Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6999: : Water puddle

Mei Yao looked at me in surprise, and exclaimed after I explained to her: "You are so cunning!"

"Hey, the other party wanted to convince people with strength, and just happened to hit me." I chuckled, and then said: "I forgot why you didn't chase your Gong Ming sister?"

"You...Why are you doing this? Ask me at this time..." Mei Yao looked at me angrily.

And at this time, the old lady in the hospital rubbed her hands and walked over with a smile, and said, "Master Dongren, I don't know when you plan to go to our Water Mist League's Holy Water Beetle Sealing Secret Realm?"

"After this guy goes in, I will go in again." I pointed to the dragon behind me. This guy immediately puffed his chest up and said loudly, "The elder of the camera, I have gathered the spiritual materials, as A member of the Water Mist League, I am willing to try to seal the secret realm of the holy water beetle!"

"What?!" The old lady in the hospital was taken aback, and almost missed her teeth.

"Elder, Senior Brother Dalong really collected the materials, and they were all given by Lord Dongrengu..." one of the disciples added hurriedly.

"You weren't given to by the Lord Dongren Valley..." the court hurriedly asked, the implication of this was that I threatened this guy.

But Dalong immediately said with a vow: "The Lord Dongrengu gave me the materials, let me try to be spiritual first, and promised to protect the law for me, of course I will not hesitate!"

Dalong’s words not only left the hospital speechless, the other elders also looked at each other, and for a while, I did not know how to persuade them, but Dalong’s master hurriedly said: "You stupid child, do you know what a holy water beetle is? Spirit beast? Even at this level of cultivation, I dare to try to refer to the spirit veins of the holy water beetle! Why don't you go to heaven!?"

"Master! I know it's difficult! But I still have to take a gamble! After all, accumulating spiritual materials, even if it’s a fifth-grade spiritual beast, it’s not something I can easily accumulate, let alone consume it on weekdays, now my disciple If I have the opportunity to try a product of spirit, I naturally want to try it!" Dalong said hurriedly.

"Do you know that the holy water beetle..." Of course, his master wanted to persuade him again, and he almost missed something, but was stopped by the camera's eyes.

Of course I didn’t miss this wink, so after the other master shut up, I smiled and asked the old lady in the hospital: "Elder in the hospital, what do you say about this holy water beetle? Will no one succeed at all? Refer to Gu Ling? It's very dangerous..."

"Master Dongrengu, how could no one succeed in being spiritual? Although I have forgotten the specific time, there is really a successful beetle, the elder of the door, the spiritual holy water beetle, but I have already gone to Muxianzhou in the end. , That’s why this holy water beetle’s enchantment secret realm was able to stay in our Water Mist League. Otherwise, think about it, if no one can succeed, what else do you keep it for?” This old lady in the hospital is really smart.

The other immortals immediately echoed that period of history, and the content was undoubtedly the prestige and power of the beetle with the spirit of the holy water.

I almost began to doubt my judgment, but the vigilance in my heart would never disappear easily.

Without too much hesitation, in order to prevent more troubles from ensuing, I immediately changed my mind while the iron was hot, and went straight to the Secret Realm of Sealing the Demon with the rose medicine and the kid named Dalong.

The Secret Realm of Holy Water Beetle is located deep in the back mountain of the Water Mist League. This is a puddle area. There are puddles of different depths everywhere. The high ones can be higher than the human head and the depths are unknown, and the low ones are knee-sized. There are still a lot of these puddles, about hundreds of them, and some are even connected together.

There are still some broken rocks falling on the ground. For the experienced me, I can basically see the reason for the formation.

The fog is vast, covering most of the puddles. If a mortal walks here, it is estimated that it will inevitably fall into the puddles at all times. Fortunately, we all come to the front of this enchanted secret realm by flying. So no one fell into the puddle.

And here, the density of the puddles is even more amazing, but the soil of the Enchanted Secret Realm has the limit of backfilling. Looking to the outside, it seems to be a sunken pool with a doughnut. It is estimated that the surrounding soil was dug out. Just filled in this magic secret realm.

"Dongren...Should we change the quasi-first-grade spirit beast of that widowed water beast? I have heard of the legend of this holy water beetle sealing the secret realm, and I heard that the immortal family that has been backlashed accounts for most of it. It doesn't mean that anyone has really succeeded..." Mei Yao looked worried.

Dalong saw this scene and couldn't help swallowing. Looking at these potholes, he couldn't help but said: "It is rumored that these are all beaten out by the immortal family...but it's too exaggerated, right? "

"Why, scared?" I took out a storage bag and threw it directly to him. The kid grabbed it in his hand and opened it. Suddenly he was surprised and hurriedly said: "How can I be scared!? But the valley master Is it true? If I fall into a backlash, will I really try to save me?"

"Hey, be rich and wealthy in danger, since you dare to try for me at this time, I will push you no matter what. As for what you will achieve in the future, or simply die without a place to bury, it depends on your own. With luck, I can only say that I will do my best." I said.

"Okay, it's enough to have the owner of the valley. The great kindness is not to thank you. When I become spiritual, no matter right or wrong, I will not go against you!" The kid nodded seriously, and then the big thorn The spiritual syrup was poured into the secret realm of the seal.

And his master was obviously worried and heartache, but the old lady in the hospital had a calm smile on her mouth, and she had obviously responded to it.

By the time the spiritual syrup was poured in seven or eight, the great formation was fully activated, and the thoughts of the boy, Dalong, were also trapped in a secret realm.

Not to mention, the Spirit Realm of the Water Mist Alliance has come basically this time, and they are all fully armed, with the current expression of the enemy, one by one, they are far away from the secret realm, and they are hoarding outside the surrounding puddles. Accumulate energy in the open space, ready to go.

Mei Yao pulled my sleeves and said hurriedly, "Dong Ren, it doesn't seem to be right... They are so cautious, what are they afraid of?"

"Haha, do you see these puddles?" I scanned the puddles of all sizes, and saw Mei Yao shook my head with an unknowing expression, I said, "These should be left by the immortal family after the backlash. This is not a deep pit that the Dan Dao realm can make, maybe there is something abnormal."

Mei Yao was taken aback, and quickly looked at the dragon, and at this time, the blood vessels all over the dragon were protruding.

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