Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7623: :distortion

I was flying while researching, and I used almost all the means of activating ancient treasures, but I couldn't activate the rubbing ball, which made me smile bitterly.

And as I flew in the fog, getting closer and closer to the end of the map, suddenly at night, a crystal and strange spot of light appeared in front of me.

I froze in place, and when I looked to the left and right, the crystal clear feeling became stronger and stronger, and since last night, I haven't seen any monsters in the distance, or any fairy family.

It looks like a dangerous place to die.

And as it gets closer and closer to Tongtian Mountain, the coldness is certain, but now when the cold wind blows, this kind of biting is a bit unbearable even for me now.

On the contrary, it is demonic energy, but it is not very obvious here.

After flying into the crystal clear place, I suddenly discovered that there was actually a world of ice and snow in the depths, and the smooth and jade-like world of ice and snow spread to the depths of endless depths, which made me unable to help but condense.

I secretly said that there is no grass here, and it is extremely dangerous, so I am going to walk around this ice and snow world first, so as to avoid something.

But when I turned around again, a burst of crisp laughter seemed to come from all directions.

I turned around quickly.

As a result, a pale face almost stuck to mine!

I hurried back, but the next moment, there was no way back!

"Why, is Father Xia dead too? Little guy, are you his son or grandson?"

The teenage boy let out a weird laugh, and no matter where I flew, its face was always close to me!

I clenched my hands instantly and made a loud bang, but this time my sky-breaking technique didn't work. I thought it would destroy all the illusory spaces here, but I found that the Dao interfered with the space. This is the power of the Dao domain!

"You are the Heavenly Dao Pearl!?" I suddenly realized that this endless world of ice and snow, and the influence of this endless avenue, is undoubtedly the Heavenly Dao Pearl!

"What is the death of Father Xia, tell me quickly, okay? I am from your father's father's father's generation, and I have watched your family continue to die, so if you tell me well, I will also I'll tell you what your ancestors did to me." The white-haired, white-robed young man in the sky had a weird smile on his face, as if he was a ghost in Jiuyou.

"Father Xia is just my defeated general, I'm not on the same path with him." I said lightly.

"Hehe, you didn't go all the way with him? Then how could you be here? But it doesn't matter, if you don't say it, I can let you say it yourself." The white-haired boy pointed a finger, and the space condensed in an instant!

I found that I couldn't move, facing this Heavenly Dao Bead, and I was in its Dao, unless Dao far surpassed him, he could attack you at will!

I immediately activated the law of space, and the finger area was directly unlocked. After I quickly squeezed the spell with my fingers, the Nine Immortals Ascension Cover immediately appeared, directly covering the white-haired boy!

The young man was suddenly locked up, and all the avenues were relaxed.

I struggled hard, only to hear a loud bang, and the space finally expanded for me!

At the same time, the Nine Immortals Ascension Sky Cover suddenly disappeared with a bang!

The white-haired boy tilted his head, and the corners of his mouth showed a ferocious expression: "It seems, where have I seen this thing, why can't I remember it for a while? Well, since you didn't seal my things, then whoever comes will have to die. !"

I was stunned, it seemed that the Heavenly Dao Bead was sealed here, and it should have started in the generation of Father Xia's ancestors.

So that the Heavenly Daozhu became so fierce.

I know that if I don't teach this little guy a lesson now, I guess it still wants to destroy me, and entering its realm is equivalent to breaking into its home.

Whoosh, tens of thousands of arrows of light appeared above the little guy's head, he smiled grimly, and said, "Die."


One after another light arrows crashed down, the earth collapsed instantly, and the ice and snow directly exploded with ripples, I wiped it with my big hand, and the sky was directly covered by the cracks in my space.

The light arrows disappeared, and they all fell into other spaces.

The little guy also found out that this is my Taoist domain, so he laughed coldly and pointed his finger at me!


Snowflakes all over the sky covered my domain, as if it were burying me alive!

This is not an ordinary snowflake, this is the crushing of the avenue!

Facing the avenue that was about to collapse, I quickly took out the sundial mirror and moved forward, and the next moment the snow-covered area was unobstructed. I walked outside along the time passage and faced the artifact spirit of the Heavenly Daozhu again.

The little guy is obviously not at all surprised, because at this moment, the space around him representing thousands of avenues is already prominent!

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