Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7111: : Shuffle

"Really? Regarding Yun Mozhou, is Mu Xianzhou's sect now free to intervene at will? Has my consent been obtained?" I looked at Li Feng coldly, with a six-color umbrella in my hand. This umbrella killed Bi Xie before, and at this moment, it seemed that he was still braving a murderous aura, and Li Feng couldn't help but lower his eyebrows.

Wo Sheng was so frightened that he hurriedly said to Li Feng: "Hall Master, please be fair to you!"

"Alright." Li Feng stretched out his hand to signal him not to panic, but the other Nascent Infant Realm immortal houses were still on the verge of an enemy, as if I were a mastermind of the world. Li Feng thought for a while and said, "Lord Xia Gu seems to be Do you have an objection? I don't know what the Lord Xia Gu thinks?"

"Hehe, the weapons are all taken out, come, why doesn't the Lord Lifeng have a life-and-death battle? I'm from an evil way, but I don't have your messy attention to it." I finished grimly and pressed my hand on the umbrella handle. The gesture of drawing the sword is obvious.

At this moment, Li Feng's eyes widened, and he said angrily: "Master Xia! How dare you be so presumptuous!? But I don't know that the middle elders of many sects are here?"

I took a look at the surroundings. This Fenglan Temple has been renovated. We have been allowed to walk around in Fenglan City at will. Naturally, we also arranged a place to live for us. After all, we don’t have to take care of us, so Li Feng waited for the Nascent Soul Realm. Xianjia returned to work here again.

The envoys of the other Muxianzhou sects around them looked solemn, holding their own weapons in their hands, and some of them had already brewing tricks.

I chuckled and said, "What is presumptuous? It seems to ask you more for reference, right? You arbitrarily send people to my Luomu Valley, isn’t this called presumptuous? Let me tell you this, as long as you don’t get into the weather for a day. Hai, I’m still the valley master of Luomu Valley. As for you, what kind of thing is Yueyao? As the saying goes, everyone is angry and kills all three steps. Since you angered me, then you have to accept the result, and one more thing, Whoever made this idea, I killed whoever, as long as anyone who dares to interfere with me and kill Li Feng, I will kill them!"

"You!" Li Feng's face changed drastically. I didn't expect me to be so arrogant and domineering. There was no chance for any rebuttal.

"Sonic boom!" My body made a sonic boom instantly, as if the aftermath of a bomb sent myself to Li Feng, and as I pulled out the living iron sword in an instant, Li Feng simply instinctively took out a sonic boom. Take a long knife of wind attributes!

Cang Dang!

In an instant, my living iron sword directly collided with the long sword. As a result, the blades of the two weapons were all sunken. The sparks shot like a splendid firework, and Li Feng saw that my sword was able to interact with him. When his swords were assembled like this, he was shocked to retreat a few steps, and shouted sharply: "You actually have Mu Xianzhou's sword!"

I didn't hesitate at all, because the deconstruction of the five-finger cohesion has been completed, and it hit the wind in an instant!

Li Feng just landed and could only roar sideways, but I had predicted his trajectory a long time ago. Although this deconstruction technique did not directly hit Yuan Ying, it also knocked half of his body into a disintegrated state!

"Haha, how about it? How about not? Not only this sword, but the Tianlu sword is still in my hand, isn't it?" I sneered and played deconstructive skills, frightened Li Feng hurriedly with the spirit of the wind. Fleeing frantically, of course, if he weren't good at running away, he would have punched many holes in my deconstruction.

A group of immortal families from other sects shocked me just now, and they hesitated to stay where they were for a while.

"What are you doing in a daze? This is so rampant, how dare you attack me, the lord of the palace! If you don't go together, can you wait for him to finish the murder?!" asked Li Feng furiously.

These Primordial Infant Realm immortal families are not as strong as Li Feng, so they can’t be the head of the palace, but if they shoot together, it is hard for me to fight with four hands. Therefore, watching them get ready to move, I immediately said: “This palace master is acting upside down. I don’t know which one is more serious, do you still want to live under his lust? When I kill him, we will re-elect the lord of the Fenglan Temple, and then we will vote to determine who is suitable!"

Give me such a shout, and I was immediately unwilling to help. These guys seem to be harmonious, but in fact, they are all restless guys. Now that there is a chance to elect the Lord of the Palace again, the distribution of interests of all parties will have to be rewashed. With the card, the natural advantage of one less person is also greater. Now that there are no elders from Mu Xianzhou in the Fenglan Temple, this Wind City is not worth it.

"What are you doing? Don't hurry up to listen to the orders of my palace master!?" Li Feng can only walk in the Fenglan Hall, running for his life at a very fast speed!

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