Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7467: : Dislike points

"Then what about our money!?"

"Yeah, she borrowed so much money from us, we don't ask her to ask whom to ask for?!"

The wealthy businessmen came here temporarily, and they probably heard about Zhulan’s gamble with me, but it’s too late to come here. Zhulan has already lost a penniless, and their money is just a waste of money. Yes, some borrowed money using land mortgages, but most of them are borrowed by personal connections. These are equivalent to Zhulan's supporters, equivalent to those who handed knives to me.

"Hehe, I can't control this. Zhulan, I want to take away the inventory. When I count five million Celestial Crystals, the rest will naturally be divided among you. Of course, if it is confiscated, then I and You are all losing money, and you can't blame me when the time comes." I said with a sneer.

A group of merchants all complained incessantly, but when they saw Xu Xuan and a few Supreme Councillors were completely indifferent, and some even looked down on them, these merchants were helpless.

I signaled Ruan Yuer and Fu Yu to count Zhulan's wealth, and then asked the Supreme Council to drive these merchants away directly, and then I discussed the next thing with Yun Xiu.

"Master Yun Xiu, this mark should be returned to me." I stretched out my hand to ask for the mark.

Yun Xiu glanced at the mark and threw it into my hand: "Hehe, this thing looks a bit like the Sect Master of the Last God Sect. How come it has reached your hand, and this dragon and that black dragon look exactly the same, but The color is not right, isn't you kid who has taken down the last Shenzong of other people, right?"

"What do you think of Yun Xiu?" I asked back.

Yun Xiu let out a cold snort, and then said, "Pavilion Master Xia, it's up to you, you have got everything you want, is it time to check out Ben Tai?"

"The account must be settled, but there are some things, isn't Mrs. Yun Xiu planning to take part in it?" I smiled.

"What are you involved in? Your Tiange is now the dominant family. Is it possible that you still plan to take down the Tiancheng? Hey, you can't be too greedy, or you will suffer a big loss, even if you are born to know. It's still a Genesis Overlord, but when I get here, I have to follow the rules, right?" Yun Xiu squinted at me.

"I have no interest here, but I am very interested in going to Zhongyuanzhou. Of course, your city lord must be more interested in this? Maybe you have already planned how to go to Zhongyuanzhou now?" I gave a reminding expression.

"What did you say?" Yun Xiu's face changed slightly.

"There is such a big thing here, your city lord hasn't come, where do you think he has gone?" I asked.

Yun Xiu looked at me and said, "Who do you ask me?"

"Does he have other plans? You have to pay attention, don't be sold by him and count the money. Don't forget, your daughter and grandson are still in his hands, life and death are still uncertain." I am indifferent. Said.

"My wife will judge." Yun Xiu snorted coldly. Although his expression was stern, he was afraid that the waves would roll in his heart, and he knew it was sweet and sour.

"Yun Xiu is too good, if there is anything that needs my help, just come to me, but don't have the energy to find a helper when you want to find a helper, that's the worst." I chuckled.

Yun Xiu waved his sleeves, and then looked at the other Taishang in the distance, and said, "What are you still doing here? What should I do? I have to see the city lord and tell me about today's affairs."

Several sages immediately sent him away honestly and respectfully, and Yun Xiu quickly disappeared in his robes of heaven, no one knew where he had gone.

I didn't plan to stay here either. After all, to rescue the city lord's wife and the young city lord, I still have to avoid the heavenly clothes, so I decided to go back and calculate Zhulan's account. This can't be done in a day or two.

Of course, in order to prevent the Lord of the Abyss from doing anything secretly to deal with us, I also sent a group of spies, and also asked Uncle Tu and Chi Niang to monitor everything about the Lord, but even with so many arrangements, I still have hidden worries in my heart. .

Because the current Tiancheng is flying in the demon realm, the sense of purpose is already very strong, and it should be to go to the bitter cold land of the extreme north where the Last God Sect is located.

Isn't the Lord of the Abyss dragging time just to go to the ruins? What on earth is there in this site?

This made me very curious, so I decided to take stock of everything here, while keeping the warehouse secret, first go to the ruins and step on it. Maybe I can find some clues.

However, I am also worried that unexpected things will happen when I am not in the Celestial City, and it is not easy to leave the Celestial City unconsciously. If the Lord of the Abyss finds that I have left the Celestial City, it is estimated that my foundation will be uprooted. rise.

So how to solve the worries of the future has to be pondered.

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