Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7556: : Spirit slave

"No wonder there are so few immortals attending the meeting this time. It seems that the authority of the temple is limited." I smiled bitterly.

"The temple... The temple is actually just an arbitrator and mediator for us, and it doesn't participate in any battles, and it won't directly fight for territory like you. I'm afraid that they will go back this time. The three emperors are going to shake." Ying Yao explained.

I nodded and said, "What do you think will happen to this?"

"How do I know what the three of them will think? Anyway, we can't do anything to them in the temple. They usually do their own things, and all ethnic groups are in awe of them. Unless there is a clan war or something, they will be too lazy to care about us. ." Ying Yao replied.

"You don't know what they want to do?" I was stunned for a while, seeing that the girl really didn't know her expression, I could only ask about other things: "By the way, you said that the three emperors have eight or nine yuan each. With so many territories, their spirit slaves must be very powerful, and I don’t know how you generally make spirit slaves?”

Suddenly asked me about this, Ying Yao looked at me in shock, and said, "Don't Lord Miaozhu know about spirit slaves? Then you summoned such a powerful spirit slave just now. Didn't you make it?"

"Of course I made it, you mean this thing?" I took out the seal of the Moshen Dragon, which is the treasure of the sect of the Moshen Sect, but it was just by accident that I developed a poisonous dragon by various strange methods, and It also has a certain amount of intelligence, which is beyond my expectations.

In fact, the production of spirit slaves should be a bit similar to the paper servants of Jiuzhongtian. After designing the program, click the paper human, and then you have the ability to serve tea and pour water, but these paper servants are definitely not as powerful as spirit slaves, so I have this question.

"Yes! This is the Spirit Slave Order. After different Spirit Slaves are infused with spiritual energy, they will generate Spirit Slaves. The powerful Spirit Slaves are even like the poisonous dragons of the temple. Of course, the Spirit Slaves like the Three Emperors will not be weak. , their spirit slave king is thrown into the border territory, even if the monsters are close to you, you have to weigh them." Ying Yao said.

"How many spirit slave kings do these three emperors have?" I asked curiously. I never thought that there would be so many spirit slaves. This is simply an eye-opener.

"How many spirit slave kings are there? There should be one in every territory, otherwise how to defend the territory? Even if it is a challenge, the three emperors will not easily take action, and they all send spirit slave kings to deal with it. As for ordinary spirit slaves Most of them are planting herbs, mining ores, or doing daily chores." Ying Yao has no details.

"If the Three Sovereigns or other immortal families raise a spirit slave king, wouldn't they be very busy at ordinary times?" I asked curiously.

"No, do you think Linguwang is easy to raise? This is no different from cultivating a climber to the fairyland. Even the daily territorial gains, most of them have to maintain these Linguwang, which consumes a lot and is not something that ordinary immortals can do. It's affordable." The Ying Yao looked at the Spirit Slave King Ling in my hand and swallowed, obviously envious of this poisonous dragon.

"So that's the case, it seems that you need to make more of this Spirit Slave King token to guard the door. Do you have Spirit Slaves?" After I finished speaking, I looked at the letter in my hand. I had seen this little thing before, and it should have captured some kind of The spirit of the dragon wipes out its consciousness, and then relies on the seal to absorb the spiritual energy so that the spirit can gain power to give birth to a spirit slave, and with the strength of the injected power, its quality will be affected.

Ying Yao took out a few pieces of spirit slave orders made of Tianyuan Baoyu, which were somewhat leaky, and said: "I only have these spirit slaves... I am still mining stones in the territory... Ying Yao almost forgot his identity, the temple blessing is These must be taken back."

"No, since you are already operating this territory, then continue to operate it, but I will also make some spirit slave orders to consolidate the territory, and I will also need to use it to expand the territory in the future." I said.

"It is good to say that it is possible to make a spirit slave order. Even a spirit slave who simply collects herbs, grows and raises spirit beasts can be made with only one design, but if it is the king of spirit slaves, it is not easy. The Spirit Slave King should have a powerful spirit jade, and he has to kill a monster that wants strength to collect its spiritual veins, otherwise how can he make a Spirit Slave King?" Ying Yao said with some embarrassment.

"It's not difficult, I'll just go out to the border after I finish the temple blessing later." I don't think so, but Ying Yao thinks it's not easy.

For seven days, I was in a state of recovering my energy, except for getting to know the temple in depth, while Ying Yao went around to help me inquire about news and take care of the territory.

A few days have passed me by, and it will arrive soon, but I thought that the temple blessing ceremony was just a simple notification ceremony to solve it, but I never expected to attract the three emperors.

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