Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7312: :beauty

"Don't dare to be a teacher for a day and be a teacher for life. We just want to open up the branches and leaves for Master, but since Master himself has other developments, we should take the Jade Mountain to the full." The disciple was also decisive. Ren, after finishing speaking, he ordered the disciples around him to say: "Fifth, you call the boss and them back now. Starting today, I will be your master."

"The boss..." Lao Wu's expression changed richly.

The second child looked gloomy and said: "Boss? Isn't he the boss now? Besides, he is injured. He can't get better without the beginning of the spring. During this period, I will be your master. When the roots of the spring are born, there is no such thing as me. Shanzhu brand, want to have good fruit to eat? Who will have the final say then?"

"Naturally it is what you said, Master!" Old Wu said with a face.

The second snorted coldly, and then returned with satisfaction.

This scene made Ruan Yu'er inevitably shake her head, and when flying with me to Zuoyingshan, she couldn't help but said: "I usually treat them very well, so why is it not as good as the group of stupid guys that Fu Yang's lazy stocking? After all these years, I have fallen into a bad situation. I am really wronged!"

"Who made you think about going to Fucang Mountain to take a bath all day? But when you were the owner of the mountain, didn't the disciples come to attack the mountain with you?" I laughed.

"They didn't come with me. They were also worried about Fucang Mountain's immortal fruit! Now that the Fucang Mountain is out of fruit, no one is willing to attack the mountain." Ruan Yuer couldn't help but angrily.

"Which mountain has fruit or not, if you don't tell me, I don't know, is it possible that I can find it?" I curiously asked.

"Naturally, it is possible. Tiancheng has a place to manage the fairy trees. This is to prevent the uneven distribution of the mountain masters and make the disciples wronged. Therefore, every seven days, there will be messengers to patrol the mountain. Of course, it is also convenient for the disciples. We are dissatisfied with the mountain lord’s governance and reported anonymously, so we who are mountain lords certainly have a lot of power to distribute, but we have to speak some truths. The disciples should also grow up. If otherwise, who will guard the mountain for you?” Ruan Yu’er Explained.

Not long after, we stood at Drunken Shadow Mountain and saw Ruan Yuer and I came up the mountain. A group of disciples were confused. However, as an experiencer, Ruan Yuer knew the rules very well, and said with a wry smile: "I have nothing. I can go somewhere, I can only try my luck and want to challenge Drunken Shadow Mountain. I wonder if your Lord Ai Zha is there?"

The three disciples stared at them. One of the disciples quickly ran to the temple, and one of the other two disciples said, “Master Ai Zha is practicing in the underground river. Cangshan?"

"Of course I know, but isn't Fu Cangshan just about to lift the ban? There is still a day left. Even if you refuse to fight, it should be about the time, right?" Ruan Yuer said.

"I said who was making noise outside, it turned out to be the master of the mountain Ruan Yuer, why? Looking for our Master Ai Zha? Why don't your disciples come?" Another big disciple who came from the temple asked.

Ruan Yuer smiled bitterly and said: "I was hurt and the disciple squeezed out Yuling Mountain. Now that I am alone, it is natural to have luck. This time I brought this fairy friend who wanted to attack the mountain here to see. See if I can challenge the Drunken Shadow Mountain. If Lord Aizha wins, I will worship Lord Aizha as my teacher. If this fairy friend wins, it will naturally be the other way around."

"Hehe, it turned out to be a chance." The big disciple sneered.

At this time, a rough voice came out from the hall: "Okay! Nothing left or right, this challenged me to go next, but you have to touch our luck, but there is a price."

"Master Ai Zha, please speak up."

"He challenged me, the rules should be known? We also have seven disciples in the peak, and we are both in the late stage of enlightenment. You can't shame. If you lose, the condition must be that you should practice together with me to prevent you when the time comes. Restoring the cultivation base will in turn occupy my territory." Ai Zha said loudly.

A group of disciples either laughed obscenely or whistled. Ai Zha's condition is indeed excessive. Of course, it is also in the prevention.

"Yes, I promised, let's attack the mountain formation." Ruan Yuer was very simple, pointing to a stone full of runes not far from the martial arts field.

This simply made Ai Zha hesitate, and the disciples all looked up at me. One of the disciples hurriedly reminded me in a low voice: "Master, when we went to attack the mountain, we went to the disciple who was valued by the city lord. Wasn't it a rumor that he went to Fucang Mountain? This guy is now attacking the mountain alone, wouldn't he not enter Fucang Mountain?"

"When you said that, I just remembered, Master, this thing is weird, shouldn't it be a beautifying trick?" The other disciple was also worried.

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