Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7498: :chimes

The poison of the infected person continues to cling to the spiritual veins, and the result of the magic energy injected into the body will cause the body to dissolve, just like a middle deconstruction technique. When the arm is pierced, the whole hand begins to decompose, even if the feathering realm can continue to repair the body , But running the aura to walk the whole body is a subconscious action, some Eclosion Realm did not realize the terrible virus, and the whole body disintegrated in an instant!

Some people who are aware of being invaded by demonic energy can also cut off the rotten flesh and cut off the transmission of toxicity, but those who can achieve this level are lucky, and they are stuck in important positions, such as the air sea area or the head. It is tantamount to suicide.

And these bugs are unimaginable, almost everywhere. Fortunately, the fairy furniture here is the existence of the Eclosion Realm. Aside from the strength, which one is not all running fast? The most important thing in the way of cultivation is to save your life, so when everyone flees, no one is left behind. Soon our group of immortals escaped from the chasing range of these insects.

But before we count the number of people, the sound of the bells in front of us began to ring again. There is no doubt that the hermits are still guiding the insects to chase us. Their home court advantage is obvious, even if there are only two hermits, it is abnormal. Difficult.

Of course, they seem to be chasing the landmarks left by Uncle Tu and Chi Niang, but these landmarks will be lost if they are careless, and Tiancheng will not walk in a straight line, so after the third landmark, we lose again. In the direction of guidance, there are no more landmarks along the way.

And when we were about to discuss whether to continue forward, the divine hermit appeared again. This time two people appeared at the same time, which was beyond our expectation.

"Hehe, you really followed these landmarks, why? Why don't you continue to move forward now?" The ghost face girl smiled sinisterly.

I cast my eyebrows at her, and said, "You put these landmarks?"

"Oh? A clever person ran out, you thought of it so quickly." The Ghost Face Girl was a little surprised.

My secret path is bad. This is equivalent to a trap, but it’s not too late to find out. At least the place where I stopped at the moment should not be the place they designed, so I said: "We have just entered this deserted site not long ago. It didn’t take much effort to find the landmark, which means that someone may have deliberately designed and guided us, and when we met you later and were led by your nose, it became more and more obvious."

"You are not very stupid yet, but you are not very smart. Do you know where you are now?" The ghost-faced girl asked with a smile, seeing me look around, she continued: "Here is chasing you just now. The mother’s nest of insects, as long as my soul-racking bell rings again, you will definitely die without a place to be buried."

"Little girl, do you know that this kind of bug can be easily controlled with a bell, which means that it may also be the easiest to eat its owner?" I chuckled.

"Hehe, a junior dared to speak wildly, it seems that Mu Xianzhou is no longer there now." The ghost face girl didn't believe me at all, so she immediately shook the bell in her hand, and the sound of her wings was really clear on the ground. The sky has changed the complexions of all the immortal families present.

I shook my head and tapped the bell on her hand directly with two fingers. I only heard two sudden bangs, and the deconstruction technique directly destroyed the bell.

"What kind of **** is this!" The ghost girl was shocked, but saw that I also took out a big chime from the gold bag. This huge chime is similar to a bell. It was made temporarily by me according to the principle of the bell and the spiritual veins. of.

These bugs actually hate this kind of ringtone, so when they hear the ringtone, they will be irritated and immediately attack nearby living creatures indiscriminately, but they dare not approach the ringtone. This is beyond doubt, so I made a mouthful Similar to a chime, but also broke the other party's bell, so it goes without saying.

I have a chime in my hand, and the sound after the pressure of the spirit pattern can deter the insects from approaching, but the bell of the ghost-faced girl was destroyed by me, and now it is a problem to want to protect myself!

"I can make a few of these chimes on the spot, but it might not be easy for you to make the same bells? Next, do you want to try to surround these bugs?" I asked them with a sneer while talking to my side. The person in said: “It’s safe not to leave the chime sound and energy coverage, but remember, you can’t let the two in front of you get close.”

All immortals should be.

The ghost face men and women immediately glanced at each other, and both saw the fear in each other's eyes.

"Stop it, what do you want?!" The Ghost Face Girl hurriedly stopped.

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