Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7045: : Gu Nian

Tian Jin swung a sword at me without hesitation. However, I didn’t intend to take it hard. Instead, the ring-shaped jade bracelet in my hand shook for a moment. The next moment, with the bracelet as the center, the surrounding area was plunged into In the absolute realm of the bracelet!

Although Nan Jin came down for the second time, she still shocked me with this hand. Looking at the surrounding heavenly scene, she couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and Mei Yao was also shocked to speak. She was at this moment. The spirit has been out of the body, looking at his body, his face is full of surprise.

Not only she, but also those immortal families who want to escape from Tianludao, and Nanzhi father and son, who are suffering from gains and losses at this moment, and are frightened. Not only did they separate their minds, they also saw that their bodies were being timed at this moment. Standing below, I don’t know of them, and none of the immortals in Tianludao are not mentally presenting this concretized world!

I descended into this absolute realm with the posture of the deity, and the proud posture made all the immortals feel panic, because my mental appearance is completely different from the body, so no matter which immortal family thinks of it first The soul in the main body of Dong Ren Gu is out of order.

"You...you are...you are not Dongren Valley Master! Who are you!?" The Tianjin who was opposite me was the most surprised. He had already received enough shock, but now he was shocked by the impact. Yes, I'm jumping in front of me.

I glanced at the Immortal Family of Tianlu, and the Immortal Family of Qingxian Mansion, which were pulled into the realm. Finally, my eyes fell on Tian Jin's body. With a sneer, I only had no room for negotiation. The second luck is not very good. I will stay with you, the little Dao Venerable. As for how you go back and tell Dao Venerable that it’s up to you, or if you feel dissatisfied, it's okay to stay by the way."

Even if they are fools, they know that I am not an ordinary fairy, so the expressions are full of shock, the superiors are unique, in fact, can not be imitated by imitating, so even they know that I will do what I say.

Sure enough, I didn't let them down. In the absolute realm of my spirit, Tian Jin wailed in pain with a snap of my fingers. The pain of this mental torture was accompanied by panic and pleading, making all the immortal family present stunned.

The fear couldn't stop at all, the shocking feeling of absolute power made them feel the despair from the upper gods. No one can fully bear this feeling. Even Mei Yao stopped in exclamation at this time.

Fortunately, time is short of a finger. After the finger time, the spirit of Tianjin has been completely extinguished by me.

I looked at the immortals who were stupid and dared not move, and asked, "Is anyone planning to avenge the Young Daoist? The Heavenly Ludao will speak first."


The answer to me was silent silence. In this soul-out feast, they knew who the real king was. Until my face became gloomy, the most stable old man hurriedly stood up and said tremblingly, "Sao Dao" Zun collided with the predecessor of Mu Xianzhou, Shangxian, since we are dead, then we...We don’t want to be troublesome, we will report to Zun when we go back, and we will change to a younger Dao Zun who is more suitable for inheriting Tianlu Dao. I will definitely not... offend the gods again..."

"Yes, we don't dare to offend the gods anymore!"

"When I go back, I'll change to a Young Dao Venerable, and please go to Xian Xi An..."

A group of immortals are all frightened and honest. After all, their spirits are destroyed when I pinch them. How many courage can they resist? In the Absolute Realm, the power of the bracelet is the most powerful. Even though there are Tian Lu Dao who broke into the Absolute Realm later to help them, they found that they were unsurprisingly out of spirit and were also frightened and honest.

"Then what about Qingxian Mansion? Do you have any opinion on me? I have given you so many resources to help you recover, so you give back to me?" I looked at the father and son Nan Zhi and Nan Lang, although they did not Serious sin, at least at a critical moment, I plan to conceal my identity, but I can't just ask, lest I think I'm easy to talk.

"I... I, I, I... Dong... No, Shang Xian... Shang Xian breathes anger..." Nan Zhi was already so scared that he couldn't say a complete sentence. I guess he thought he would be the next one to be killed. So the timid quality is exposed.

Nan Lang was clever, and said to Nan Jin hurriedly, "Nan Jin, you are familiar with Shangxian, save your eldest brother and daddy... We didn’t think so at the beginning, because the other party has too many people. Time has no confidence in Shangxian. Shangxian hides too deeply. If he had said that he had borrowed from Mu Xianzhou, would we have the slightest doubt? You have to care about family affection..."

Nan Jin was so frightened that Hua Rong paled, came over and hugged my hand, and said: "One day, brother, father and brother were indeed wrong, can I still do this debt... please... don't kill them, okay?"

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