Then he himself went to see this wonderful scenery instead of being trapped in the palace.娯

"Forget it, I will read these excerpts tomorrow, and go to the Taishang Palace to have a look."

He should go to the Taishanghuang to have a look, and ask him, all the weapons prepared by Concubine Yu have been seized, what do he think?

In the Supreme Palace, the Supreme Emperor had been imprisoned for several days. Except that he was able to bask in the sun every day, he was not much different from the criminals in the prison.

It was night, the Taishang Emperor looked at the flickering lights in the room, and really wanted to kick it over, let this fire burn the entire Taishang Palace.

"If you burn this Supreme Palace, I will..."

He couldn't help thinking, if he burned the Taishang Palace, would he be able to go out and contact people outside him?娯

The little lady who had been watching him all the time overheard his words, and her body trembled.

"Your Majesty, it's late at night, you should rest."

The Supreme Emperor must have been locked up insane, but he was still thinking about burning the Supreme Palace.

If the Supreme Palace burns down, where will the Supreme Emperor live? The emperor would definitely not allow the Supreme Emperor to live in the Regent's Palace again, and in the end, didn't he just find a small palace and stuff it in?


The Supreme Emperor glanced at the little **** with gloomy eyes, and cursed.

Do you really think that he doesn't know that these people are all sent by that evil son to stare at him? It made him unable to contact people outside these days.娯

He can't wait to drag these people out one by one and beat them to death with sticks.

But now he can't do it.

The little lady overheard the emperor telling him to go away, and didn't speak, but just stood there quietly, expressing his position.

Anyway, no matter what the Supreme Emperor said, how much he scolded him, he would not hear him. His task was to watch the Supreme Emperor and prevent him from contacting outsiders.

Now, the Taishanghuang is watched very closely by them. Eunuch Fu has arranged six people for the Taishanghuang, and each person is arranged for four hours a day to stare at the Taishanghuang.

In groups of two, you can alternate.

But this is not enough, the Taishanghuang has gone crazy enough to want to set the Taishang Palace on fire.娯

When he waits for tomorrow, he has to report this matter to Eunuch Fu. If the Supreme Emperor really does this, they will be the ones who will be in trouble.

Thinking about it, he winked with his companion beside him, and the two decided to keep the Supreme Emperor in check.

"I told you to get out, didn't you hear?"

Seeing the two little eunuchs still standing there, the anger in the Taishang Emperor's heart was rising.

These **** really regarded him as a prisoner, that scoundrel did whatever he wanted, did they treat him as the Supreme Emperor? It's just a nice title.

"Get out, I don't want to see you, if you don't get out, I will order someone to chop off your heads!"

The little lady twitched the corner of her mouth when she heard his words.娯

As far as the current Supreme Emperor, he doesn't even have the ability to chop off their heads, right? They are the ones sent by Eunuch Fu to watch over the Supreme Emperor.

Furthermore, the eunuchs and maids in the Supreme Palace are very good at watching people. Don't they know that the Supreme Emperor has completely lost his power? Who would listen to the words of the Supreme Emperor?

It is not bad to be able to serve the Supreme Emperor three meals a day.

"It seems that father is living well in the Supreme Palace, and his words are still so powerful." A deep voice came from outside the door, and the two young eunuchs went to open the palace door immediately.

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