Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7013: :scale

Mrs. Wo Xue was startled, and then shook her head and said, "Why are you kidding in the fun? There may be many immortal houses with clear doors and views of the sun and the moon wandering outside. If you go out now, wouldn't it be a supplement to the Lord Dongren Valley? trouble?"

"Mother! Even if I cause trouble, I also want to help Lord Dongrengu, he helped us Qingxian Mansion so much, I should help him too, besides... Besides, Lord Dongrengu is so powerful, just now You've seen it all, what's the trouble with bringing me some trouble? What's more, in the area of ​​Qingxian Mansion, is there anyone that Nan Jin hasn't been to?" Nan Jin immediately retorted.

"You kid...you don't even ask Dong Ren Gu, and you just make your own way." This immediately made Madam War Xue dumbfounded, but for a while, she looked at me in embarrassment without knowing how to refute it.

I secretly said that Nan Jin is very good at talking. If she leads the way, she might be more careful in finding people than ordinary immortals, and it will also bring me a lot of convenience. You must know that don’t look at the young girl’s youth, there are also some spiritual middle-ages. Compared with her two elder brothers, her cultivation base is probably only strong but not weak. If such a girl says that she has no intelligence, how can her strength be so outstanding?

"Mother, if you don't worry about going to Nan Jin, how about letting your child go too?" said Nan Yi, the second son on the side.

"You don't have to join in the fun anymore. Over the years, you have managed to enter Guling easily, and how much distance has been drawn for your sister. I feel dragged down by Nan Jin. How can I rest assured if you go again?" Mrs. Wo Xue waved her hand.

"Nan Jin is a special case, how can I compare it?" Nan Yi was anxious, but seeing Mrs. Wo Xue and Nan Jin's gazes of refusal, it suddenly became difficult to mention this matter again.

Seeing that his mother had no opinion, Nan Jin immediately made up his mind and said: "Then it is so decided, I will take the Lord Dongrengu to find the Emperor of Medicine, mother and second brother are waiting in the house!"

Mrs. Wo Xue shook her head and looked at me asking for help.

I thought for a while and said, "Since the little lady Nan Jin is familiar with all parts of Qingxian Mansion, then Lao will lead the way. I also promise to protect her so that she will not be put in danger, and she will be back in half a day."

"Alright, the little girl is usually quite intelligent. Although it has caused us a couple of headaches, but the behavior is more reasonable, and the Lord Laogu has taken care of them all the way." Madam Wo Xue saw her daughter's persistent help gaze. It's hard to refuse my daughter to lead the way.

"Well, I will bring her back safely." After I said, I took Nan Jin and flew toward the outside of the house.

Nan Jin stood in a large flower basket with a face mask. Inside the flower basket were clusters of flowers, which looked very gorgeous. If it weren't for the absence of hot air balloons, I would have thought that this was a beautiful version of Flying House Tour.

But even so, under the unique temperament of this little beauty, the big flower basket still seemed to lose a bit of color.

Seeing me holding a colorful umbrella, Nan Jin was very curious: "I heard that the owner of the valley defeated Bi Gao, the lord of Wind and Spirit City, with this umbrella, and became the number one evil way in one fell swoop. Xianjia, isn't it?"

"Really?" I smiled. It seems that the little girl has a clear understanding of me. No wonder Mrs. Wo Xue said that this girl has her own way of doing things.

"I think it must be, and I heard that you went to Tianlu Dao alone, broke the Heavenly Yellow Dragon Formation that their sect used for the first time in a thousand years, and also took Yaohuang away. This is a lot of people. I all know that it is possible to achieve this level. The Fengpucheng thing is really safe when I think about it." Nan Jin even knows this. It seems that the information network is not a small glimpse, maybe her family will not refuse her to receive the news at all. .

I thought for a while. This little girl is as smart as Lingzhao, but she can’t let her lead her nose. It’s not a time to talk about other things, so I said: “I don’t know how you all teach me, but the medicine The emperor can't lose it, please..."

"Call me Nan Jin, I seem to be younger than you, and the cultivation base is not the standard for judging generations for you, is it?" Nan Jin smiled.

"Well, Nan Jin, let's concentrate on leading the way, Yao Huang has not been found yet, so you can't let her out of any danger." I reminded.

Nan Yu sneered, and immediately said, "Brother Dong Ren, you said that Yaohuang was taken captive by you. Could it be that you came to save our Qingxian Mansion and escaped back to Tianlu Road by yourself?"

I secretly said that this girl is really an elf temperament, don’t look at her serious, I am afraid that she is not low, but now it is not good not to answer her, I can only follow her path and say: "The Emperor of Medicine still keeps the promise. There will be no perfidy. Besides, Elder An Fan didn’t come back. At least, everything is a guess before he explains it.”

"Brother Dong Ren, my flower basket is too big. Every time I look down, I can only see the front. For example, when I want to look at the back, I still need to turn my head." Nan Jin didn't talk about Yaohuang anymore. On the contrary, I talked about my own flower basket. When I said that, I even glanced under the flower basket, then turned around and ran to the back of the flower basket and took another look. It looked like an elf in the sky.

I smiled and said, "Although this flower basket is not the best viewing angle, it must be very safe, isn't it?"

"Brother Dong Ren, my flower basket is not only limited in the viewing position, but also the enclave is not very fast. I was the fastest along the way, but I was easily followed by Brother Dong Ren. I wanted to come to this six-color umbrella. Wouldn't it be faster?" Nan Jin asked curiously with his big eyes.

"Well, it's almost the same." I can only nod, because this flower basket is so big, it's normal to be unhappy.

"Furthermore, the six-color umbrella is more elegant than the flower basket. Is the viewing angle good? Dong Ren, can Nan Jin try this six-color umbrella?" Nan Jin looked at me expectantly.

I secretly said that this little girl is very good at adding drama to herself, so she volunteered to come out with me to find someone, and I wondered if she was a good actress, and now it made me confused, so I could only refuse to say: "How to try This umbrella has been cultivated into the spiritual veins by me, it must be driven by the six spiritual roots, it can't be tried."

"In fact, it doesn't have to be Liulinggen, wait for me..." Nan Jin collected the flower basket after speaking, and the speed suddenly dropped. I could only stop and wait for her.

And then she not only took the initiative to fly to my side, but also held the umbrella handle that I could not finish with her scallion-like hand: "Okay, Brother Dong Ren, can we fly now?"

Nan Jin's exhaled tone, his eyes smiling like two crescents, and the imaginative beauty under the white jade-like skin all made people's heart beat with unknown scales.

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