Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7481: : Fanpin

At this time, Shenlong let out a miserable cry, almost unable to withstand the attack of these communionists. Xue Qingcheng was so scared that he was about to rush in. If Chi Niang hadn't held her, no one would be worthwhile.

Shenlong is not just being beaten and not breathing fire. After being beaten, he immediately continued to spray laser beams at these people and directly repelled a group of communionists. However, after the sneak attack by Xi and Yunxiu combined with the **** attack of the Abyss City Lord, the Shenlong would be more powerful. Can't hold on.

"You still have this kung fu to joke!? Come out quickly!" Xue Qingcheng said anxiously.

"If I come out, you can treat me better in the future." I happily said.

Xue Qingcheng hesitated and nodded vigorously. At this time, the deep laughter of the Lord of the Abyss came from the sky: "You are not sure whether you will go out or not, but the idea is good, Dao Xia, after today, you will It has become a body of the common spirit song. Once I collect your spiritual veins, Central Yuanzhou will also be available!"

"Go ahead and dream of your Spring and Autumn, you really thought I didn't prepare anything, so I just stayed here stupidly? Now you still have time to escape!" I sneered.

The Lord of the Abyss condensed his tone, and his figure quickly emerged, and he waved his hand to repel all the fellow spiritists, including Yun Xiu and Zhong Xi, and retreated behind me, in a posture surrounding me.

I am not afraid of the situation in front of me, and even the corners of my mouth still have a smile. This makes Abyss City Lord couldn't help asking: "I have to say that you are born with pride, but being too proud will only make yourself look ridiculous. , With your current strength, even if you take out more treasures, what's the use? The result is just to become my common spirit!"

Seeing Xue Qingcheng outside leading the pros and cons to storm the large formation, and the cronies around me also trying to ask for help, I was moved. Of course, I will not let them waste their power now, so I said, "Everyone, get out of here. Because Tiancheng will be in danger immediately, I have my own way of escape, so don't worry about me!"

"Dao Master Xia! This is not the time to make a joke!" Tu Bo said quickly.

"Pavilion Master Xia! You run away quickly! Let's just add more strength!" Zhao'er also cheered on the side.

I think that if this continues, even if I go out again, they will consume too much money, so I no longer hide it. I took out a long box full of dense seals from the storage bag, and banged it. Standing by his side: "Abyss City Lord, do you know what this is?"

"Hehe, how do I know what it is?" The Abyss City Lord sneered.

"I don't know? No matter, after all these years, no one has actually seen this thing, but now I am giving you a benefit. If you run away now, you may have a small life or have a chance to stay, but if I open it later, , You can't run away! Including all the co-spirits present here!" I smiled mysteriously, looking around for the co-spirits who surrounded me from the sky and the ground.

Although the Lord of the Abyss was deeply puzzled by the box, he still snorted and said: "Huh, any small thing from the Demon Realm, do you think it can scare away the Celestial Cong Lingxian? It is extremely ridiculous, this city owner After absorbing the great achievements of the past dynasties of the city lord, you have just cultivated this common spirit song. Did you take out a box and scared it away?"

"It seems that you won't shed tears if you don't see the coffin. Okay, let's let you see what kind of treasure the God of the End relied on thousands of years ago, wherever you go, all spirits are turned into powder, and the world is changed! "The reason why I want to repel them is very simple, because the spirit king on the left and right reminded me that I must never open this thing. Once I draw the sword, all the spiritual energy on my body will be wiped out, so this is a magic weapon for hurting myself first and then hurting others. .

This is also my last killer, at least it is better to use it than to die in the hands of the common spirit and become the puppet of the Lord of the Abyss.


It didn't stump me. Under the shock of my spiritual power, the old Demon Territory spirit pattern instantly turned into ashes and dispersed, including the long metal box, which was opened directly in the palm of my hand!

The next moment, the unimaginable devilish energy suddenly released from the box, and the pungent devilish energy almost melted my hand.

My aura quickly condensed, and then I resisted the terrifying devilish energy in this box.

The Lord of the Abyss was also suppressed, after all, how could such a terrifying box contain a Mortal product?

A black lacquer sword appeared in everyone’s sight. It didn’t have the slightest luster, and even the light around it seemed shy and avoided. It looked very paradoxical, and the scabbard that wrapped it was also used. If it weren't for the same material, it would have been sealed long ago.

And on the black scabbard of this sword, there are two simple inscriptions written: Desire!

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