"Expulsion from the genealogy is a sure thing, no one should beg for mercy!" He swept his eyes to several families and said solemnly.

"As for the work of Jiuyue's family, all of you have done it for me, just as Li Zheng said, do whatever Jiuyue asks you to do. If you dare not help Jiuyue to split the firewood, I'll drive all of your families to live in the grass hut outside the village!

If you guys do it well, maybe I see which one performs well, and I can consider letting him return to the family tree in the future, otherwise... hum! "

The threat in his words is obvious enough. If these people still want to live in the village, don't bother him any more.


Several families were still thinking about it, just chop some firewood.

But as soon as the patriarch said this, how dare they, who would be driven to live in the grass hut outside the village, where there are a few people infected with the disease.

However, they thought in their hearts that it was okay. Although the expulsion of the genealogy was fixed, it was not impossible to re-enter the genealogy in the future. At most, it was a matter of spending some money.

And chopping wood and chopping wood is just a grass shed, no big deal.

We are all people who are used to working in the fields. Can we chop firewood? With a few people working together, in less than two days, a small grass hut can be filled with firewood.

Because it was night, after everyone settled the matter, they dragged a few weak people back.

When passing by An Jiuyue, An Gouzi gave her a vicious look.

"You wait and see!"

After walking all the way, An Gouzi turned his head and cursed behind him.

These words, that is to say, listen to yourself, just to relieve your anger. When you really want to face An Jiuyue, it will not be the case.

"Master, are you really coming to chop wood for An Jiuyue tomorrow?" Jin lowered his voice and asked An Gouzi.


Angouzi took a sip.

Who wants to do things for An Jiuyue? He can't wait to screw An Jiuyue's neck off and chop firewood for her. It's almost like chopping her!

Whoever loves to come will come tomorrow. Anyway, he is not the only one who has been expelled from the genealogy. Everyone who wants to enter the genealogy in the future will have to spend money. Why does he still come to work?

As for being driven to live in the grass hut, he didn't believe that the patriarch and Lizheng really dared to do so!

He decided that the patriarch and Lizheng didn't have the courage, and drove the normal people to live with the people who contracted the disease. If they were known to the outside world, they would be dead.

Don't think he doesn't know anything~www.readwn.com~ What kind of thing is she, and she deserves me to work for her? "

Hearing this, Jin's eyes flashed.

She wanted to say that since An Jiuyue had said this, she would definitely find a way to let An Gouzi go up the mountain to chop wood for her.

But think about it, if she said this, An Gouzi would definitely scold her, maybe even beat her.

She dismissed the idea and said nothing.

Let's talk about tomorrow's affairs tomorrow, it's not her who wants to chop wood anyway.


Early the next morning, An Feng and the others came up the mountain with their machetes and axes, as the patriarch Yu Lizheng said.

But among them, An Gouzi was the only one missing.

"Jiuyue, Brother Gou is seriously injured and can't even get out of bed. Let's help him with his work." An Hao smiled awkwardly at An Jiuyue and said.

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