Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7094: : Dead Ash

"Bai Cheng, maximize the influence of the Absolute Domain!" I gave the order, and Bai Cheng nodded and immediately opened the mental power influence range, but Xian Li couldn't figure it out for a while, thinking what I was going to do, she said anxiously: "One day, brother, will they catch up?!"

As a result, because the speed was too fast, after staggering, there was a loud noise in an instant, and the floating island slanted into the ground. The loud noise was hit to pieces, and the explosion sounded one after another. It is estimated that such a violent impact would not be able to carry any fairy family. living.

Xian Li stared at me dumbfounded, and hurriedly asked, "What's going on? Why did they hit the ground when they saw us avoiding?"

Nan Jin said with a smile, "Hey, sister Xian Li is so innocent. One day, my brother said that Bai Cheng would have the greatest influence on the domain. Everyone is out of mind within a mile and outside of this area. At that time, who can control except us? This flying magic weapon? Their souls can't return to their place for a while, even if they return to their place, they are in chaos. If they can't control the spacecraft, doesn't it just hit the ground directly?"

"Ah! It turned out to be like this!" Empress Xian Li realized that, but also felt that the boss was wrong, and said with some dissatisfaction: "You know everything, I just didn't expect it for a while."

"Really? Sister Xianli is still smart." Nan Jin was a little bit younger than Lingzhao Xianli, and she looked very ghostly.

Xian Li snorted, and everyone was still in shock at this time. After all, I directly destroyed a small boat on Mu Xianzhou Shangxian with my single hand. There are still many people on board, so this is a big deal.

But I didn’t pay much attention to this. On the contrary, hesitated in the consumption of the bracelet. Don’t look at the simple interlace just now. In fact, the consumption of the bracelet ran up all at once. This shows that the fairy on this boat. Family must not be simple, at least the strength is not comparable to the average fairy family.

I used the energy of the bracelet when I let the spirit of Wo Sheng go out of the body. Although it was purely the Yang Shen Dan on the bracelet at that time, and now I use the energy on the yacht, the excessive consumption means going to Muxian. In Europe, the energy reserves will be insufficient, which is bad.

Therefore, if the opponent is too strong, it is not a good thing to provoke the Xian family who admires Xianzhou.

Sure enough, my prediction was correct. Just as I looked at the floating island that was crashed underneath, there was another loud bang. A wounded and tattered male immortal rushed forward with a gun. Staring at me angrily, he called out: "What a Valley Master of Lumugu, he sounds like he is not a good kind. At this moment, it is not surprising that even the gods of Mu Xianzhou dare to treat them like this. Incur more injustice!"

I watched the youth rush up, and thought that this guy was tough enough, and he wouldn't die like this. This Mu Xianzhou is indeed full of talents, and this must already be in the realm of Yuan Ying.

"Valley Lord, be careful, this is a Yuan Yingchu of Wufeng City... No, he should have been completed at this moment, after all, he has been gone for sixty years." Yingyi said lightly, and then glanced at the treasures in the cabin. The warehouse seemed to have more things in mind.

"It's okay, he can't make a fuss." I finished faintly, and the moment the other party rushed into this absolute spiritual realm, I reached out and grabbed his spirit directly.

The youth turned out to be aggressive, but at the moment I stretched out my hand, my body hit the ground like a thousand pounds, and my spirit was directly pulled in front of me, and was squeezed into a ball under the kneading of my fingers.

"Kill? Or not?" I looked at Ying Yi with a shocked look, and secretly said in my heart that she was still afraid of Wufeng City in her heart, and she was afraid of making up her mind at this moment.

"Rao... Forgiveness... Senior Yingyi... I'm here to find you, save me... Save me..." The youth's expression changes can be described as ironic, the original anger, the panic now, and the later pleading for Ying Yi, this change is all Suddenly, it also showed the cruel and essential side of the Eight Desolation World.

Ying Yi watched this scene in surprise, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Although he had fallen into trouble with me before... but it is always... or..."

"If you hesitate, then I'll make a decision for you. How did you come here, should you remember?" I snapped my finger in an instant, and the other party was wiped out, and the youth's body disappeared because of the last line of spiritual maintenance. Finally began to disappear into a cloud of fly ash before falling to the ground, and the cruelty of this heresy in front of me.

"You...do you know what you did? He is a disciple of Wufengcheng, at least the lower elder at the moment..." Yingyi looked at me panicked, and when she looked down at the earth, she saw that the other party had become a cloud of smoke. It is inevitable to disappear, because this may be a contradiction that is difficult to eliminate.

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