Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 511: : spiritualization

Everyone is eager to discuss going to Zhongyuanzhou, including the left and right spirit kings. In fact, after the commercial pollution, they are no longer as resistant to going to Zhongyuanzhou as before.

Driven by interests, no one would like others to be stronger than themselves in the future, and this is especially true for such outstanding talents.

However, most people have forgotten that the hermits of the secluded family of the Taihuang Demon Territory are still here. Although these gods and hermits wear masks, they obviously have a hint of shock and resistance in their eyes.

Even the left and right spirit kings and a group of top end immortals are angry with this idea. Even if they are facing the attack of the Tiancheng co-spirits, they have basically lost their patience with us.

"You want to use the teleportation array to go to Zhongyuanzhou!? It's not surprising that the immortal family of Muxianzhou has such thoughts, but you are the people blessed by the end of the gods, don't you think this is a betrayal!?" The ghost-faced old man scolded.

These words suddenly made the expressions of the immortals who were talking about it complicated, and the immortals of Muxianzhou were all vigilant, because aside from facing the enemy together, in fact, there was some kind of inevitable contradiction between them!

And the immortals at the end of the Demon Realm remembered that their duty was to prevent the immortal family of Muxianzhou from going further, but after the immortals of the Demon Realm had the divine tome, their strengths were no longer reaching the peak, and their desire for Zhongyuanzhou was endless. Even the devilish energy is easily consumed by the high-level immortals, and they are not much different from the immortals in Muxianzhou!

"You are blaspheming the final god! We, the hermits, protect the glory of the final god, how can you allow you to do such blasphemous things!" The ghost-faced old lady pointed to the left and right spirit kings.

King Zuo Ling showed a hint of shame, but still said: "Several hermits, this time is different from the past, in fact, we have experienced the things in the land of the gods, the things of the end of the gods, we know better than you, you should not be too much. Trust the God of the End, and he is just preventing us from going to Zhongyuanzhou for his own benefit, but not to protect Zhongyuanzhou."

Zuo Lingwang was always greedy for money, and now this is a typical example of refined egoism, so when the ghost-faced old man heard it, he immediately exploded: "You dare to blaspheme the last god! Where is my son who is a hermit!"

The ghost-faced middle-aged man has actually endured to the limit. When he heard that his father was called out, he instantly deceived the Zuo Lingwang, slapped him out, and suddenly banged the Zuo Lingwang out!

The ghost-faced woman also quickly approached King Youling without hesitation, and jokingly moved towards King Youling with a palm. Even though King Youling hesitated, her strength was still extremely strong, and there was an early warning, so she retreated instantly, but she was hidden. The formidable strength of the attacker still sent her flying. Along with her, there were several top demon sect immortals!

The other four hermits shot together and attacked the existence of the end gods that they felt betrayed!

I have already thought of this scene, but I didn't expect that it would not be painful for them. It is simply an insult. It seems that they are too divine and have completely become slaves of the end god. Who dares to go to Zhongyuanzhou? It was like a **** feud.

"Stop! You gods and hermits, didn't you see the Taihuang Shenlong awakened at this moment?!" Mu Shu shouted angrily.

"It's unreasonable! If the Taihuang Shenlong is resurrected, it will be difficult for you, the hermits and the descendants of the last **** to survive! Is this the time to sweep away dissidents?!" Cheng Che was also so angry that he didn't know what to say.

These Muxianzhou immortals have already fought against Yun Xiu and Zongxi, but who knew that there would be a fire in the backyard, and the Abyss City Lord of the original land couldn't hide his overjoyed: "blasphemy! Hahaha! Good! Ya! As expected of the demon scum of the Demon Realm, the hermits quickly kill these blasphemers! Don't give them a chance to breathe!"

The chaos gave the abyss city master a chance. I didn't have time to pay attention to these things when I controlled the big formation. I even needed Xue Qingcheng and Xu Xuan to guard me, because most of the pressure from the co-spirits was on my side.

And just when I thought I could at least dismember this fairy tree dragon before a big problem, but often the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and before I paid attention to some local situations, the weakest among the hermits over there In one ring, the ghost-faced woman suddenly hugged Yun Xiu from behind!

Yun Xiu has a cloud cover, and it is difficult to catch it when it appears and disappears. No one could have imagined this unexpected event. Even before the ghost-faced woman was caught, she was still attacking the immortals. Who would have thought that she would got caught? !

With a slap, the ghost face shattered directly, and the middle-aged woman's face immediately revealed the spiritual veins of Gongling Song. Yun Xiu tightly bound her, not giving her any chance to resist.

When the Abyss City Lord saw this scene, he was suddenly overjoyed, which meant that he would have a rare acquired body with two spiritual roots in the future!

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