Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7055: : What's wrong

The idea of ​​this drama is not simple. Qingxian Mansion's dead young Daoist, even if I take a big deal, Tianludao can't easily let them go. After all, I helped Qingxian Mansion before. I have to say There is nothing to do with Qingxian Mansion, who would believe it?

So of course Mrs. Wo Xue had to come to Fengxian City. Only when she came to Fengxian City to meet her father, and Tianlu Dao knew about this, she did not dare to get too angry at Qingxian Mansion. Now Tianlu Dao is also suffering from internal and external troubles. But Fengxiancheng can be regarded as sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, nothing at all.

Therefore, the biggest force and the ultimate beneficiary are Fengxiancheng. If she doesn't come back to find her father, is it possible that she is really the mood of three changes that day with her daughter?

"Father, what can we do now? Tianludao lost the Young Daoist, so he wouldn't let us go to Qingxian Mansion, right?" Madam Wo Xue had tears in her eyes, with a worried expression.

Wo Sheng snorted to me. After taking a look at me, he looked at Bi Qi who was in a state of confusion at the moment, and then said: "Well, this is not the place to talk, no matter what you do outside, Go to the top and say, since they are all here, I'm going to cut off your business."

What we are talking about here is too sensitive. After all, the news reached Fengxian City. Many immortals never knew that such a big thing had happened in Qingxian Mansion. Therefore, the next Yunmo Continent is bound to fall into a more astonishing turbulence. Undercurrent.

One big incident after another made Wo Shengdu feel a headache, but what made him even more headache was that when he was flying upward, Nan Yan followed me closely, let alone a medicine emperor, two women. As the top celebrity in Yun Mozhou, how could he not care about their following issue at the moment?

Just take one out and put it in a key place, and the entire Yunmozhou can be shaken a few times.

How could a chess player like Wo Sheng sitting on the top of Fengxian City not care if his chess pieces were misplaced, or how the enemy played chess?

The top of the city is still resplendent and magnificent, and the posture of Wo Sheng floating up to the city with his hands on his back is enough to make people feel like the immortals are following behind him, and besides us, there is a kind of guard leader gradually gathering, this Fengxiancheng His strength is absolutely top-notch, at least no force can come up with such a lineup.

Mrs. Wo Xue was muttering something next to Wo Sheng. Although I was separated by a sound-proof cover, it could be seen from her occasional mouth that Nan Jin was in the words.

And Bi Qu is flying ahead of me. Although he did not do anything to me, it does not mean that his hatred for me will be slightly reduced by half because I killed his opponent’s son. For him, I am afraid that he is just a mad dog. It is totally unreasonable to kill the one who killed one's own side and kill the opponent again.

"City Lord Biqi, Lingzhao can still discuss the matter over there." Wo Sheng said lightly.

"Really?" Bi Qu suddenly felt energetic from his sluggish attitude, and the whole person was relaxed, and he quickly added, "Thank you, the city lord!"

I couldn't help feeling stubborn for a moment, and at this time, Nan Jin grabbed my hand and asked, "Brother Dong Ren, what's wrong with you? Is it because of Lingzhao's cousin that worries you?"

"Father, isn't Lingzhao niece..." Mrs. Wo Xue was shocked by the sudden conversation between Wo Sheng and Bi Qu, and she quickly prepared to say something to explain that she did not participate in this arrangement, but Wo Sheng didn't give her a chance to continue, and stared at her daughter with her eyebrows sideways: "Don't forget, Nan Jin is your daughter."

These words scared Mrs. Wo Xue not to say any more, but at this moment she was already worried, no one did not feel scared when standing behind me when her heart was guilty. Her words just made Wo Sheng mentioned the spiritual photo, that question It can't be simplified anymore.

Nan Jin also visibly shivered.

Soon, we were already standing under the breath of the sky, under the azure blue sky, the entire Fengxian city was in a panoramic view, and at this time, Mrs. Woshuang and Lingzhao had been standing on it for a long time, even if they were them. The two did not come down, and they should have got the news. Even though it was a little late, they were looking forward to my arrival.

"Big brother one day!" When Lingzhao saw me, her eyes like autumn water flickered with ripples, she couldn't help flying over, but when she saw Nan Jin was holding my sleeve, the speed of flying slowed down. slow.

Mrs. Wo Shuang hurried forward and said angrily: "Sister, this is a good thing you did? You didn't know that Lingzhao and Xiaotian had a marriage contract, so you let your daughter hook up with Xiaotian?!"

I was inevitably embarrassed in my heart, but Madam Wo Xue seemed to have been quarreling with Wo Shuang in the past, and said coldly: "Nan Jin and Gu Zhu are already co-cultivators. Are they holding hands as a hook? Even if they are glued together, again What's wrong?"

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