"Jiuyue, you enter the space."

He gritted his teeth and explained to An Jiuyue.

"How can this be, I..."

Naturally, An Jiuyue would not leave Qian Jiyun alone. Just as she was about to say no, she saw the mist that was hitting them, but it turned and rammed towards the portal.

'Zizzi, zizizi. ’

There was an extremely harsh sound in the portal, and it was shaking, as if the next moment, it would be smashed by the evil spirit universe.

But in the end, the evil spirit Qiankun didn't succeed. He couldn't break through the portal, so he had to retreat again. He didn't even look at Qian Jiyun and the two of them, and hid aside, preparing to attack the portal next time.

An Jiuyue: "!!!"

She finally knew why the portal was bursting with flames. It turned out that this evil spirit Qiankun wanted to break through the door and was hitting the door all the time, wasn't it?

With such a force of impact, if it were a person, I would have died long ago and could not die any longer.

"Jinyun, let's get ready and go out."

She whispered to Qian Jiyun on the side, she was really afraid that the evil spirit Qiankun would go out together while they were leaving, and she had to catch a good time.


Qian Jiyun raised her hand, wiped the blood from the corner of her lips lightly, picked her up, and walked aside.

"It's definitely not possible at this time. We can leave after the next impact of Evil Spirit Qiankun. We can also calculate how long it needs to charge for each impact."

An Jiuyue nodded, and looked sideways at the evil spirit Qiankun. The fog at the moment had reached a place far away from the portal and stopped there.

"This evil spirit Qiankun is indeed powerful."


After a long time, there was movement in the portal again, and the scene of sparks was coming again.

It's not that the three of Bai Ze were scared, but every time the sparks flew, the three of them couldn't help but stick their eyeballs on the portal.

"Is this portal strong?"

Long Xuan swallowed and asked the two beside him.

Yan Feng rolled his eyes at him, and didn't want to speak anymore. It wasn't firm enough to withstand the sparks. Didn't you feel that the ground trembled a few times?

I don't know what's going on inside, how are the master and mistress?

"Aze, how are you, why don't you close your eyes and rest for a while, here I am watching with Long Xuan?" He looked at Bai Ze and suggested.

"Need not."

Bai Ze naturally would not agree.

Whether he sleeps or not has nothing to do with his pale face~www.readwn.com~, he just feels that the summoning power he senses in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

He closed his eyes and rested. He was afraid of taking a rest, so he was summoned directly. He was still able to resist the summoning power when he was still awake.

"Let's watch together, maybe Brother Yun and the others..."

Before he could finish his words, he felt a flower before his eyes, and the two walked out of the portal.

"Brother Yun, sister-in-law."

He stood up from the ground with a carp, and charged directly towards the two of them.

However, before he was halfway through, a beam of light came from the portal. He only had time to raise his hand to cover his eyes, and then he was knocked back and fell to the ground.

'puff! ’

A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and it was clear that he was injured.

Qian Jiyun hugged Jiuyue, and after a few dodges, she was far away from the portal, but she was not affected.

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