Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7492: : Shock

"The ancient place where Moxiu used to worship? What did they worship here?" Tai Shang Jinglu asked.

"Hey, the descendants of the Moxian, what do you mean to sacrifice?" Liluo's answer made everyone think of the Moshen. She was proud of her knowledge and ostentatiously said: "According to the legend, the Moshen landed on Yunmozhou from here. In addition, Tujingmu belonged to the major sects of Xianzhou, so the last gods and our sect alliance have different feuds, but for those last immortals, they are the gods of heaven. The ruins here are also called too deserted sites. It's the land of hidden gods."

"I've heard of the land of the hidden gods. In the temple of the end of the gods, it is said that the place where the last gods fell into the hidden gods. What kind of ghost is this land of the hidden gods?" Tai Shang was shocked and curious.

Mu Shu originally didn't want to speak from the sidelines, but seeing this fairy Liluo steal the limelight, everyone looked at the big beauties, he was not reconciled to fall behind, so he said: "Since it is a place where God may hide, you can think about it. The end god, since the end **** has fallen, these demon celestial beings imitated the demon realm, don’t you want to have another end god? So those demon gods have insisted on offering sacrifices in this ancient place for many years, begging the end **** to come again, but, at the beginning It is indeed grand, the sacrifices are all the leaders of our sect. This is what makes the old history books full of color. Therefore, we and the demon immortals will not be polite. Senior Sect, after all, can't summon a second last god. After this time, the demons will inevitably retreat into the safe area of ​​the Demon Realm. If they don't come here to worship the ancient land, this place will of course be deserted."

"Mu Shutai really knows these things." Liluo clapped his hands and praised.

"Huh, back then, we had the predecessors of Wufeng City who were sacrificed for it. How would we not know? They arrested the Zongmen Xianjia, killed them on the spot, and sacrificed to the indispensable gods. It was nothing but self-deception. It is said that Nowadays, there are still some mysterious demons who still follow the ancient law. They sacrifice to the end **** every year, but most of the sacrifices are no longer using our sect leaders as living animals, but some treasures or other heavenly materials. I heard that there are some demon celestial beings who have benefited here from Dibao and his ilk. They just don't understand the authenticity." Mu Shu continued.

"Oh? There are still bereaved families who follow the ancient method here? Mu Shu is too good, so I don't know how many of these bereaved clan? What is the strength? We are coming in this time, are we afraid of encountering it?" Tai Shang asked in surprise. .

"Hehe, those survivors who claim to be the hermits of the gods are still very powerful. They are all extinct monsters, because every time the end of the immortals comes out, they will obstruct them, or kill our righteous leaders, or strengthen the end. The power of the immortal, as to whether it will meet... Then I don't know." Mu Shu sneered coldly.

The immortal family present is already at the highest level that Mu Xianzhou can practice. Of course, he will not be afraid of the hermit, but everyone has a keen interest in such legends.

It was also the first time that I heard about the place where the hermit of the gods appeared and lived in seclusion.

I thought this ridiculous ruin was just a nail in the demon realm in the city of heaven, but I didn't expect it to be the land of the hermit of the gods. This is indeed a coincidence.

However, the ruins of Taihuang is said to be too big to imagine, it is very difficult to explore completely, let alone encounter a real hermit.

And when everyone was gossiping, there was a loud bang, and an immortal boat on the starboard side of us was suddenly attacked, and an immortal family in the feathered realm suddenly rose into the sky, hurriedly checking what happened.


Just before everyone reacted, another aircraft was hit, instantly burning the black flames into a fireball and crashing into the snowy ground.

The sky was dark and heavy. Not only did it resemble Ji Yongye, the original whiteness of the earth was also grayed out by the heavy cover of devilish energy. All the immortals were extremely vigilant, for fear that their aircraft would become the third treasure to be shattered.

While everyone was looking around looking for it, Cheng Che, who was standing on the bow of the ship, suddenly asked in an immature voice to the front: "Seeing fellow Taoist is not the immortal family of Tiancheng and Demon Realm, why is he waiting for me to shoot?"

"Go back, otherwise, die."

The sound was so penetrating, as if it had passed through the head in an instant, and went straight to the back, so all the more than fifty immortals in the audience heard it really, so they stopped the aircraft one after another, not daring to take a step forward.

I looked at the person who was blocking us, let alone the black clothes that came here, looked like a ghost in the dark clouds and wind, and wearing a mask with a grimace, it was even more mysterious, but this image was far from shocking us. The extent of this group of eclosion realm.

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