Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7124: : Shilong

While this dragonfly was chasing me, it used the low-frequency vibration of its wings to create a powerful field control. Not to mention, even if it was the Earth Spirit Root Guardian, I felt that the whole body was churning with air. This ghost thing is simply weird.

The closer my deconstruction art is, the more powerful it is, but according to this dragonfly’s attack method, I’m afraid it’s going to be stunned when I get close to it, so the fairy family of the Nascent Infant Realm chased it and attacked from a long distance, but no one Willing to get too close.

One of the immortal family in the middle stage of the Yuan Ying saw that I was getting closer to the dragonfly, and hurriedly said to me: "Tao Master Xia, be careful! Each pair of its wings vibrates at different speeds, so once it gets closer, it can bring us closer. It was so shocked that it was difficult to control the sea of ​​qi. Several Taoist friends were after Yuan Ying was disturbed and pecked through his body by it. Only Yuan Ying could escape!"

I secretly said that it was a strange way of attack. This dragonfly is not too big, about the size of a twenty-square-foot house, but it is not fun to give it such a peck. It is a blessing for Yuan Ying to escape.

I can only continuously explode deconstruction techniques on it. In fact, it should be effective. At least the mesh eyes on the head have gradually turned red. I can see that it feels that I am the most threatening to it, so it has always been Is attacking me.

"Deconstruction!" I continued to bombard with deconstruction, while the other immortals greeted with various spells. After a while, many immortals flew out to check the battle.

My deconstruction technique is constantly testing the weak areas of the dragonfly. Not to mention, after enough testing and aiming, by chance, it hit the node of one of its wings!

With only a bang, the dragonfly's body tilted, and one of the cicada wings fell off!

Seeing the cicada wings fall, the dragonfly hates me even more, but now that it loses a wing, its speed has slowed down, and the low-frequency sound is gradually messy, and the feeling of qi sea has become tumbling. It's not that serious anymore.

After I found its weakness, I immediately bombarded the nodes of its wings with deconstruction techniques. Although I failed to hit the fragile nodes that were moving at high speed several times, after repeated attempts, the second wing was also knocked down for me. Now, the feeling of turbulent air can no longer affect me. The situation that I just dared not come close to has been reversed, and the power of my deconstruction technique has suddenly increased. Now there is no need to look for the weak points of the wings, but from the roots of the wings. Start!


I knocked out the dragonfly because of its wings, and only one remained. The dragonfly hit the ground directly. It flapped its last wing. It couldn't fly, but it was still fierce, and it was still trying to regenerate a new one. Wings, I saw the immature wings begin to point, I quickly knocked off the last wing.

Even land directly close to it and use deconstruction!


The position of the most fragile chest and mouth corners was directly deconstructed by me, but soon the powerful rebirth ability of Divine Transformation came into play, and the mouth corners unexpectedly recovered.

I can only keep trying to approach deconstruction. Although the area has become larger, the dragonfly seems to be just eating pain, and there is no sign of death at all.

In addition, my deconstruction technique is not effective on the other hard parts of it, which makes me very embarrassed. If this continues, I am afraid I can only use a large array to kill it while it ravages Fenglan City.

The other immortal families in the Nascent Soul Realm were also helpless, and when I was about to order the team to accept the team, the dragonfly seemed to sense something. I understand its expression, but I can feel the excitement of this guy, I am afraid it is smelling something that can nourish its body at the moment.

Sure enough, when I flew up into the sky and looked into the distance, I found that Mei Yao was pulling Xiao Tun who was running wildly. This Xiao Tun was like the husky who just released the door and running around, dragging Mei Yao towards the dragon fly. Chase.

"This guy..." I sighed, and then stopped Xiao Tun at a faster speed. This guy is already taller now, and his size is not something that Mei Yao can hold. When Mei Yao sees me stopping Xiao Tun, he suddenly He breathed a sigh of relief: "Big brother one day! He said he was hungry and there was delicious food outside, so he pulled me out! I couldn't stop it. I said it was dangerous, but he just didn't listen! "

I was taken aback, and then I glanced at the dragonfly rushing over with its big **** behind me, and seemed to have discovered some pattern: "Do the different types of dragons and beasts here like to swallow each other?"

Mei Yao looked behind me and said, "Yes..."

"Ohhhhhh!" Xiao Tun took advantage of not holding the rose medicine, and rushed out, and without hesitation, he pounced on the dragonfly.

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