Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7233: : Initiation

"Is this...convenient? Before you left the Sect Master, you hurt the Yuan Ying's heart pulse and fell into a state. Shou Yuan is also a bit unstable. It may be wrong to travel a long distance." I said bluntly, which is regarded as seeking truth from facts.

"Master! Otherwise, don't go, just let me follow Daozhu Xia. I am also strong in the early stage of the transformation, enough to protect Dao Xia's safety! Besides, Hong Shi has been with Master you several times before. Xianlezong, the road is very familiar!" A young man who seems to be twenty-seven or eighty-eight hurriedly stood up and said, he is Li Cou’s big disciple Hong Shi, and his strength is considered the best among the disciples. There are two behind him who are also closed. The men and women of the disciples are quite down-to-earth, and their cultivation bases have just entered the Yuan Ying Dzogchen.

I smiled in my heart. It seems that this time I was besieged by the top martial arts, I didn't make a move so that everyone didn't know my true strength, but this young man took the initiative to protect me, so I won't say anything against him.

Li Cou was awkward when I saw what was going on in my body, and said, "Hey, I really can’t hide Dao Master Xia, the old immortal really hurt Yuan Ying’s heart, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to reach Yuan Ying now. Realm, if the big disciple wants to go, do you see..."

"In fact, there is no need for a big disciple to lead the way, as long as you are familiar with Xianle Sect, you will need to have a big disciple to protect you from the sect master to return to the sect, or the second or third disciple is fine." I laughed. .

"How can this be done? There are some evil sect territories on this road. In case something happens, my big disciple will be able to clear one or two things. If they hear our sect name, they still have to give it to us. Some thin noodles..." Li Min said quickly.

I nodded and said, "Also, let Hong Shi lead the way."

The old man was satisfied, and pulled his disciple aside, carefully instructing this young man to respect me, take my opinion as the main thing, listen to my words, of course, the young man patted his chest to make sure, after all, he had come to Fenglan. Cheng, he also knows my lofty position in the heavens. Needless to say, the disciples, even the great elders of the Great Perfection of the Divine Transformation Realm are very careful with me, for fear that I will be unhappy. This surprised him very much. .

You must know that the concept of hierarchy means strength in the world of the fairy family. In the world where strength is respected, one level higher is equal to absolute right to speak. Therefore, the strength to be a suzerain will never be weak, even if it is weaker, it must be able to drive The strongest immortal family, in the final analysis, is actually a matter of strength.

In order to save unnecessary troubles, I didn’t take Xianli and the others. After all, everyone is still excited about entering the Temple of Xianle and vying to improve their cultivation, so I can’t favor them. Without the time to practice, no matter how strong my cultivation base is, in fact, it is still crushing the immortal family that has become Dzogchen. There is no need to increase the cultivation base so quickly, so that everyone's average level will be higher, and it will be better to the Tianyuan Mountains. Play a role at the time.

And this time I went to receive Xianlezong because of the letter left by the old lady. She hoped that I could select disciples who would like to join Tianyi instead of forcing them to join. This may be because some disciples are not so good and need to be tested. For the sake of nature.

Xianlezong is a cultivating method with a variety of methods. The disciples only accept women and are good at musical instruments. Under the cultivation of the sect masters of the past, the disciples have a good understanding of various auxiliary interference spells and are extremely proficient in healing methods, so Many disciples were finally selected by the top immortal sects.

However, that's all. Because of Xianlezong's outstanding auxiliary ability, the emphasis of various attack techniques is inevitably insufficient, which leads to the fact that there are few in the same level that can beat the opponent, so except for a few with strong sense of responsibility Will protect the interests of the sect, most of the other disciples yearn for a higher sect in their hearts, and Xianlezong has become a springboard.

The conditions for selecting disciples of Xianlezong are not harsh. As long as they are sensitive to the rhythm and have the potential for cultivation, they will accept them regardless of whether they are descendants of large families or descended families or sects, but even so, they are still Qinghuang did not pick up, and could not find a disciple suitable for inheriting the sect.

Therefore, the old lady Leyou has been exhausted in recent years, and the major sects are coveted, so she has the idea of ​​merging into the reliable major sect, but she is silent to most of the disciples, and it is also to prevent other sects from forcing them. Merged Zongmen under his command.

Standing on top of the unique martial arts parachute that is currently in the test phase of Tianyi, my flying speed is no less than that of Hong Shi who is stepping on my own aircraft.

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