Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7288: : Bypass

"I can't describe this color well, it's close to white, right?" the host instructor said honestly.

"Platinum, right?" Nan Jin understood immediately, and then bit his finger, and a drop of blood quickly moved from the fingertip to the **** stone: "Sister Nanxue, you will have one more distant cousin next. , I already have two cousins, but sister Lingzhao will be lonely in the future, because I have to accompany you more."

"This... okay." Nanxue felt that Nan Jin was very difficult to deal with, but Lingzhao snorted coldly. She didn't know what she was thinking?

The blood quickly rushed into the **** stone, and everyone thought it was very likely that this was the blood of the Nan family, but the next moment, the blood fell into the **** stone in a flash, and there was no sign of feedback at all.

Nan Jin was also stunned, and hurriedly squeezed out another drop of blood, but as expected, the second drop of blood would be completely useless, so I thought that the Nan family of Yunmozhou had a certain connection with the Nan family of Beidi. No connection.

In fact, Nan Jin’s own practice may be better than the current one. She just came here with a playful heart. Now this result has not caused her any trouble. Seeing that she is not from Beidinan’s family, she smiled helplessly. , Said: "Oh, it's really a pity, our Yunmo Zhounan family is not related to Mu Xianzhou Nan family, this time we have one less cousin."

"Sister Nan Jin, even if we don't have blood connections, it's the same as long as we spend more time with each other." Nan Xue smiled faintly.

"Yeah! I want to learn and communicate more with my sister too!" Nan Jin hugged Nan Xue, which made Nan Xue a little panicked.

The little girls came back down. Actually, I was already mentally prepared. If they could do it, I would be surprised. However, I looked up and down the **** stone, and I found that the rune equation was not too complicated, so I stared at the stone and fell into contemplation. .

"What's wrong? Did Xia Daozhu find something or..." Nan Lin asked curiously.

"By the way, Nanlin Patriarch, you are about to relocate to my Fenglan City and enter Tianyi to become the dean of the academy. Will you not give up this sacred stone? After all, looking at this stone, I am afraid that the Nan family will not let you move away. Right?" I laughed.

"Huh?" Nan Lin was stunned for a moment, and then focused heavily, and said: "Naturally, it is reluctant to give up, but this is the ancestral property of my Nan family. I don’t plan to move it, because the Nan family here still has to survive. If there is no sacred stone, the Nan family will not be far from defeat, but I am different. Even if I am far away, there is a time to come back..."

"Yes, your physiognomy is very responsible, but I have a method, but I can copy the technique inside and let you take it away. I wonder if Nan Lin Dao Master is willing to let me participate in the blood test?" I pointed to this sacred stone.

"What? Does Dao Master Xia have the blood of our Nan family?" Nan Lin was surprised, including the instructor present, Nan Xue, Nan Jin, and Ling Zhao were all shocked. They couldn't pass the test, so I was sure to take it away. This one of the exercises is amazing.

"Hehe, no, because this sacred stone does not need to be activated by blood." After I said that, I stretched out my hand, and the spiritual veins began to cling to this sacred stone, and it was correctly connected with its rune equation.

Then, under the attention of everyone, the external runes of this bloodline **** stone were all lit up, and then penetrated into the inside of the **** stone.

I did not use blood to penetrate it, but instead used the spirit vein. This depends on the relationship between the key and the lock. The blood vein of the Nan family is actually a key suitable for the keyhole, but whether it can obtain the most complete function. However, it depends on the degree to which the blood vein adapts to the lock. The higher the adaptability, the more complete the exercises obtained, so the blood vein test does not look at the cultivation level at all, but only looks at the results of the adaptability.

Although the strength of aptitude is very important, it is actually not that important. Qualification can only increase its probability. Because children with strong aptitude try to inject more spirit vein threads, the greater the possibility of opening. In Nanxue's case, I Although I don't know, but according to the rune equation of the **** stone that I have seen, I have come up with a key condensing method to bypass the bloodline and open the lock directly.

So my spiritual veins quickly lighted up the whole piece of the **** stone, and made the **** stone emit a dazzling platinum light from the gold.

After touching the core, I found that the information distribution inside was not much different from the divine stone I entered into the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. A whole set of ground-level high-grade exercises lay quietly inside.

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