Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7059: : Absolute Order

"You are not a fledgling kid anymore, why did you say such arrogant things? Do you know how many years ago I burned my magic sword into the world's forbidden devices? This thing is definitely not something you can bear with bare hands. Yes, if it’s too late for you to regret it now, if I take action, you will be unstable, who will warm it up for you when the time comes?" Wo Sheng gently caressed the divine tool and the spiritual energy in his hand was burned and absorbed by it. No wonder this thing is called a forbidden device, because it hurts others and hurts itself.

"One day, brother, let's just forget it, let's go back to Mugu? This knife looks too dangerous..." Nan Jin pulled my sleeve.

I shook my head and said, "Freedom is won. This battle is for you and for me."

"Okay, what a freedom, I won't break your alchemy, if you die, I will let your alchemy survive!" After Wo Sheng said, the whole person immediately took a stance, his hands lying on the knife and ready to come. Remember the fiery knife.

I shook my head and said faintly: "Leave me in the alchemy? Well, with this sentence, I will not embarrass you too much. I will only tell you, what is it that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the world, so that you can do things. Don’t just feel like you are the only one in the world."

Wo Sheng sneered and roared, and then stepped on his toes, and immediately prepared to rush over!

But my Earth Demon Sun bracelet shook and snapped his fingers with a snap. The next moment his spirit was immediately pulled out, although the Yangshen Pill in the bracelet was directly consumed by a third, but Extracting the spirit of Wo Sheng is also very cost-effective.

The spirit of Wo Sheng was still holding the knife when he was out of his body, so his posture was still quite awkward. When he rushed in front of me, he found that I was no longer the original me, but had become like the deity. He was able to instantly There is no other idea except to step back.

"You!" Seeing my true appearance, Wo Sheng's expression was extremely frightened, and everyone could see that countless of my mental states were strong at the moment, and the colors between us were fundamentally different.

I sneered, and stretched out my hand to pinch his neck, so that he didn't even have the ability to resist. Apart from being stunned, I was just struggling like a passerby.

"How? Isn't even the weapon useless?" I smiled at Wo Sheng, then let go of my hand and put him out of my hand.

Wo Sheng originally thought that I would do something, but he didn't expect that I would let him go in an instant, which made him extremely shocked and stunned.

"You...who are you?" In addition to the absolute fear of the superiors on Wo Sheng's face, there was no more arrogance before.

"Who am I? Does it matter?" I looked at Bi Qu who had been stunned, and instantly continued to release the power of the bracelet.

I won’t just let it go. If I couldn’t extract Wo Sheng’s spirit before, I might not have expanded the results, but now it’s different. Since Wo Sheng has been arrested, Bi Gao of Fengpu City in the distance. How could it have escaped with a few immortal families in the later period of the spirit?

So the spiritual realm centered on me expanded again, and soon a group of immortals were brought in again, including Nan Jin and Lingzhao who were not very far away, and even Madam Juan Han, Wo Xue and Wo Shuang sisters.

As more and more people were caught in the bracelet, Bi Qu realized that he was arresting him, so he roared ‘run’, and the other immortals were ready to flee with him.

But the speed at which I spread the Absolute Domain was so fast that he couldn't avoid it, so he used to stand in the forefront, and now he was the one who ran the slowest and was the first to be caught. As for those immortal families who escaped, I didn't bother to catch it.

Because after Biqu’s spirit came out, he was already in the sky of the palace complex in the heaven where I was. This is my physical world, and it is also the super spiritual realm that I created artificially. These immortals are here except for me to knead. He doesn't even have the ability to resist.

I pointed my finger towards Biqi and smiled: "Do you have any last words?"

"You...what do you mean...you can't...can't kill me." Bi Qu was terrified, because at this moment he knew I was not telling a joke.

"You...you can't kill him! He is the lord of Fengpu City!" Including Wo Sheng, he was also panicked at this time, because Biqu was an important link for him to control the entire Yunmozhou. Once this link fails, the result will be It takes more time and effort to complete the layout again.

"There are only these last words? Then you can die." I poked my finger, and Bi Qu's spirit instantly curled into a ball, and then disappeared with a sound of waves.

A group of immortal families who rushed in in the late stage of the spirit realm originally planned to save the talents and rushed in. Now the spirit can do nothing except shivering.

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