Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7020: :future trouble

Just as I thought, Nan Jin didn’t care if I wanted to stop her, snapped her fingers, and there was a loud bang. Suddenly, a huge explosion was formed under the extremely fast flame compression in front of me. The entire space seemed to be instantly distorted. The Demon Qi of Tongtian Mountain followed closely with the space power consumed by the filling plan.

The energy of these two worlds comes from the Tongtian Mountain. Once a crack-level terrorist force appears, it will actively supplement it, no matter which law it is placed in, this is all adaptive.

I watched a large area of ​​space from a distance and plunged into a riot. There was an evil smile on Nan Jin’s mouth. I couldn’t help sighing in my heart. No wonder the boundary between good and evil was defined by humans. It has always been serious, but who dares to say that it has nothing hidden under justice?

Just like this spiritual fire goddess, isn't it exactly that?

And when Nan Jin finished casting the spell, she finally softened her whole body. Although she maintained her original consciousness, she must have been a little sluggish mentally. The relaxed state of her whole body can be regarded as a continuous operation of the flower basket for the past two days. result.

"Alright?" Nan Yan asked.

I nodded and said, "You are doing a good job. I understand the state of your spiritual veins."

"Ah? Brother Dong Ren, is there something wrong with my spiritual vein?" Nan Jin saw that my expression was a little serious, and it was inevitable that there might be some problems.

"If this set of spiritual fire female goddess cultivates to the end, it will not be beyond my expectation, the spiritual veins may get out of the body and become self-conscious." I didn't have much worry about Nan Jin, because such things are for me. It's not the first time.

But I thought so. Nan Jin was so frightened that he was shocked for a while and asked, "The spirit veins get out of the body and become self-conscious!? Then I..."

"You? When the spirit veins are formed, you are no longer yourself, in other words, you are the goddess of spirit fire itself." I said.

Nan Jin was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth, staring at me with wide eyes, and then anxiously said: "Linghuo Goddess herself?! What do you mean by Brother Dong Ren?"

"That is to say, the final development direction of your spiritual veins is to become the goddess of spiritual fire. Once you have completed the transformation into the Nascent Infant, you will burn your entire body to form the true goddess of spiritual fire, and then become Spirit beast monsters are no longer the same as humans. Although this super-first-class is very powerful, it also means that it is getting closer to the way of heaven. What is the way of heaven? The way of heaven is a harmony, harmony with heaven and earth, and it is all beings that achieve harmony. , And the spiritual fire female imperial **** is of that kind, so you cultivate to her spiritual vein state, and in the end you are itself, so you can understand it." I thought about it and said.

Nan Jin was already terrified at this time, his face was gray, and he was inevitably shocked: "Brother Dong Ren means that the closer you get to it, the easier it will be in the end? But since I was young, I have understood its power to the extreme. …"

"Then the probability of becoming her is higher." I said silently.

Nan Yan was stunned, then looked at me and said, "Can I not become it...I still want to be myself..."

"Do you know that your temperament changes are largely due to changes in your spiritual veins?" I asked immediately.

These words made Nan Jin feel like she fell into the abyss, undoubtedly dragging her into the quagmire, without even the chance to resist.

"I...I know...I really can't control myself lately. Brother Dong Ren...what should I do..." Nan Jin held my hand, his face was full of begging, and the spirited spirit she had just demonstrated. It's different. She may trust me far more than others.

"You are like a petri dish for the goddess of the spiritual fire. As your practice accelerates, the fit becomes more and more consistent, and the possibility of cultivating the goddess of the spiritual fire will be higher. Once she succeeds in getting out of the body , The last thing is to **** you dry and drain, and finally become part of her energy. Of course, although the spiritual fire goddess in the petri dish is already quite gaseous, it is still a little short of the complete form after all, but fortunately you are not spiritual Dzogchen, if you are really about to reach that state, it may be difficult to save, or a battle that consumes energy, can make you completely become the goddess of spiritual fire. You must know what happened to the goddess of spiritual fire that was sealed in your underground back then. Is it true that the immortal family has changed?" I asked rhetorically.

"Brother Dong Ren meant that... the spiritual fire goddess who was sealed back then could also be an ordinary fairy? In the end, she became a spirit beast because her spiritual power was difficult to restrain?" Nan Jin is so smart, you can understand it in a few words. The reason for this.

I nodded and smiled bitterly, and said: "For the current plan, if we don't make a choice, the result is indeed like this. Of course, if you cooperate, I can definitely solve this problem for you."

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