Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7475: : Occupied

As expected, the immortal fruit of the earth clearly showed raised spiritual marks. Although it looked similar to the original fruit, if you didn't pay attention, you couldn't find the immortal fruit of this earth.

After reading this familiar spirit pattern, my face was also very unsightly, and I hurriedly issued the death order, and it was the most serious order. It is for all the children of Tiancheng to prohibit picking and eating the earth fairy fruit from now on!

There is no other reason, because this earth fairy tree is infected with Gong Ling Song!

This was a disastrous discovery. Of course, I didn't forget to order the killing of the children who had the spirit pattern of the common spirit song on their bodies!

However, the development of the matter is still beyond my control. I know that this sympathetic song infection will be unimaginable. After all the orders have been given to the Supreme Council, I said to Xue Qingcheng: "I'm afraid Tiancheng will not be able to hold it. "

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Xue Qingcheng was stunned, but soon his face was also pale, because she could easily grasp the result of the development of the situation.

Once the earth fairy tree is infected by the Gong Ling Song, the fruit also has its own infectious effect. Once someone touches or eats the earth fairy fruit infected with the Gong Ling Song, the result is self-evident, and once one person eats it, the others will follow. As long as you are contacted and fail to protect yourself against the infection, it means the spread of terror like an infectious disease!

Next, Tiancheng will completely become a poisonous den of Gongling Song!

So I didn’t hesitate to make the decision to abandon the city: “There’s no way. When Duan continues to suffer from the chaos, we are now ready to pack up and leave the city. This is the poison nest of Gong Ling Song. All the infected disciples must gather together and leave the Heavenly City. It’s better to detonate the Heavenly City. You can’t let this common spirit song spread, otherwise it will spread to Muxianzhou and even more places. Will become the puppet of the Lord of the Abyss!"

Xue Qingcheng's body was shocked after hearing this, and she still couldn't believe it was possible. After all, she had never had such an experience, but I had experienced such a large-scale infection several times.

In fact, the Gong Ling Song is just a low-end contagion spell for me, but it comes at the right time, and the area it descends is also very tricky. It is actually the Tiancheng where Tianjiao is everywhere. This is simply disastrous. Breaking point!

This means that the terrifying Tiancheng Tianjiao as a source of poison is not something that Mu Xianzhou can withstand, and it is likely to form infinite infections because it is difficult for the Xian family of Mu Xianzhou to cope with such a dimensionality reduction attack.

The Lord of Abyss City really acted fiercely heresy. He used his wife and son to do this kind of experiment before, and I am afraid that one day he has planned to sacrifice the entire Celestial City, so I don’t care about everything I do, because in his eyes, We are only part of the source of infection!

Just like I thought, we just returned to the Tiange to discuss matters. Uncle Tu, who was in the meeting, came in anxiously: "The Lord of the City! No... it's not good! It's really like the Lord Xia said! We really have a common spirit in Tiancheng. Song's infected person! Chi Niang put out one, but we rushed to the top of the mountain and found people going to the building! Maybe all the tops of the mountain were infected, and they were scattered elsewhere! I'm afraid that the Tiancheng will be messed up in a short time!"

I condensed my eyebrows and said, "Well, it's too late. Take advantage of now, as many people can be taken away. If anyone doesn't want to go, don't force it. Let's get rid of the softness and leave the city first!"

As soon as I finished speaking, there was a riot outside the Tian Pavilion, and even the sound of fighting. I secretly said that the infection was coming too fast, and this Gong Ling Song was really terrifying.

When I looked out the window, the people infected by the Gongling Song are now flying everywhere, and Tiancheng has fallen into chaos. It is not easy to get close to the immortals, but it is much simpler to attack, and these people who are infected by the Gongling Song are all puppets. Yes, even if it is a headless fly, but because it is controlled by Yun Xiu, the goal is very clear, and that is to infect more fairy houses.

And Yun Xiu is controlled by the abyss, so Tiancheng has undoubtedly become a hotbed of Gong Ling Song.

I immediately led Ruan Yuer and Fu Yang, as well as other relatives of the Tian Pavilion, to clean up this place and all the treasure pavilions and treasures that could be contacted, and lead everyone to escape as much as possible.

Don't take a long time, Tiancheng is already in chaos!

However, hundreds of immortals still escaped from my side, including all the members of the Supreme Council, as well as the Tiange related households who escaped with us.

However, escaping from the sky city does not mean that everyone can really escape from this floating island, because the real despair is only now beginning to highlight.

When we reached the edge of the Amagi floating island, the transparent wall in front of us was the most difficult place to climb.

The great formation of the Heavenly City is in an open state, and now the control of the great formation is not in the hands of anyone, it should be the original place that has its control!

This means that all those who want to break out of the Celestial City will have to withstand the horror of the Celestial City.

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