Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8420: : natural enemy

However, Su Tian reached out to stop her from continuing. It seemed that the level gap was there, and she was not even qualified to have an equal conversation.

"Master Daotian, I wonder if you have anything to do when you come to see me now?" Su Tian turned her eyes to me.

I didn't seem to take Ming Jiao into my eyes. I just floated in front of Su Tian. While looking her up and down, a joking expression appeared on my face: "Of course I miss you, so I came to see you. Why?" ?The last time I visited Yuanzhou’s lair, you weren’t that lively.”

Su Tian's eyes moved slowly along with my raised finger. The moment I was about to lift her chin, she turned around and put her finger on my shoulder: "Shenzun Daotian is still so elegant and graceful, with flowers everywhere. Don't mess with me, didn't I say that? The only ones who can enter the Dharma eyes of my God are those two saints."

When I was communicating with Shaozi at that time, of course I learned all about her Dao Tianshen Zun. Shaozi dressed up as a woman and always treated women with a bit of evil. That's why Su Tian said these things. Words come.

"Haha, you still haven't forgotten them. You should also accept the reality. One of the two saints is in the ancient universe of Mingtian, and the other is also in the ancient universe of Mingtian." I said with a smile.

"I can't forget it. Naturally, Dao Tian Shen Zun can't reach their level. So one day, Dao Tian Shen Zun really has such power that can penetrate the heaven and earth. Wouldn't it be better to seduce me again?" Su Tian giggled charmingly. , that kind of style is just like when we first met in Mingtian Ancient Universe.

I still had a smile on my lips and said: "It seems that the Demon Lord is still so arrogant. Anyway, when I saw you today, there were a few things I wanted to know about you. For example, I heard that you were assassinated because of , the matter of losing the protection of the great road, and the fact that you cannot leave the Heavenly Demon Sanctuary now, is to collect the luck of tomorrow, I wonder which matter the Heavenly Demon Lord plans to answer first?"

"I didn't expect that Daotian Shenzun has no self-awareness and still goes his own way in this regard. Then I would like to ask the deity, why should I answer these two questions of yours?" Su Tian put her slender fingers on her lower lip. That's like a smile but not a smile.

"That's not necessarily the case. For example, given the current situation where the Demon Lord has lost the protection of the Great Law, I'm afraid you really have to answer these two questions of mine." I grinned with an offensive smile.

After listening to Ming Jiao on the side, not only did her expression change suddenly, but a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She was obviously worried about Su Tian.

Su Tian's face changed obviously at this time, the corners of her mouth moved, and she hesitated to speak.

I turned my body to Su Tian again, and this time I touched her cheek gently without any trace of it: "How about it? My two questions should be worthy of King Su Tian's answer, right? After all, for the sake of my Demon God Alliance Stability is all for Yuanzhou."

Su Tian glanced at me with disgust, and finally her peripheral vision glanced at Ming Jiao's face.

Ming Jiao turned pale with fright, and I immediately said: "It seems that the Demon Lord wants to say it, but he doesn't want to let Ming Jiao know? That's easy."

I snapped my fingers and immediately used the space law to isolate her from the space. It was too easy for me to do this.

The moment Ming Jiao disappeared, Su Tian immediately took the opportunity to hug me: "Dad! How was Su Tang's performance? Is it exactly the same as the Su Tian illusion that dad conjured up?"

I smiled bitterly and said: "You kid, you are very similar in your acting. However, you have to distinguish between men and women, even between father and daughter. Another day, I will show you some more." TV series, lest you go astray."

"Humph, I've taught Su Tang a long time ago! I don't have to learn this at all, I just like it if I like it!" Su Tang said anxiously.

I separated her and said: "Okay, let's not talk about these little things. Next, I need you to guide this Mingjiao to tell some secrets, and also test her loyalty to your father and me. , do you remember the next inquiry performance? I can't show up directly later, otherwise my true identity will be exposed."

"I know, I'm not a child, my abilities are there! I won't cause trouble to daddy!" Su Tang still looked rebellious, but now I feel Ling Yan's headache.

"Okay, let's finish things first and then talk about it." I sighed and prepared to pull Ming Jiao back.

Su Tang grabbed me and asked, "What is the relationship between Ming Jiao and dad? Could it be that dad likes her?"

"Nonsense, she's just a target to win over. Besides, if she doesn't completely reveal her opponent's secrets to me, how can I safely keep her by my side?" I said immediately.

"Oh, then daddy plans to let her go after questioning her, right?" Su Tang's big eyes were filled with cunning.

I could only nod and say: "You can think so, after all, isn't this how Daotian God behaves?"

"Okay, then Su Tang is relieved!" Su Tang suddenly became happy.

I shook my head and disappeared, and quickly summoned Ming Jiao.

Next, Su Tang pretended to be Su Tian, ​​and had to play tricks on Ming Jiao again. This little girl is no less intelligent and emotional than Su Tian. If I hadn't known that this child was the one I dug in the swamp since she was a child. When she came out, I even had to suspect that she was Su Tian.

Ming Jiao was handed over by me to face Su Tian. She was really frightened. She answered all of Su Tian's questions. I even investigated the demon spirits and analyzed their affairs, but this little girl did not belittle or slander me. , which can be regarded as leaving a way out for oneself.

But even so, I can't really have anything to do with her because of her desire to be a double agent. Even if we have different views on each other, even if we match each other in every possible way, we will just part ways in the end.

When Su Tang let her go, I squatted down and led her into another space, and then emerged.

"Dad, it seems that your taste is not very good. It's so boring to find such a playmate." Su Tang imitated me and spread his hands.

"Speak carefully, you kid. It's really time to let you go outside for a while." I said speechlessly.

"Daddy, it's just right." Su Tang shouted again, and then said coquettishly: "Then daddy, hurry up and drive her back, and then let me out. I also want to see the world."

I pinched my eyebrows and said, "Even if I let you out, I will let your mother watch you and never allow you to do anything wrong."

"No way! I'm not a child anymore, how can I be with my mother all day long?" Su Tang looked begging.

I glared at her and said, "Isn't it lonely for your mother to lead a different world by herself?"

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