Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7018: :foreign

This sense of familiarity comes from when the water attribute holy water beetle had spirits, the reference points between the spirit veins can be referenced and derived, so I easily concluded that there must be a problem with the way of spiritual vein cultivation.

"Yeah...itchy." It seems that the water-attributable tentacles touched some sensitive places of Nan Jin, making her squat down with her hands tightly.

I hurriedly withdrew the water-attributable tentacles, and then looked at her flushed, and said embarrassedly: "I just forget about myself for a while, so I can't help but want to go back to the source. Without checking, it is inevitable that there will be fish that slip through the net. "

"Well, Brother Dong Ren explained clearly every time. Of course I have no opinion. Brother Dong Ren is sometimes more upright than the right way." Nan Jin stood up, then looked at me and said, "That's not the case. What difference did you find?"

"I found it vaguely, but I always think it's unreasonable..." I smiled bitterly. There is a problem with her spiritual vein, but the final traceability part of the problem was not immediately calculated, so I gave it so vague. answer.

"Brother Dong Ren, shouldn't he still think about coming for the second time?" Nan Jin couldn't help but asked, his eyes full of sly.

I immediately shook my head with a bitter smile, and then said, "That's not necessary. Since you had this problem when you were a child, then I can basically conclude that this is not the result of when you are in the spirit, referring to the spiritual veins of the sealed demon realm. , That is to say, it started from the practice method that you began to cultivate when you were a child. If possible, can you take out the secrets of your cultivation mind and let me study it?"

"Ah? Brother Dong Ren intends to copy our Qingxian Mansion Supreme Cheat Book? That can't work! If you don't get the consent of your father, no one can read it, let alone Dong Ren is still the valley owner of Luo Mu Valley in the evil camp. "Nan Jin said embarrassedly.

I secretly said that this is really not easy to handle. Some mental methods are peerless methods of this school, and they will certainly not be easily leaked, so as not to cause huge losses to future disciples or descendants.

Let alone let an evil way read the highest secret book of Qingxian Mansion.

"It's also... Basically, it is impossible to trace the source of the exercises. It can only be gradually traced to the source according to the old method, and let me think about it. By the way, let's quickly move towards the direction of the sun and the moon. This kind of traceability thing, I can also do it on the aircraft." I laughed.

Feeling guilty, Nan Jin took my arm and said, "Brother Dong Ren is really nice, so I won’t be angry with me. Then I will be used to control the flower basket this time. Brother Dong Ren traces the origin of my practice. The law is over."

"Then it will work." I nodded and followed her to the flower basket, cross-legged in the flower basket. No matter Nan Jin was still looking at me, he started to trace the source of the veins I just explored. I don't know how to do this. It's been so many times, so I'm already familiar with it.

So with the passage of time, not long after, I have already summarized a set of practice methods. Even if the original text cannot be written, at least the process should be the same in theory, but the deduction of traceability cannot be achieved. It was pushed to a very high level all at once, at most it was able to reach the middle stage of the spiritual realm of Nan Jin.

At this time, two days have passed. Nan Jin read the overview inscribed in the jade slip, and he became more and more surprised: "This...how is it possible? I thought Brother Dong Ren was deceiving Nan Jin. Just want to make me happy by sleeping!"

"That's not true. I'm still very good at tracing the source. Now you can see how the traceability in this jade slip is the same as your usual practice. If it is completely correct, then I will extend the calculation. What will happen to the result of continuing to practice it." I smiled.

Nan Jin said in surprise without reading it again, "I don't have to look at it at all. Brother Dong Ren gave me too many surprises. As long as I read other people's spiritual veins, I can trace the source of the exercises. This is incredible... "

"Anyway, the tracing has been completed. From now on, I will extend the possibility of cultivating it. Then I will know what will eventually extend from the hair. But then, can you tell me what kind of spirit this practice comes from? Is the cultivation technique derived from the beast's spiritual veins?" I asked.

"Ah? Brother Dong Ren even knows this? So what else do I have to hide? This is indeed a cultivation technique derived from a spirit beast, and that spirit beast is unique in our Yunmo Continent, and it is also our Qingxian. The humanoid spirit beast that has been able to stand at the top of the spirit of righteous way for many years, the goddess of spiritual fire." Nan Jin said immediately.

My eyes widened, and I asked in surprise: "Human-shaped spirit beast Linghuo Goddess? Shouldn't your first-grade Lingfeng Demon Secret Realm in Qingxian Mansion be the Azure Fire Spiritual Beast?"

"Yes, to the outside, it is indeed the Green Fire Spirit Beast." Nan Jin said without hesitation.

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