Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7524: :rural

"There are always people who don't believe it, and there are people who believe in you. I am willing to be the one who believes in you." I laughed. Although the probability of being a **** is infinitely high, it is not accurate to test the identification of so many strong people. Strange.

Besides, I don’t know how many years I have been in the world, and I have a lot of experience in rivers and lakes. It’s okay to try things that I don’t understand. Besides, I have strong mental power, and even if I enter some stream of consciousness control, I can get out of trouble remotely, so this is also One of the main reasons.

"Then I will protect Daoist Xia!" Mo Jiu said through gritted teeth.

Although this guy is stern, but once you trust him and get his trust, he will treat you without reservation. I nodded and agreed.

But Xue Qingcheng said, "You don't need to protect him, I just watch him."

The others also said they wanted to protect me, but they were basically scared off by Xue Qingcheng's aura.

I didn't intend to think too much. After I made a decision, I put the key into my mouth without any hesitation. Fortunately, it was tasteless, and I didn't feel anything other than choking when I swallowed it, so I quickly I shoved the key down my throat.

After the thing wriggled down to the abdomen, it stopped moving. Of course, a group of immortals asked me how I felt. I shook my head blankly, but I didn't feel any signs of digestion, and my heart suddenly felt a little stagnant.

The determination to eat **** has been realized, but there is no benefit, that is, stealing chickens will not lose rice.

Seeing that my face was suspicious, Mo Jiu hurriedly explained to everyone: "This is true! The old senior clearly said that after eating this thing, you can definitely go to the place of return to the ruins in your heart!"

"You kid, how dare you lie to Daoist Xia to eat shit!? You are not afraid that Daoist Xia will destroy you!" Mu Shu asked with eyes wide open.

Mo Jiu shrank his head and hurriedly said: "Mu Shu is too good, you can't talk nonsense!"

Cheng Che said in a helpful voice, "Maybe it will take some time, everyone, rest in peace!"

And at this moment, my expression suddenly froze, because the next moment I suddenly felt that the water in my body was suddenly absorbed by the key, and it continued to pour into this thing as if the gate had been opened!

I hurriedly took out a bucket of water and poured it directly into my belly, and just as I finished drinking the water, I felt that the key had actually produced many silk-like things, which were directly connected to my belly. All threads come together!

The next moment, I just felt that a burst of energy suddenly hit my spirit, as if the blood flow hit the back of the head during high blood pressure. In just three breaths, my consciousness was smashed into all kinds of things, and I was caught in a burst of white light. Trapped in chaos!

This chaotic state is different from the sea of ​​consciousness. It looks like there are colorful clouds and smoke everywhere, as if it is in the nebula. Just when I wanted to check the state of consciousness around me, a white light flashed in front of me.

Not to mention, this guy Mojiu didn't lie to me, this old man looks like white jade, the clothes on his body look extremely simple, and the simple lines have returned to the realm of simplicity.

Seeing my expressionless face, he asked with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, "It's not the kid Mojiu, I knew that someone was coming so soon, it's probably because the playfulness hasn't left, so I don't know what the surname of the little friend is. Who's your name?"

"I'm Xia Yitian, what's the surname of fellow Daoist?" I laughed.

The old man smiled and said, "I don't have a name or a surname, I'm just an old immortal guarding this place. Xiaoyou Xia has an extraordinary bearing, as if he's used to seeing all kinds of things in the world, and he's completely different from the kid Mo Jiu."

"Laughing, coming down here, the goal should have been achieved half, the other half, just ask fellow Daoist if you are willing to go with me. If you are willing to go with me, I have other great rewards of my own. I won't force it." I said casually.

"Oh? When you came here, you were the first to benefit me. It's amazing. I don't know where your fellow Daoist came from? What's your request?" The old man looked curious.

I said, "I'm not a fairy family in the Liangyi universe. Now, fellow Daoists may not be able to do without here, so it's not a requirement. As for this place, according to my guess, it should be from a certain Taoist universe. It's just a projection of the remaining world."

The old man was taken aback and hurriedly asked: "How do you know that this is a Taoist universe? Why is it not the fairy family of Liangyi universe?"

"Find a place to chat?" I smiled confidently.

"Fellow Daoist, please." The old man didn't dare to despise me, and immediately led me towards a chaos. After a few breaths, we passed through a rainbow light and soon came to a pastoral field. In between, the lakes and mountains here are beautiful, and it can be seen that it is a well-maintained spiritual world!

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