Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7275: :coolie

The Muxianzhou Alliance covers most of the sects. The big sects still depend on the face of the alliance leader, not to mention the small sects. This time, there was such a big battle in Wufeng City, and the flag was raised all the way to others. Of course, the sect had to bow his head to respond, and formed this team mightily.

Part of it is to join in the fun to see what benefits are available, but most of them are actually forced to come together. After all, how can the energy of the mosquito's legs compare to the top sect of the elephant? The key is that it won’t happen if you don’t come. Who is not afraid of the fall afterwards?

Under the coercion, the remaining immortal family can only be resigned. At the moment, Wufeng City is not helping to redeem people, and they can only stay and beg their important relatives and friends to let go.

When I saw a group of disciples petitioning, I couldn't turn a blind eye. The goal was achieved and some sweetness would have to be given, so I took these disciples and the management of the core circle to the dock quickly.

The immortal family, who was crying for release outside, saw me coming out, suddenly wailing, or standing up and telling how innocent his relatives and friends were, or berating the Alliance for whatever it was, but they did not dare to name the top sect. Inaction, everyone is afraid of tearing their faces.

I coldly smiled and said: "Well done well. Thousands when hitting me, and thousands when begging me. When I'm so bullied? It's the top celebrities such as Wufengcheng who call you guys. The bumpy ones are here, and now I'm at a loss, why don't you see you begging to enlighten the city to save people?"

Given this refutation, the scene immediately fell into silence. Of course, these immortals also knew that they were ashamed, and some smart people immediately understood what I wanted to hear, and immediately shouted: "The disgusting people in Wufeng City. Things, we will never believe what they said again! We tried to die, but people were arrested, and none of them were saved! The old man had enough money, so I will scold him all day and night today. It's pleasing to the eye, just slap the old man to death!"

"Yes! The beasts of the original residence! I said so well when I came here before, but now I am running out of sight! Have mercy on my grandson! Now the old woman can't redeem her grandson and doesn't want to live anymore, she hit her head here. Fenglan City is ready! Let the old lady remember! Don’t believe them anymore! Otherwise, the whole family won’t be able to die!” An old lady also howled, and if it weren’t for two young disciples behind her , I guessed it and bumped into it.

But with the old lady’s cultivation base, let alone the two disciples who can’t hold her, I’m afraid she’s going to kill her and the whole school can’t hold her. The two elders went out to save people by any means, and I couldn’t respond without responding, so I said loudly, “Two old elders, wait a minute! Since you have all cursed this Enlightened Wind City and the original residence, I’m afraid not in the future when you come to Zongmen. It’s good, it’s good. If you don’t dislike me, Fenglan City, join us in the future to deal with these wicked and conscientious sects together! Our Fenglan City is now vast in territory, and Fenglan City is just what everyone sees. There is still Yunmeng Wonderland that needs to be developed urgently, and it will be more than enough to accommodate tens of thousands of disciples."

I just fell silent, and the short-lived conference started eagerly. In order to get people out, everyone went up to the top sect and led the way from the second- and third-rate colleagues, all for fear that their relationship with the alliance was not enough. It's bad, you can't join the sky to rescue yourself.

The willingness of everyone to join in is still great, but the selection is inevitable. If one by one sect is placed in their own homes, all monsters and ghosts will be available, which is greatly detrimental to the management sect. Now it is still preferred.

Character review is the most important, and joining Fenglan City can't come without a price.

That’s why I’m ugly at the front: “Do you think it’s a mess to join us in Fenglan City? Haven’t you heard of where Fenglan City is heading now? Clan head-to-head, it is not impossible to face the city directly, and death and injury will be inevitable! So don't worry about joining in, thinking that there is really any benefit, in fact, if you want to redeem people and save people, you are not the only way to join the sky! It is possible to do enough coolies for me, and it can save people. Now that I have decided, I will enter the Yunmeng Immortal Sect and wait for the review!"

I pointed to the clouds and mists in the sky. Of course, some immortals were uncertain in their hearts, but most of them made up their minds because they only wanted to get their own people back.

"Tao Master, just let them redeem people so easily? I understand the previous profit, but will these be sold too cheaply?" Zhilin, who is very sensitive to money, didn't understand.

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