Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7534: : Sweep the tail

"You forced me!" The young man gritted his teeth under my attack, and his hatred was full, but he took out another thing similar to a formation plate from his sleeve, and then threw it directly into the ground. The next moment This array of disks began to expand infinitely, and the space around seven or eight miles suddenly gave birth to a black light.

The sea of ​​air soaring to the sky quickly burst out from the great formation. Even though the young man forced me to attack in a hurry, when he saw the sea of ​​air spreading upward, he was still inexplicably excited, and quickly took the opportunity to merge into the sea of ​​air. .

Of course I know that this is the memory of the unique domain power he likes. Once this memory is activated, it will release all the energy gathered before. This should be the treasure prepared before coming to Mu Xianzhou, and it is now the bottom of the box. It is best to take out treasures.

The sea of ​​​​qi quickly merged into the youth's body, and the dark clouds covered it. When looking down from the top, only the dark clouds covered it, but nowhere did the youth fly. This was obviously hiding his breath. , and hidden infinite murderous intentions waiting for me to break into it.

I'm not stupid. Breaking into his domain is equivalent to fighting on the road. Of course, if you attack this area regardless of the cost, it will consume a lot of Ascension power. He has made up his mind to be in the dark , ready to turn against the guest.


Sure enough, just when I was hesitating to attack that area first, a purple-black sword light shot up into the sky, almost wiping my body and passing by. If I hadn't avoided quickly, I'm afraid I would have followed his path. .

I didn't hesitate to use five fingers, and with a bang, a black cloud area directly split and split, but obviously the young man wanted to shoot another place, so this blow did not work.


Immediately after that, countless sword qi shot up into the sky, almost moving fast while attacking me. The young people attacked one after another, and they kept increasing the speed of the Black Cloud Domain. This guy's Domain Law is fully open. , I guess it's going to be a fight to the death.

I'm not used to him either. While quickly avoiding the sword energy, the Heaven-Breaking Technique poured out to the area where he was moving without money, plus the pre-judgment of the amount in advance, etc. But if I keep fighting like this, my consumption will definitely be reduced More than him, and will enter the Ascension Realm in advance.

"Hehe, come on! Continue!" The youth kept provocatively said, with a relaxed tone, which seemed to be the same as what I thought.

However, the field of seven or eight miles is not too difficult to deal with, and I am not the only one who has this technique of collapsing the sky.

I took out the seal of the last god, and I summoned the dragon. The dragon was born with the huge power I poured into it, but the important thing was not the dragon, but the strange seal. It has a more important role, that is The ability to absorb magic energy indefinitely!

My Shenlong possesses the power of the two spiritual roots, but it is not mixed with magical energy, but it is certain that Mo Shenlong itself is a magical dragon, and the letter is originally to borrow the magical energy to enhance the power of the dragon god, so I hold The attitude of trying, immediately rushed to the black sea of ​​​​air below with the dragon.

In this way, I am also in the dark fog!

The young man was also stunned, and hurriedly threw a few swords at Shenlong. Although he hit two or three swords, Shenlong did not die because of it, and he could still withstand these attacks.

And after I activated the absorbing ability of the seal letter, sure enough, this magic energy was poured into the seal letter, and quickly filled the position where Shenlong was injured!

As I absorbed the power faster, the magic energy of the place I went was quickly transferred into my seal, and I even came to the place where the formation plate was placed on the ground. The absorption was ridiculously fast, even if the dragon was at this moment because of It has absorbed too much strange aura, but because the master is me, it has no signs of being demonized at all except for enjoyment. Even after the body has the power of demonic energy, the color begins to gradually turn purple-gray!

This means that the spiritual root power of the two rituals and the purple and black magic energy of Ascension Immortal have begun to merge. This dragon absorbs the power of this array, and it is likely to reach the Immortal Ascension level!


The dragon roared with excitement, and absorbed the power here even faster. The young man probably wanted to cry now. He thought that I couldn't absorb the strange magic energy that only he could absorb in this battle, but he didn't expect me There will be a seal of the end **** in your hand!

And no matter how strong his absorbing power is, it can't be faster than the speed of Shenlong's absorption, so the qi swallows thousands of miles like a dragon, and I don't need to do anything here, the magic qi begins to thin!

In addition, the youth is in chaos and will be harassed by my attack. At this moment, he is panicking and looking for his own formation, trying to take away the stop loss.

But I just took the dragon to sweep the floor, and I don't even know where the rubble is going!

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