Raising My Children With My Personal Spatial Ability

Chapter 1159: The 'house' pointed to

It just so happened that the Temple of Demon Heart was about to start construction, so he put all his energy on it, and he had things to do. In his spare time, he could cultivate himself.

He has already thought about how to build a new Demon Heart Palace, and he has already made plans in his mind.

"Jiyun, you will accompany me around tomorrow, I want to choose a site."

"Well, with you."

Qian Jiyun patted her face lightly and responded.

"You guard here, and don't allow anyone to approach until the burn is finished." He instructed Bai Ze and the two.

"Yes, master."

Yan Feng responded, and he naturally knew the importance of these books. If a daring person took a copy, it might cause some bad things.


"Want to return to Huayan Jue Ding?"

Back in the study, Qian Jiyun took Jiuyue to a chair and asked softly.


An Jiuyue nodded.

"The stone man in Devil's Valley said that those planes in Huayan Jue Ding are more conducive to improving my cultivation, and it is better to help people do good things, and the magic power will continue to improve.

Moreover, I can also practice in the space, and I won't feel in the way because those planes are cultivating the original soul power. "

Qian Jiyun looked down at her helplessly and listened to her words.

"Jiuyue, we are only heirs, and we cannot enter those planes." He reminded the silly lady of his family.

Moreover, when they will be able to formally inherit the 'family business' is still unknown. In such a situation, how do they enter those planes.

"It's nothing to worry about. I bought some plane shuttle tickets in the Points Mall before. The two of us can use them several times."

An Jiuyue said.

"Even if I run out, I can buy it again. I'll let Wei Na stare at it. As long as there is a plane shuttle ticket in the points mall, I will be reminded immediately."

This thing, ordinary people can't use it, and they won't spend so many points to buy it, and only her.

She thought, this thing shouldn't sell so fast like her colorful lotus seeds, right? And she has enough points in the points mall, and shopping is just time to move her fingers.

"If so, then we can really go to those planes to see." Qian Jiyun said.


An Jiuyue responded, but felt that it was a pity that her two precious sons could not be taken with her~www.readwn.com~ Because no matter how young the children were, they still had to use the plane shuttle ticket, so she had to save it.


On the second day, Qian Jiyun took An Jiuyue and chose to chat near the Palace of King's Landing.

In fact, there is no need to choose, as long as the area is wide enough, just right, there is a very wide and flat place north of the King's Landing Hall, but there are a lot of trees.

But this did not prevent An Jiuyue from choosing the site here.

Bai Ze also came along with him. Seeing that An Jiuyue had already finalized the site of the Devil's Heart Palace, he was ready to lead the National People's Congress to fight.

However, when he returned to the Palace of King's Landing and brought some guards over, he discovered that...

"This house is not bad, just enough to match the land outside."

In the space, An Jiuyue discussed with Weina while looking at the interface belonging to the house in the Points Mall.

Wei Na looked at the 'house' that his master was pointing at, the corners of his mouth twitched violently, and he wanted to roll his eyes.

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