"This... what kind of attitude is this!"

When the women saw that An Jiuyue was gone, they were going to die of anger.

They persuaded her kindly, but she thought they were donkeys and lungs? Not listening at all.

"Patriarch, Lizheng, look at this Jiuyue, what does it look like?"

"This is because we saved the whole village. Are you going to look down on us for the rest of your life? We are all used to it. I think in the future, no one will pay any attention to her!"

Hearing the women's words, the patriarch He Lizheng's face darkened.

They still want to ignore Jiuyue, when An Jiuyue likes to ignore them? A bunch of ungrateful stuff!

"I think Jiuyue is right, you should let An Gouzi and the others go to your house to steal food, so you will be happy and comfortable!" The patriarch stared at them and shouted sharply.


Hearing the patriarch also say the same, the women suddenly did not dare to speak.

They dare to say those words to An Jiuyue because they are older than An Jiuyue, but who is the patriarch? That is the leader of their village. They dare not say that to the patriarch.

"Is there nothing to do at home? Hurry up, get out, get out!"

Li Zheng was also angry, looking at these women who were making trouble in the village all day long, he got angry, waved at them and cursed.

The women didn't get any benefit and could only turn around and leave.

While walking, she was still talking ill of An Jiuyue. She felt that An Jiuyue poured the patriarch and Li Zheng a fascination soup, so they turned to her like this.

"These guys are really..."

Li was listening to their words, and really wanted to chase after them and scold them.

But think about it, he is a big man, chasing after a few women to scold him, it's not like that, so he just gave up.

"It's all the same."

The patriarch sighed and shook his head.

"People, only when they are in trouble do they think about the good of the people who helped them. When life is comfortable, everything will be forgotten."

If it goes on like this, An Jiuyue will not come to rescue again even if the next time is in trouble.

Save what? Saved a group of white-eyed wolves!

"You went back to the county, what did you say? Can it be done?"

Suddenly, the patriarch thought of what happened before and asked Li Zheng.

As soon as Li Zheng heard this, his face turned sour.

"I'm afraid it won't work."

He shook his head, remembering what the people in the county said at the time, and he knew it would be impossible.

"Why can't we do it? We can spend money ~www.readwn.com~ just to build a few houses on the mountain, not to build big houses. It's enough to hide from people."

The patriarch was puzzled and asked.

It's not like they don't have money to build a house on the mountain, that's normal, right?

In the past, there were hunters who often went into the mountains and built a place to rest. Isn’t that all right? Did it get rejected?

"It's not something that doesn't cost money."

Li Zheng still shook his head. He had always known that the mountains outside Anjia Village were not something that ordinary people could relate to.

But this time he really understood that there was a piece of land that they couldn't ask for even if they spent money.

"The official in charge of household registration in the county said that the Lianjing Mountains are not under the jurisdiction of our Tufeng Town. Our people can go in and walk around, but if they want to build a house in the border mountains, it is absolutely impossible.

In other words, all the mountains on our side of Anjia Village belong to the owner, and we can't build a house there. "

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