Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7504: : dive

"Kid Xia! Why did you come here!" Xu Xuan saw me from a distance and immediately flew over to ask.

Seeing the chaos in the Dragon Blood Lake, I quickly asked, "What's going on? This dragon... No, this seems to be... Earth Immortal Tree?"

Flying in the sky is the Earth Immortal Tree that has been freed from the shackles of Tiancheng. At this moment, the Earth Immortal Tree is showing its teeth and claws in the sky. It is quite shocking to see that this tree can actually wriggle like an octopus, which is obviously incredible.

"You know it's the Earth Immortal Tree?!" Xu Xuan was stunned, but he quickly said, "That's right, you really didn't know what happened when you first came!"

"What happened?" I looked at the sky speechlessly. At this time, the co-spirits were guarding the Earth Immortal Tree Dragon, and the immortals who escaped from Tiancheng were either attacking or fighting outside, trying to find a way. obstruct what.

The two gods and hermits are attacking the earth fairy tree dragon, and they seem to be stopping it, but this earth fairy tree dragon's huge body is covered with layers of strange red crystals, and it doesn't look like an earth fairy tree now. , but like a red multi-clawed dragon.

The Earth Immortal Tree Dragon's body seems to be as hard as iron. Even if it is hit by sword energy or blade wind, it is not damaged at all, and it can even rebound attacks. This is simply nowhere to start!

"I don't know! We chased the ruins of Taihuang all the way from the Demon Territory, and blocked those co-spirits from entering the world. I thought you should be deadlocked before you came. Who knew that suddenly the city of heaven exploded, and the fairy tree in that land was destroyed. I don't know why, but suddenly broke free from Tiancheng and turned into this ghost now! Did you see it? Those branches burrowed into the lake, and I don't know what kind of magic, but they were able to absorb the red ones in the water as soon as possible. It became its armor! Originally, we should still be able to hurt it, but everyone didn't know it at first, and missed the best time, so we hurriedly came out to attack it after it was covered with scales and armor, but it has been two or three days. It's over!" Xu Xuan said innocently.

"Well, everyone is afraid of the co-spirits. It's not surprising to wait and see. These scales..." I said, and blasted a deconstruction technique with my **** at the approaching tentacles. As a result, the deconstruction technique was immediately eliminated. !

If it weren't for the invisible force, it would probably bounce back in an instant, but even so, it was enough to surprise me.

"I don't know why there are these red chips in this lake, some are powder-like, some are lumpy, they are absorbed into the bark, and the tree still emits the current state. The sound of the dragon's roar is strange!" Xu Xuan, who was born to know, couldn't understand it, but it was conceivable that other people were even more confused.

I have a lot of knowledge and immediately analyzed: "It is very likely that these scales are or the inverse scales of Taihuang Shenlong! This fairy tree is under the control of Gongling Song and has been activated by the abyss city master, so these tentacles are Go deep into the Dragon Blood Lake where the scales are reversed everywhere, and use special energy to cover these scales on their skins, making them invulnerable to attack! Or, there may be other effects."

"What is too wild dragon?!" Xu Xuan asked in astonishment.

"This dragon blood lake is the throat of the Taihuang Shenlong. The inverse scales protect the throat, and the inverse scales are broken, so the ground blood overflows into a lake. I just don't know what method this divine tree used, but it can actually Absorb the Taihuang Longlin and blood!" The ghost-faced old man and the old lady also flew close to us.

The ghost-faced man Jiang Zhu and the ghost-faced woman Jiang Ran went to meet their parents. Their parents secretly pursued Tiancheng and Tiancheng Tianjiao led by Xuxuan, Tu Bo, and Chiniang, but they did not expect it to evolve into what it is today. The bureau, but seeing their children and elders coming, they are also very happy.

But now everyone can't do anything about the earth fairy tree dragon, and they don't know whether to be happy or sad for a while.

Because the battle has just started, and the Tiancheng Tianjiao is a ghost, so few are poisoned by the song of the spirit again, but it is impossible for them to break into the core of the tree of gods, and they all hate them. Can't paddle.

Therefore, the huge earth fairy tree dragon is covered with red scales and armor, and everyone can't do anything about it, and as the scales absorbed are more and more, this earth fairy tree dragon actually has a sign of diving.

"He's diving? What was the original height?" I asked with a frown.

"How do I know? But it seems like you said that, this dragon really seems to be deeper than it just dived into the water! But...Isn't it because it is more difficult to find the inverse scale fragments, so the deeper it dives?" Xu Xuan curious.

"You're thinking too much! Look at the coverage rate of scales every time it dives into the water! Did it reach a dense level before diving in?" I reminded.

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