Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7532: : dead

In addition, although I have stepped into Ascension Immortal, I am also in a race against time. Every move of Muxianzhou will consume my Ascension Power. Once it is consumed below the bottom line, I will return to Ascension Realm, because this is not Zhongyuanzhou after all. It is impossible to absorb the heavy aura of the Ascension level.

"Oh... Then where can I find you after I borrowed the sword?" Xue Qingcheng looked at me with some reluctance.

Not to mention anything else, she and I have been separated once since Tiancheng. After all, we spend more time together, so it is not surprising that there are ties along the way.

Coupled with the number of life and death sharing, it is not impossible to give birth to some good feelings.

"Either I kill him and return successfully, or I will meet him on the way. As for whether I borrow it or not, I can wait for me in Feng Lan City, so I will feel more at ease." I smiled.

"If you can't beat him, don't mess around!" Xue Qingcheng bit her lower lip subconsciously, with worry in her eyes.

"Don't bear me?" I couldn't help but soften, since Tiancheng met now, this was the first time she was so worried about me.

"That's not it! Anyway, you are not allowed to die, and you are not allowed to throw me in Muxianzhou!" Xue Qingcheng said angrily, then activated the Yinjitianyi and disappeared.

I looked at where she was and knew that she didn't fly away, but blushed and didn't want me to see it, so I teased her and said, "Okay, I can promise that I won't die, and I can promise you not to leave you alone. In Muxianzhou, what can you promise me? Let me give you a hug? Or a kiss?"

"Shameless! Obscene! Humph!" Although Xue Qingcheng had a tone of rejection, she seemed to see that my rascal smile could not be defeated by these words, and her tone softened: "I can only promise you not to say that you are promiscuous in the future. , that's enough!"

"I'm afraid it's not enough." I laughed.

"That's not what you said!" Xue Qingcheng came out of the space, and then flew to Lingxian City quickly, and disappeared again after a while. It was probably telling me that she had left, and let me hurry up. Go to work.

I know that it is not easy to get closer to her for a while, so I will not flirt with her. Now it is more important to pursue that Si Zhengxian, so the next moment I quickly rushed to Wuxian City with the speed of ascending the immortal. !

The opponent's cloak can't be activated all the time, and even consumes power infinitely, so in the end everyone will return to the original speed, and it is impossible for him to completely destroy Wuxian City under my pursuit.

Therefore, on the way to Wuxian City, I have already captured his powerful strength, and persevered and quickly stuck to the past!

The other party seemed to be surprised when he found my trail. He directly activated the power of the cloak and entered the extreme speed. However, at my air-breaking speed, he couldn't get far away from me. At a certain distance, once he starts to move, I can attack him with all my strength while taking advantage of a gap!

But before he got to Wuxian City, he relaxed first. After all, it is not an old river and lake like me who has been in the world for many years, and a fairy family who has only reached the level of immortality. How could it be comparable to my experience of chasing and killing? In an instant, after I speeded up like an eagle, the Heaven-Breaking Technique went straight to the youth!


The entire sky seemed to collapse, and the blasting and shattering space force directly smashed the Ying Tianyi on the young man's body on the spot, making him look horrified and drew his sword to fight back. At the same time, he quickly avoided the cracking sky with the power of the cloak. Back off!

"The response is zero." I sneered and rushed to these cracked space nets as if I was hanging out in my own back garden. I have experienced space cracks. My Dao body is completely different from the general fairyland, flying in these shattered spaces. , and the opponent's way of moving to avoid space is completely polarized.


When I pulled it to a very close distance, I instantly felt the terrifying power of Tu Xiaojian, but it was all within the range of my prediction. I instantly burst out with the range collapse technique, which collapsed the entire space on the spot and brought the youth inside. In the crack of space!

The young man's face was horrified. Ying Tian's clothes were broken and he recovered again. After he recovered, he gave me a blast. He probably never enjoyed this sudden attack intensity. The enemy, who is so experienced and unimaginable, can't keep up with my rhythm for a while.

I secretly thought that this is the best chance to kill him, it seems that we don't have to wait for Wuxian City!

Tu Xiaojian is powerful and consumes a huge amount of energy, but it also has the ability to backlash against its master, so the power of both of us to ascend to immortality is extremely exhausting, but no matter how stupid the young man in the space crack is, he knows that he has stepped into my death. Start desperate to escape!

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