Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7118: : Fufeng

"Dao Master Xia, do you still remember the old man Yuan Zhi?" Yuan Zhi asked with a stab.

"Naturally I remember, I don't know what the hall master has to say to this Taoist master?" I looked at her. This old lady, who seemed to be more than 60 years old, was very stable, but she had a strong and showy personality.

"Although I have a high level of cultivation, my qualifications are relatively mediocre. I feel satisfied with my whole life by the time I reach Consummation. Therefore, I will not go to sacrifice to the immortal and blood crossing. However, Dao Master Xia established a new sect, but I had to give a few. The children take a chance. They are the children I value very much on weekdays, and I have entrusted them to Dao Xia together with the elites in the door. I hope Dao Xia can treat them well and give them a future as much as possible. I am grateful. The old body will also wave the flag for you in Yunmozhou, and together with Luomugu, we will work together to do something stably for Yunmozhou." Yuan Zhi said decisively, but there was nothing false.

Of course I admire this kind of people who speak for words, and I said: "It's rare that Hall Master Yuan Zhi is so worthy of the Dao Master. The children you recommend and the elites under your command will definitely be treated well. Of course, Mu Xianzhou Unlike Yunmozhou, the crisis is everywhere, and I can only keep them as far as I can, but what can be guaranteed is that as long as I stay in Muxianzhou for one day, I will take care of you Yunmozhou's blood sacrifice hall for one day. ,how?"

"Xia Daozhu's words are very much in line with my wishes, so the old man no longer speaks much, I only hope that Xia Daozhu's words and deeds will be consistent." Yuan Zhi said excitedly, and immediately waved, dozens of spiritual realms also came forward. , There are indeed many disciples with good qualifications, which are considered very good compared to other sects.

Nan Yuan saw Yuan Zhi gaining a huge advantage in front of her, so where would she give up? But her cleverness is not to play with some fox charms. When Yuan Zhi left, she immediately borrowed a pole to climb up and said: "Xia Daozhu, what I did is cleaner than the blood sacrifice hall, even My host came here with my daughter, let alone she was crushed, she wouldn’t frown even if she sacrificed her body, and sincere heart can also reflect the sun and the moon."

"Well, if you express your opinion, just go over there and wait. If you work with the fairy family of Jixuetang for the sky, will you still worry about the ones that Jixuetang has?" I glanced at the Bai Cheng behind me. Said: "Bai Cheng, take them to find a place to stay first."

"Yes, Master." After Bai Cheng finished speaking, he made a request, so that the host Nan Yuan had no chance to perform next, and even his daughter was not able to introduce it.

The major sects seem to have nothing to do with me. In fact, after the clues were drawn, whether they were obedient, fearful, or already related, they all brought out the mud from the turnips, so in the end, it was unexpected. There are only a few reasons to shirk. These people are actually useless. They are just a group of people who are greedy for life and fear of death. Going to Muxianzhou is just going to die.

After taking away the elites of the sect, in fact, the elites of Luomugu are the most left. I only took away the immortal family with perfect spiritual realm, not like these wor-sage-related households. Gone, so as long as Yunmozhou develops in a normal state, the Luomugu force will be the most powerful existence. If it develops properly, it will definitely be able to surpass the Tianludao and Fengpucheng that year.

After the dust settled, Sana started Fenglan City under the supervision of Yingyi. The huge floating island finally moved slowly, and with the changing scenes of the wind and clouds outside, I knew that this floating island had already begun. Leaving Yunmozhou.

And just half an hour after flying on the floating island, Nan Yuan hurriedly asked for a meeting outside the Fenglan Temple.

I didn't stop her from letting in. She looked panicked and said, "Dao Master Xia, we don’t know if we don’t check the Dragon Phoenix Tower. In this investigation, we found a spy in Ke Qing’s team! At this moment and that The person has escaped outside. This person uses the alias of Fufeng, but it is said that his real name should be called Fengzhen! Oh my god, I got into a big disaster! What can I do? Xia Daozhu asks a few Yuan Ying realm The upper elder went to kill him?"

"Feng Zhen?" I glanced at Mei Yao, she was also taken aback, and said: "Brother Tian, ​​you guessed it right, he really escaped!"

"Hmph, although he has caused me a lot of trouble time and time again, this old guy is also quite capable. I had expected that he would nudge my spaceship. Now it seems that he wants to go to Muxian. It’s okay to tell all the immortals in Fenglan City that you don’t have to hunt down this guy. Tell him if you want to go to Muxianzhou, then come and see me by yourself.” I snorted.

After a group of immortal families took the order, they went out to do things. After a while, the dusty wind and tremors followed a few immortal families.

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