Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7080: : Rollover

"How does it feel? It's good, very comfortable. When I am fast, I feel that its heart must be cooperating with me. When I am slow, it also tries its best to resonate with me, so when we advance and retreat together, we are very happy with each other. "I smiled.

"Ah...Is it really that comfortable? But I'm still a little scared of this..." Mei Yao's face was reddish and she looked forward, and then she couldn't help covering her face with her hands.

"What's so scary about this, then should I be slower? You should feel comfortable if you slow down." I thought to myself that the speeding car can't drive too fast. The little girl thinks it is dangerous, so it's always okay to take your time. .

"When it’s slow, I’ll be comfortable... But I still feel... I’m afraid what to do..." The voice of Mei Yao dropped to a very low decibel. If it weren’t for the sound of running out in the car, I could hardly hear her. What did you say.

I thought about it, and immediately comforted her: "I am an old driver, don't worry, since I slow down, I will be very stable."

"Oh... the old driver... but... but I haven't tried it yet, what if... what if you don't do it well... will you dislike me..." Mei Yao covered her face, and I could only see the root of her neck It's all red, even more so that the face is visible.

I shook my head and said, "Are you okay? I haven't seen you have such a big reaction before driving. I have said that I will be slower. I will definitely let you sit comfortably. Even if the seat is not good, it will be fine. , What do I dislike you for? I promise not to dislike it with the crooked butt."

"Ah? I'm not crooked! But you don't usually drive like that..." Mei Yao said anxiously, and finally put her hands down this time, and then said madly: "You always drive like this with me, so that People are shy, but...but the fellow practitioners really told you that, would it be so comfortable...if it is true...then I...I can cooperate with you..."

"What? What did you say?!" I sat up straight, and hit the roof of the car with a bang, and almost didn't knock a hole in the roof. This time it was my turn to stare at her in a daze.

"You are not allowed to be so happy... I just said... I can first... cooperate with you... If I feel uncomfortable, I will also shout..." Mei Yao said in a hurry, although she does not seem to be very charming at this time. , But no matter which man sees it, it is estimated that it is difficult to bear the pressure of such desire.

Even I couldn't help but take a deep breath: It turned out that she was talking about fellow practitioners just now, so I thought it meant that I was driving fast. What's this all about? The old driver really didn't pay attention and slammed into the tree.

"You mean to be a fellow practitioner..." I looked at Mei Yao, and when I bullied her, I knew she would definitely refuse, so I spoke unscrupulously. After all, I wanted to see her refuse. That has become a habit. But this time she came out so that I didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Meiyao didn't dare to look at me, but nodded with a shy expression on her face: "Fellow practitioners...we also have many in Tianludao... It is common for the brothers and sisters to share the same Dongfu... I am also curious as to what it is. How does it feel... Just now... Just now Lingzhao said that I was cultivating with you... So... So... I think it was your words..."

In fact, fellow practitioners in the Liangyi World also have many meanings in it. If you agree to it, you can move forward slowly, so I nodded and said, "Also, since you want to experience it, then take this opportunity to cultivate together. NS."

When Mei Yao saw that I had promised so readily, it was inevitable that she turned her head and looked at me blankly. When she reacted for a while, she lowered her head again.

I thought that this kind of thing shouldn’t be too impatient, so I planned to talk about it after finishing the work experiment first. The little girl might change her mind at that time, but when I saw that I didn’t seem to be doing anything, I still continued to drive the car. It seemed that Mei Yao's hand was quickly placed on my hand that touched the Earth Demon Sun's control of the ball.

"Stop...Stop, I will now..." Mei Yao didn't look at me, but the temperature brought by the palm of my hand against the back of my hand had already clearly told me her determination. I've been calling too much in my heart.

I can’t persuade me in my mind, I can only stop the car, here is the mountains and trees behind the valley, the sky is white at the moment, but once it falls into the forest, it will definitely cover the sky, and the night will be nothing. Difference.

As for the Tongtian Mountain to go further forward, it will be full of desolation and it is indeed not a good place for initiates. Mei Yao knows this very well, and she has sensed that she is about to hit the later stage of spiritual life. After all, recently, she has also I take Yangshen Pill too much.

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