Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7455: :Si Zeng

Of course, the Lord of the Abyss is not stupid, he will promise us three guarantees that it is strange, he just needs time like me, but he doesn't know what he wants this time to do.

"Shen Xue, how?" I looked at Xue Qingcheng, and she nodded with tears. This was beyond my expectation. If it were her before, no matter what happened, it would not hinder her tenacity, but now her memory is Gradually awakening is naturally incomparable with living for tens of thousands of years before.

After Xue Qingcheng agreed, I didn't plan to stay here for long. After pointing out the direction, the group quickly arrived at the new teleportation formation.

Of course, to ensure safety, I immediately said: "I and Zhao'er go out first. We have no fatal threat to you. Then Shenxue will tell you the spell you control. After you come out, she will be next, how about?"

"Yes." The Lord of Abyss City finished faintly, and two pieces of linen covered the mother and son from head to knee, ready to return to Heaven in secret. After all, whoever sees the mother and son will be difficult for him to wash in his life.

After giving the teleported spell to Xue Qingcheng, I took the lead and left this true fairy mansion with Zhao'er.

Of course I can't do it now. If I do, the hostages will definitely be missing, so this time there is no other way but to spare him.

The Lord of Abyss City quickly came out with his mother and son, and instantly grabbed their shoulders, and left this place. Before leaving, he didn't forget to smile at me coldly, and I responded with a cold snort, and then Shen Xue also came out. When she came out, she was all over. She softened in an instant, and Zhao'er hurried over to support her.

Compared to her physical condition, her mental state is more serious. After experiencing this incident, she has experienced a catastrophe as Shenxue. Of course, for Xue Qingcheng, is it not an emotional experience?

"Let's go back to the Tiange first. You can't stay here for the time being. The city lord may have a back hand right away. Now you have to make preparations immediately." I said.

This Abyss City Lord is very cunning. He will stay in the Sky City, but it doesn't mean we can stay. Once he pulls the elders over, he will definitely attack us.

But Shen Xue's mood hasn't recovered yet, and I have to consider letting her rest.

Back in the Tiange, there were only a few buddies and two shopkeepers taking turns. Of course, Xu Xuan was also there. He also leaned in when we came back.

Because I wanted to conceal this incident, I didn't tell him what happened. The best way now is to rescue the hostages first, and then there will be no need to throw rats.

So after dismissing Xu Xuan with a few random sentences, facing Xue Qingcheng's depression, I said: "Don't be too sad. Even if this incident subverts your mind, it will be a long life. Who wouldn't encounter several such An ambition like a wolf? Now that we want to save your mother and elder brother, I’m afraid we still have to work hard."

"Pavilion Master Xia, if you have a way, just say it quickly, our lady is dumbfounded." Zhao'er asked eagerly.

I nodded and said, "In fact, it is not difficult to rescue the hostages. Just avoid Tianyi again. The Lord of the Abyss will not hide people anywhere. In order to save their lives, they will definitely be within reach, so If we want to get close to them, we must be able to create a shelter from heaven."

"Of course it's good to have Bitianyi... But one is in Yun Xiu Taishang, and the other is needless to say. Where do we want this?" Xue Qingcheng sighed bitterly.

"Yeah, even if they wear it, the lady won't wear it." Zhao'er hummed. In fact, don't look at her innocent and romantic, she was half angry just now, but it was not her turn to express it.

I took out a heavenly ingot jade and said, "The formula is here. Whether you can save people depends on how quickly you can make this thing. With the cloudy heavenly clothing, you can go straight into the heaven and save the hostages."

"What!? You have a forging method?" Xue Qingcheng was extremely surprised, quickly took the jade piece in his hand, and quickly read the information inside.

In an instant, she was stunned by the huge amount of information. You must know that this is a whole piece of Tianyuanbaoyu database, which contains almost the amount of knowledge that is hard to find in the world, so you have to read it in an instant. It is difficult.

Xue Qingcheng was taken aback by the amount of knowledge, but soon she stood up suddenly, because she vaguely knew the law.

"Why? Is there a feeling of deja vu?" I asked curiously.

Xue Qingcheng nodded his head heavily: "Yes, I used to seem to... well, that is memory seems to have something similar, but it is completely different from our Eight Desolate World, but it has similarities and similarities."

"Well, that's right, because you need a lot of power to claim yourself. After all, to create a perpetual motion machine similar to the law in the Eight Desolation World, it is inherently difficult." I laughed.

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