Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7483: :Zhuangjing

The constant flow of the spirit power of the two instruments merged into my spirit veins, which restored my vitality to me, who had been exhausted and could hardly maintain the Dao Soul. I knew that this was the power passed down from Xue Qingcheng, so I didn’t refuse it anymore. Incorporate Reiki into the body.

The power of her two instruments is more refined than mine, so there is no need to switch at all, and it is already perfect. I recovered a bit of strength, and I was able to look back and forth before and after I realized that I had left the Celestial City and I was playing a song right now On the flying boat.

The distant sky city has faded away, and it may have been a while since we left.

"You finally woke up!" Xue Qingcheng's slightly immature face was finally relieved.

"I didn't wake up." I smiled, and deliberately rubbed her in her arms.

Xue Qingcheng was so angry that he pushed me out of his arms, and said angrily: "I want to be an inch when I wake up, you are so emotional!"

"It's better than being ruthless." I smiled freely, and took out a few Yangshen pills to take it. My strength finally recovered, but seeing her still worried, I remembered my situation and touched it. Taking the blood stains on my face, I smiled and said, "It seems to really worry you, but you can rest assured now, at least I am still energetic, am I?"

"Huh, bad guys live for thousands of years, why should I worry!" Xue Qingcheng snorted, and then said again: "Well, if you are better, hurry up and comfort the women who have been hurt by your abusive emotions! They are comparable I am more worried about you!"

"Oh? That's why the Deep Snow City Master who is not worried about me wants to hold me?" I pointed to her embrace.

"You! Too annoying!" Xue Qingcheng's face blushed, and immediately turned around.

I can tell from her shuddering shoulders that she is really scared. This fear stems from the fact that I almost disappeared because I pulled out the Sword of Extinction. Right now, the Sword of Extinction was back in the box, and added Several seals should be Zhongyuanzhou, this should be Xuxuan's handwriting.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I will definitely not make such a sacrifice next time. If I can survive, I will never die!" I hurried over to comfort, but just as soon as my hand touched her shoulder, I gave her a shake opened.

Before I could see her expression clearly at the moment, she had disappeared before my eyes, and she was probably really angry with my previous adventure.

However, the situation was complicated at the time. How could one escape from the Heavenly City alone if he didn't choose to draw the sword?

Now more than a dozen small Sky City canoe are flying with Sky City, which should have been instructed by Xue Qingcheng, and now the destination of Sky City is also the place that everyone is most worried about.

The co-spirits in a city don’t know how much they have been wiped out by the Excalibur, but even if there are only one or two, they are extremely dangerous. They will infect and control the infected. If this virus is infinitely contagious Yes, it can even destroy Mu Xianzhou.

It seems that Xue Qingcheng is not there. Ruan Yu'er and Fu Yang, Xu Xuan, Fu Yu, and a few old people from the Supreme Court have all come to the flying boat where I am.

"I just lost my mind. I don't know what happened after pulling the sword. Several of them should have been witnesses. Who said what happened?" I asked.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally turned their eyes on Xu Xuan.

Xu Xuan snorted and said: "Your boy lost his mind for more than two hours. Let Shenxue hug this little girl for two hours. I think you didn't get up on purpose, right?"

"Huh? Is it so long? It seems that this God Destruction Sword is really powerful. It not only drains my spiritual power, but also my spirit." My heart is inevitably moved. It is not easy to supply energy to a foreign body. I can Feeling the steady flow of power into the body is actually the result of Xue Qingcheng's gradual drawing.

Two hours, it seems she really didn't tell me.

"Hey, as far as the situation is concerned, it's nothing to tell me, but Divine Sword has solved a lot of problems." Xuxuan Le said.

"Let the senior say, is that too simple, or I...I will do it for you?" Fu Yu said with a smile, Xu Xuan was too lazy to say anything else, waved his hand to do it for him, and Fu Yu immediately said: "Just now Pavilion Master Xia drew out the Sword of Extinction, it was said to be shocking, I only saw that the entire sky was red and black, frightening all the communists and fleeing, but this sword seemed to have endless power, not only in an instant. I immediately shook many of the fellow spirits into powder, and directly disintegrated the Celestial Array! Tsk tsk, I have never seen such a magnificent scene since I was born! That is the Celestial Array!"

"It's OK, what should I add? Looking at the momentum, in fact, apart from a pit on the ground, there is nothing damaged beside it, so dozens of communionists were shaken to death." Xu Xuan waved his hand and said.

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