Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7114: : Kidnapping

"Fenglan City, I want to take to Muxianzhou, a place where both good and evil are hard to find, and the closer to the Zhongyuanzhou Mountain Range, the better. I will use that as the core to build a brand new sect and rank No matter which sect I come from, from today onwards, I will be the disciple of my sect! I will look for the earth blood fluid in the Central Yuanzhou Mountains, and then devour it with the heavenly creatures to refine the cultivation medicine that everyone needs. , I don’t need to explain what kind of improvement you will have? I know that you are not taken seriously in the sect, and then I was sent here to cross the fairy family of Yunmozhou, so we again Why bother to the original sect again? After returning, can you get the pill made by the blood of the earth? How much material resources can you get? It is better to stay in Fenglan City and break a new world with me in the Central Yuanzhou Mountains! Of course, if anyone doesn’t want to be a disciple of the new sect, please stand up now!” I glanced at all the Nascent Soul Realm fairy houses present. These Nascent Soul Realm fairy houses are actually just middle and lower elders. The efficiency of utilization may not be high, but the point is that they are not valued by their own sects, which increases the possibility of my operation.

Sure enough, after hearing my decision, all the elders of the Nascent Soul Realm looked at each other, and were a little bit eager for what I said. Under the destruction of my words, fear and reason have directly turned into a passion for the pursuit of materials, Zhongyuanzhou The blood refining alchemy, and the most important thing is that I have a strange beast. This is simply a cheating halo. Once the blood is found in the Central Yuanzhou Mountains, it is almost certain that everyone will go to the sky in one step, and no matter when the time comes. Both the old and new sects will leap into the world's leader.

No immortal family dare to leave easily at this time, because leaving means that it is not the immortal family of the new sect, and after experiencing the previous incidents of Li Feng and Bi Xie being killed, no one is thinking about what it will bring if they leave. As a result, joining the new sect may become their only way.

And the beauty Sana of Wufeng City hurriedly said faithfully: "Sana is willing to follow Lord Xia Gu to establish a new sect! Sana will definitely control Fenglan City to the Central Yuanzhou Mountains!"

"Oh?" I looked at her, then at Yingyi again, and asked, "Yiyi, is she credible?"

"I don’t know, I didn’t see her when I left, but since she can control it, let her control it. Take the first level!" Ying Yi said unceremoniously.

I nodded and felt a little peace of mind. After all, if there is no one who knows the way, if the beauty of Sana is brought to Wufeng City, it will be a dead end.

Sana said this to Yingyi, and quickly responded: "I will never betray Lord Xia Gu. Where Lord Xia Gu wants to go, I will take everyone there!"

"Lord Xia Gu, what is the name of this new sect? As the middle elder of the original residence, I am not welcome in the door. I have been sent to perform some unreasonable tasks repeatedly. A new school was established in the Zhongyuanzhou Mountains of Muxianzhou. I am willing to quit the original residence and join the new sect." The beautiful middle elder of the original residence also immediately expressed his opinion.

"Okay! With such a good lead like you, this Taoist master is still very gratified. Our new sect is called Tianyiyi. You must remember! From now on, our Tianyiyi will become the number one in the world. Zongmen!" I announced loudly.

Although most of the immortals are not so passionate, and even most of them have doubts, but I don’t care about these. As long as they can be carried out according to the plan in the future, all the goals will be achieved quickly. After all, I am building a heaven. It is very good at it.

"It's not just that I, Yan Shu, will join the new sect. The fairy family of our original residence will also join Tianyi. I also ask Dao Master Xia to promise." The beauty Yan Shu of the original residence glanced at the fairy family of his team. , Four or five immortal houses from the original residence immediately came to salute.

"Very well, from now on, Yan Shu, you are the upper elder of my Tianyi! The other lower elders are also the upper one. As for the lower elders, the subordinate elders will be taken care of by the immortal family who joined the spirit perfection!" After I said this, I immediately looked towards Sent other Mu Xianzhou envoys.

These messengers from Mu Xianzhou heard that Yan Shu had also rushed to the sky, where there was still a thought of waiting, they immediately brought people to surrender. Leaving the existence of the team, they are all scrambling to become loyal.

"Juanhan, help me!" Just as I wanted to collect the first batch of disciples, Wo Sheng, who was thinking about how to save himself, finally suffocated four words.

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