fish. I laughed, threw the green vegetables aside in her hand, and asked her to share the fish.

However, it didn't take long for the tragedy to come. This fish medicine won't hurt me, but for the little girl, it seems to be no different from a laxative!

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