Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7507: : Demon Wings

Xue Qingcheng led the left and right spirit kings from the flagship, and a group of immortals swooped down. Seeing us approaching, he immediately asked about the current situation.

After a brief introduction, everyone also understood the formation and threat of the Earth Immortal Tree Dragon in front of them. It was not possible to revive the Taihuang Shenlong, and the goal of causing the destruction of Moyu and Muxianzhou became everyone's consensus.

The disappearance of the Tianyuan Mountains will cause the greatest damage to the Demon Realm, so several Demon Realm powerhouses led by the left and right Spirit Kings also joined the team to crusade the Earth Immortal Tree Dragon. Xue Qingcheng and I also began to discuss ways to destroy the Taihuang God Dragon’s Reverse Scales. Method.

In order to test the strength of the inverse scales, Xue Qingcheng flew to the earth fairy tree dragon first, and hit one of the tree roots with the divine whip several times. break up.

Xue Qingcheng's attack was effective, making a group of immortals applaud. However, in my opinion, it may not be easy to completely destroy a vine. Sure enough, before the attack was over, the damaged vine quickly stretched again. , and even the scattered inverse scales were once again absorbed back into place.

As if these scales originally belonged to the root of this tree, this scene made everyone stunned.

"It seems that the song of the common spirit has been rooted in the fragments of the reverse scale, and now the fragments of the reverse scale have become the souls of the common spirit, they are one!" Xue Qingcheng made a judgment.

"Then what can we do now? Or...or use the Extinguishing Sword?! Only the Extinguishing Sword might have the possibility of destroying it!" King Right Spirit said hurriedly.

Xue Qingcheng snorted softly and said, "You want him to die again?"

"Don't dare." King You Ling quickly put aside the connection. After they found out that neither Xue Qingcheng nor Xue Qingcheng were hermits, they were just jealous of us now.

"Have you found a way? Although we are constantly attacking this Earth Immortal Tree Dragon, it is also constantly absorbing power from the Dragon Blood Lake. If we can't attack it and can't save itself, I'm afraid we will have to rest before its power exhausts! "Jiang Zhu asked.

Jiang Ran also said: "We can't let it absorb energy anymore, how about we hit the tentacles that attacked it and penetrated into the Dragon Blood Lake!? We have so many Great Perfection Ascension Realms that we will be able to bring enough damage to it. "

"I'm afraid that the only way is to use stupid methods first, but it is not without counterattacks. The Earth Immortal Tree Dragon is activated, and if its tentacles touch us, it will also make us into a co-spirit!" Taishang Jinglu shouted from a distance.

"Now the co-spirits don't dare to leave the Earth Immortal Tree Dragon too far. Let's first attack the root of the tree that absorbs energy from a distance to prevent it from continuing to dive. I'll think about what I can do! At least find the controller first!" I said quickly .

Although this Earth Immortal Tree Dragon broke free from the shackles of Tiancheng, Tiancheng was not thrown away by it. With its continuous spiritualization, Tiancheng may eventually become a part of the spiritual essence.

But the huge body of this Earth Immortal Tree Dragon is no longer comparable to that of Tiancheng. Even if there are many Ascension Realm Immortal Clan attacks, its huge rhizomes and inverse scales make it easier to cut off its roots.

This may require thousands of immortals to be possible.

Thinking of this, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Couldn't the deworming chime I made before also drive thousands of demon-winged worms?

I immediately took out the chime and rang it without hesitation, with a bang, as if the sky had stopped for it.

At this time, a bang of light thunder slammed into me from Tiancheng. I immediately spread out my five fingers and directly disintegrated the attack of the gods. At this time, the abyss city master finally appeared. threaten.

"Abyss City Lord, do you think we will let you successfully activate the essence of Taihuang Shenlong? You have a co-spirit, but I also have good things for you to enjoy." I sneered.

"What on earth do you want to do?!" Abyss City Lord's face was gloomy.

And just when he was thinking about what would happen, the sound of flapping wings came faintly in the sky, and after a while, the black demon-winged worms had already followed.

This Taihuang site is full of dormant demon-winged insects. Once stimulated by the sound, they will be awakened, not to mention that my chime is really powerful. This sound immediately angered the insect swarm.

The Demon Winged Insect is a locust that destroys everything in the ruins. Once provoked, it will immediately destroy everything around it and make a sound. Now the Demon Winged Insect not only came towards me, but also started to attack the trunk of the tree frantically.

It is also an artifact. This earth fairy tree dragon is almost immune to everyone's attacks. However, to the magic winged worm, it seems to have lost its defense. These magic winged worms usually surround the inverse scale armor and immediately relax it. Disintegrate and smash!

While I was shocked, I also turned my attention to the ghost-faced old man and his wife. They must know why.

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