Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7003: : Bie Zong

Chi Chi Chi! Insects sounded one after another, and beetles rushed out quickly. Some were to avoid the attack of the six-color insects I controlled, and some were purely directed at me, so not only were the insects in the sky, but there were also more on the ground. Many bugs!



Under the attack of the composite energy water jet, the eight water jets caused huge damage to the surrounding environment. The energy like a cutting water jet quickly cut several insects in half directly, or simply cut them in half. The legs are cut off, just like cutting something with a sharp water jet, whether it is steel or copper, it is cut apart like tofu.

These beetles also fired a series of water knives, but because these water knives could not move, they only attacked points, so the six-color insects I controlled moved quickly, and the attacks of these holy water beetles all chased behind the ass!

Because my six-color beetle does not have a full tail for attacking, there are four small tails hidden underneath that are spraying fire, making its acceleration has reached an unimaginable point, of course, the shouts on the ground have been ignited. A burst of flames!

The water mist was quickly transpired under the flame, and gradually expanded the surrounding visible surface, and most of the holy water beetles were exposed to my silk thread.

The six-color insects constantly attacked other holy water beetles at a violent speed, impacting, stabs, and water jets. They were simply slaughtering these ordinary holy water beetles one-sidedly. It is a geometric body of six kinds of complex psychic veins, which is equivalent to six holy water beetles with different psychic veins superimposed on one another, so it seems to have such a dangerous color!

So other beetles only have a few tails, but this six-color beetle of the same size actually has as many as twelve. In fact, I can derive more tails, and most of them can derive what six beetles should have. Quantity, but now because the energy is definitely not divergent, I derive two tails for each attribute spirit vein. The result is that its power is three times stronger than the average beetle water knife, which also makes the water knife. With sustainability.

The average water jet lasts only enough to imprint one point, but my twelve tails can not only burn continuously, but can also be swung and pulled like a blade, because it lasts a long time.

After killing several water beetles, the other beetles immediately changed from being in groups to being scattered, and the attacks began to attack continuously and irregularly, which can be said to have changed their own tactics.

But I personally control the six-color insects. Not only do I have my intelligence, but also my attack methods, flexible positioning, and fast and accurate cutting and killing. These water beetles have no chance of even touching me. , It was enough to kill.

However, the sound of scoffing did not end, I immediately controlled the six-color insect to rush in the direction of the sound!

And at this moment, a few swishes of light beams made, and I controlled the six-color insects to jump directly to avoid them, but at the same time, several holy water beetles immediately rushed towards the position where I jumped.

Bang bang bang!

Several water beetles directly and accurately pounced on the six-color insect, and then more than a dozen water knives all hit the six-color insect. My face changed slightly. I didn't expect this female insect to be so smart. I guess it's not just me moving sideways. This one direction is covered with beetles, and even the other direction must have been covered with water beetles long ago!

Chi Chi Chi!

While my six-color insect was under attack, the dozen tails on its tail also shot water jets, and a group of water beetles immediately followed it and died with it. The scene was very cruel.

I quickly flew in the direction of the mother bug. At the same time, two small six-color holy water beetles emerged from my sleeves, and they quickly grew larger, and under my control, they became my two replacements. Shoes, quickly lead me to run.

This can be regarded as the product of my copy of the six-color beetle. I have not been idle for this period of fierce fighting. The mother bug can copy the bug, of course I can.

It’s just that the bugs I replicated are six times faster than the female worms, but the other party can replicate twelve, and I also replicated two of them. Although these two are small, they are very powerful.

Boom boom boom!

A large number of beams immediately hit the place where the sound was made, and because my waterjet can move, under my control, the moving range of the waterjet formed a network with almost no dead ends, intertwined areas and The time of contact has reached the unimaginable purpose of blockade, so the screams of the bugs one after another, the remaining few bugs should also be finished.

I stepped on two piggy-sized bugs and rushed in the mist to where the female bug might be. I thought it might avoid me and regenerate bugs, but I was wrong, and the sky suddenly went black. At that time, I quickly raised my head, and a huge black holy water beetle, like a big ship, fell from the sky!

I couldn't help being surprised that this female worm would come in person, but I didn't have the slightest fear. I controlled all the tails of the two six-color worms to soar into the sky, and instantly shot out more than 20 beams!

The light beam did not condense at all. The moment it hit the female insect, it directly penetrated its body. The female insect screamed, but it was still heavy!

But I didn’t give it a chance to hit me. The beam stretched out and stirred at the same time. The female worm was quickly split apart, and the black blood splashed down. I rushed up, bathing in the blood at the same time. , Also directly ingested the spiritual veins of this female worm!

In fact, it doesn’t matter much whether it’s ingested or not. From the time I extended and copied two six-color insects, I already got the veins of this holy water beetle female. Of course, the veins of the large-headed spirit beasts are quite rare , So not to mention how much it has improved, at least it allows me to break through the size of the birth worm, which is the equation for the expansion of its spiritual vein.

There are unexpected, but most of them are expected. The vein of this female worm is indeed very complicated. It can control twelve worms at the same time. This is also because of its size. Of course, if I just With spirit, there is no need for too complicated variables, so it is enough to intercept a part of the extension. Of course, as the cultivation level increases, it will definitely move towards the ultimate evolution of the female worm in the future.

I let go of the ingestion of spiritual veins. After all, I don't want to use this female worm as the main spiritual vein to be promoted to spirituality. Too much tendency will lead to imbalances in various attributes.

And when my consciousness returned to the Demon Sealing Secret Realm of the Water Mist Alliance, more than half of the spiritual realm fairy house here ran away, and only the hospital still had seven or eight powerful spiritual realms that dared to stay.

Strangely, at the same time, there was another Bie Zong Xian's family who was wearing a dirty red dress and a disheveled face was discussing something with the hospital and they did not realize that I was awake at all.

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